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gjmb1960 asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 10 years ago

How to behave at BBQ of new employer ?

I have a new job for 2 weeks now and there will be a BBQ with all the employers + partners.

I want to use this BBQ “to break the ice”. Usually I am rather shy but I do not like this. My intention is to just let myself go and do the things what I do during BBQ with friends, which is drinking enough to have fun. I am wondering this is OK to do. Would it be better to just wait and keep myself on the background ? I am a bit afraid that this will set the expectations for the futur. On the other hand doing the thing what I do at BBQ with friends might be too far from the road.

How the behave at this BBQ ?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's better to hang in the background, especially since you are new-ish, than to drink anything more than a couple beverages. You may be able to hold your alcohol, you may be the most charming person on the planet after a few, but people may notice/comment/talk. And heaven forbid you over-imbibe.

    I have worked in some pretty liberal businesses, but the biggest no no at a work social event is drinking - or being PERCEIVED to be drinking - too much.

    The people you work with may be awesome, but at 2 weeks they are NOT your friends. They may never be. So don't treat this as a social's a business gathering with some very pleasant social aspects.

    And most of all, have fun and be yourself. :)

    Source(s): School of Hard Knocks, Class 2011
  • 10 years ago

    New employer?

    Give yourself a limit before you even get into the game. Mine would be three drinks spread out very evenly over a long period of time. It's better that your employer gets wacked in front of you. You will have the upper hand, and he might even think you are a cool person after he talks your ear off for 45 minutes.

    Be social, laugh a lot, and learn about people. As in the above, definitely listen a lot.

    If I was with my boss over a year and he/she liked to drink, THEN you can get wacked with them. Especially if they order the limo ;)

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I guarantee you, if you drink, you are not going to make a good impression. The LAST place you want to drink is at the home of an employer, old or new. If you "let yourself go" and drink enough to have fun, you will make a very bad impression and possibly lose your new job. Do NOT drink.

  • 10 years ago

    Don't drink too much, honestly, it ruins your reputation if you can't handle your drink.

    Listen more than talk, if you have something interesting to say then say it, but just listen to the conversation and join in when you can, you're still making an impression on your employers. You can relax more because you're not working, but still remember that you also don't want to make an *** of yourself.

    Speak to lots of people, introduce yourself to people you don't know, then towards the end of it, stick with the people you work with all the time, don't suck up to the boss man or try and talk to him too much unless he wants to talk to you.

    but just use this as a chance to get to know people and you'll be fine. good luck.

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  • MacG
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    If everyone else is drinking, have one or two drinks, then non-alcoholic beverages after that. Try to have some fun and fit in with the crowd but don't stand out as outrageous in any way.

  • 10 years ago

    I'd be so freaked out that I would mess something up

    that I would not go at all. Best defense No be there!

    Let go with friends? these people are not your friends.

    you've only known them for two weeks.

    Drink dr pepper or whatever soda they have.

    Or drink just One alcohol drink, then water or soda

    the rest of the time. Show you are Responsible.

  • Murzy
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    i would not take a chance a drink with my new employers there. perhaps one glass of wine or a club soda with a lime in it. don't risk doing anything stupid. keep a clear head

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