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i know everything. I am one of the rare men that still knows everything. Most of my knowledge I gained in my youth , i obtained a formal education in electrical engineering and mathematics . Besides these I put alot of time in mastering musical instruments flute, trombone , euphonium, percussion, ocarino, i learned myself drawing nude models and abstracts, and photography. I have a telescope at home and a computing farm , i used to play with the microscope and chemical experiment kit for kids. There are 5 languages that i understand 3 of them i speak fluently. I can play chess mastered hockey judo and skating and love to bike long distances ( over 180 km ) i can program in various languages c++ ,c, java, pascal, basic sql perl ,objective c, cobol, 80x86 assembly, my first computer was a homebuild elf11 cosmos i managed to interface this primitive board with my texas instruments ti30 calculator , i can not dance and love to drink.

  • Why god doesnot tolerate anyone on his level ?

    Why did he kicked out satan from heaven ? Why didnt he tolerate satan? or helped him to made satan understand that he wasnt on the same level as god ?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What are the reasons for satan to do evil ?

    What are the reasons for satan to do evil ? What are his profits ?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is woman-talk also hard to follow for females ?

    Most men i know complain about their wives/girlfriend/mothers that they ( the women) talk so much that they (the men) have great difficulties in following the stories she tells.The subject seem to change so often with alot of ( in men's eyes) irrelevant details.Once they ( the female ) is in such a flow they do not seem to listen anymore what the other one say. This gives headache to the men.

    I am wondering if this is the same for a woman listening to another woman .

    3 AnswersGender Studies10 years ago
  • Another way of reasoning.?

    Do you think that there exists another way of valid reasoning that goes beyond our current capabilities ?

    if so can you give some examples how this reasoning would look like ?

    3 AnswersPhilosophy10 years ago
  • is not believing a design flaw in the human?

    Is not believing in God design flaw in a human, if not why are some people not able to believe in the existence of a God ?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • walking ankara turkey?

    I am thinking to go for one/two week holydays to ankara.

    I want to walk ( trekking ) in the nature around ankara.

    I am wondering is it usually good trekking weather in Ankara half November ? What weather conditions can I expect ? What places dcan you recommend ? ( I love mountains/forests )

    2 AnswersTurkey10 years ago
  • Is evolution still true for human ?

    Evolution is about adapting to the environment, but for human it looks more and more that human adapts the environment to them.

    So does the human body still evolve ?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • physical defense allowed for christians ?

    Are christians allowed to defend them-self physically ? for instance knock-out an aggressor ?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • What did God before he created the universe ?

    What did God before he created the universe ? Was he alone ?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Christans: What should happen for you to become a non believer ?

    If you can not think of anything then what happened that make you started to belief ?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • How to behave at BBQ of new employer ?

    I have a new job for 2 weeks now and there will be a BBQ with all the employers + partners.

    I want to use this BBQ “to break the ice”. Usually I am rather shy but I do not like this. My intention is to just let myself go and do the things what I do during BBQ with friends, which is drinking enough to have fun. I am wondering this is OK to do. Would it be better to just wait and keep myself on the background ? I am a bit afraid that this will set the expectations for the futur. On the other hand doing the thing what I do at BBQ with friends might be too far from the road.

    How the behave at this BBQ ?

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Atheists : Where do the rules for correct reasoning come from?

    Were do the rules for correct reasoning come from ? Are these rules fixed ? Are they absolute ? Are there alternative sets of rules that are also correct but leads to different results ? Could it be that christians ( or religious people in general ) have another set of rules ? How to decide that a set of rules results in correct reasoning ? Are there rules for that ?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists and other scientists : Cloning from an image possible innear futur?

    Would it be possible to reconstruct ( parts of ) the dna of someone when there are only paintings / texts / stories of the person available ?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • turkish language question Tamami, Devammi?

    Whit my limited knowledge of turkish I can not figure out what this mean :

    person A : Tamami, Devammi?

    person B : tamam

    Does this mean that they continue , or does it mean that they do not continue.

    3 AnswersTurkey1 decade ago
  • Atheists:could you imagine that?

    Imagine a computer program that generates documents that consists of 1 to of 50-thousend words, in all combinations of your language. one of those documents is a "Donald Fauntleroy Duck" adventure. Another document would be this question and another one your answer, another one a part of the bible another one a part of the quran.

    Could it be that one of those documents contains words that explain to you in such a way that you believe it the ultimate truth about "the origin of life", while another document explains in such a way that you believe it also the origin of life but completely opposite as the other document ?

    Please answer with more words than yes or no. thank you.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Immigrants were do you want the funeral ?

    immigrants do you prefer your funeral in your original country ? why or why not ?

    if you immigrated with family members do you still prefer the funeral in your original country even if your family members can not easily visit ? what does it mean for you to be buried in your original country ?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians what did convince you ?

    What did convince you to choose for your current religious belief ?

    Can you imagine that you could have a different belief as you have now ? if so under what conditions ?

    Do you never doubt about the correctness of you religious belief ?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the result of 'undressing' a belief to words only?

    The "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" are only valid for the humans that

    live in the countries that signed that declaration.

    Some Muslim countries have an alternative "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" where the Sharia can override human rights in that declaration. ( Cairo Declaration of Human Rights in Islam ).

    When it comes to stoning people to death in western eyes this is barbaric and not in line with the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights".

    But in a country like Iran it is inline ( under some strict conditions ) with the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights".

    So it does not make sense to refer to the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" when protesting against stoning people to death.

    Do we live in 2 different worlds ?

    Can a belief be undressed until they are empty words only, liberated from any human interpretation ?

    your thoughts please.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago