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Lv 7
cantcu asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Why are Republicans, who were so hawkish on an illegal war in Iraq, and for a war in Afghan, turn chicken?

Is it, after 10 years, all about the money? Didn't seem to bother them when they were calling us "Commies"!


48% of Republicans oppose it according to a late poll and:

"Conservative pundits Ann Coulter and Grover Norquist have questioned our presence in Afghanistan; Coulter has specifically remarked:

Afghanistan is Obama’s war and, judging by other recent Democratic ventures in military affairs, isn’t likely to turn out well.

Additionally, earlier this year Haley Barbour, the Republican Governor of Mississippi, told the New Hampshire Union-Leader:

I think it is time for the administration to take a step back to look at what we’re doing [in Afghanistan]. And if the mission is nation-building, the American people need to be told that in a very straightforward way. If the mission is still to win the war on terrorism, then we need to reconcile why we have 100,000 soldiers there and why we’re spending $2 billion a week when I do not think it is at all commensurate."

So Bush started the war that he put

Update 2:

"You do realize dont you that if you claim the Iraq war is 'illegal', and Obama as C-I-C continues that same war, then youre also claiming that Obama is breaking the law correct?"

I agre, however one must get out of it without putting our military at risk, don't you agree?

13 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Republicans are just Anti-whatever Obama does.

    However, Democrats who rightly call out Bush for Illegal war-making should also recognize the crimes of Obama:-

    Continuing the illegal activities of Bush , His wars, wiretapping, rendition, indefinite detention without due process, targeted assassination, plus all the crimes that we have to yet to be informed of.

    Also, covering up/ blocking the trial of Bush for his crimes, making Obama an accessory to said crimes.

    Both are guilty, and if there was any justice they would be put on trial.

  • kpk02
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Republicans didn't want a partial effort 10+ year thing. What they wanted was a well planned full effort strike to quickly win the war and be out and done with it.

    Also, by now there's plenty of evidence for how the people of those countries simply aren't capable of peace so it's time to throw in the towel.

    As for Libya.. there was significantly less valid reason to be involved in Libya than there was for Iraq and Afghanistan. So I'm not sure why all of the masses of protestors have been strangely absent lately.

  • 10 years ago

    There were very sound reasons for going in to Iraq and Afghanistan. If you want to discuss HOW both wars were executed, that's another issue, but both wars were justified. The "illegal" war comment is just stupid.

    What is the justification for Libya? The EXACT same acts of violence are going on in any number of countries around there... Why Libya... Why not the rest?

  • 10 years ago

    Turn chicken? Obama made a huge mistake calling the Afghanistan war the "right war". Then he doe everything but run the white flag up the pole. If you aren't in it to win it then get out.

    How was the war in Iraq "illegal". Please enlighten me.

    Obama blatantly and purposely violated the War Powers Act. What if Bush had done the same???

    Source(s): Texas!
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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Mitch McConnell came right out today and admitted it was just politics--they support a Republi-con president and don't support a Democratic president. They don't care about our country, our soldiers, the soldiers' families or our economy--just their own political agenda. Sad, isn't it?

  • 10 years ago

    Let me help cure your stupidity..

    Obama is in violation of the law. That's the problem, and it's not just Republicans that are upset about it. Democrats in congress are just as pissed.

    I get that he's your messiah and all that.. but Obama has to follow the laws like every other president.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I guess you want us to equate Obama's illegal foray into Libya as Democrats finally growing a pair?

  • 10 years ago

    No, its called, "there's no reason whatsoever to be in Libya". and for the record, I do not support the continuation of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention, it doesn't matter, this war is now illegal and without Congressional approval, you can't deny it.

  • 10 years ago

    You do realize dont you that if you claim the Iraq war is 'illegal', and Obama as C-I-C continues that same war, then youre also claiming that Obama is breaking the law correct?

    I know I know...thats'different' right?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Why are Democrats wholly unable to make a point without LYING?

    Republicans merely favored RESPONSE to acts of war against the U.S. and it is still DEMOCRATS demanding we surrender.

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