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What did God before he created the universe ?

What did God before he created the universe ? Was he alone ?

9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    god had the angels

    we do not know what god did before he created the universe

    god did not tell us

  • 10 years ago

    Do you mean "What WAS God before he created the Universe and was He alone?

    This is a type of question that can be answered by creation. If God's creation is able to explain or give an ideal response to it, then that same answer would be either false or lacking knowledge. It is possible to come up with an logical answer about your question since God (through Jesus Christ) had giving us an ideal of who HE WAS, who HE IS, and who HE IS TO COME.

    We know that God is OMNIPOTENT AND OMNIPRESENCE. We know that God's is also the ONE WHO CREATED ALL THINGS IN THE HEAVENS AND IN THE EARTH. We also know that God created them WITH TIME OR WITHIN TIME. This means that God is BEFORE AND AFTER TIME. In creation, God said "Let there be Light" and God called the light DAY and that WAS THE FIRST DAY in which God will continue ALL HIS CREATION until the sixth day of all His works which was also the sixth day in time. This is why NO ONE could really answer this question. What would an unborn child know of his mother and his father?

    Concerning "If He [God] was alone", is irrelevant. What does it mean to be alone? To be alone is to have needs of comfort. I don't think the way we think being alone can be used for God. If we use "Alone" as "All by yourself", then "YES" God was all by Himself because there was NONE that existed with Him. But remember that God is made up of "FATHER, SON, HOLY SPIRIT". If we use the word "Alone" as "Lonely", then I would say "NO" since God has no need be comforted, or no need of companionship. Perhaps you will ask why then God created the Universe and Every thing in them? The answer to that is simple since God Himself had answered in HIS WORDS (The Bible). God created it all because it pleases Him. This does not mean that God need to created men to be free from being lonely or to be some thing else. I guess it can be explain this way: Why would a Carpenter make a set of "Table and Chair" if it wasn't to sale it? The obvious answer would be for himself. Okay, what if carpenter doesn't need a table and chair has nor has any one to give it to? Then the other obvious answer would be then for the sake of the "Table and Chair". Together, the table and the chair can be in ITSELF while knowing that the carpenter had built it. But you say, well the carpenter didn't created them for any reason. Well, that isn't true at all. Like the Bible say, God created it for HIS PLEASURE. It pleases the carpenter that he is able to do it, and did a fine job doing it, and saw that it was good. Now, the carpenter did not made that table and chair because he was alone or lonely, for the table and chair is not of he's same nature. Therefore, the table and chair cannot explain why IT IS EXIST and nor could it give a reason why the carpenter had formed it the way he did. The only relationship that the carpenter and the kitchen set could have is Unique: The carpenter would knows that He created it, and the kitchen set would know that the carpenter had made it. The relationship there is: "I made you this way can called you that because it pleases me to have made you". In response, the creation would say, "I'm your creation, and I'm please that I please you for they way you had made me".

    Before the set of table and chair, was the carpenter, and the carpenter had his tools, and the tools was his might, and his might was to be a carpenter. So it was with God before His creation. This much I will say: the carpenter in this case is God the father, the tools is Jesus Christ, and his might is the Holy Spirit. They are ALL TOGETHER ONE. This is why it takes Jesus Christ to save his fallen creation, because He was the ONE who created it.

    Source(s): The Bible Common Sense Open Minded
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Why are you asking believers logical questions? you're able to recognize by making use of now that none of them ever questions the ridiculous nature of their ideals and you will in simple terms get the huge-unfold nonsensical responses like "he continually existed", "yet another measurement", "ask god your self". loopy stupid stuff like that. they are conditioned from infancy to no longer think of logically? Is it consistent with risk, you wish like me, that by making use of tricky them to think of you ought to spark a tiny little bit of doubt on a recommendations that has no longer been thoroughly religiously recommendations addled.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    He did not create the universe first of all.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    People can make an answer but there is no a reason. (This is your so-called free will.)

    God can make a reason but there is no an answer. (This is your so-called destiny & chance.)

    Sometimes I say, Newton's apple is more clever than Newton.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Alone but not lonely!

  • 10 years ago

    Probably fapped all day e'rryday.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago



  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    When you go to Heaven,ask him.

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