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Movies: What's a film that you think people bash just to look cool?

I understand I may be a bit hypocritical, but from now on I shall not bash a film. EVER.

Movies (haven't seen them all)

-Forrest Gump


-Sound Of Music (I used to bash this film, but its a great musical for the family)


-Slumdog Millionaire

More will come.

BQ: Favourite film with lots of bombs and explosions?


Don't know whether you were being sarcastic, but I'll add


-Justin Bieber: Never Say Never (1.2 on imdb? Really?)

Update 2:

Any example, Jim?

Update 3:

Titanic is flawed, not going to deny it and not for everyone. But Empire magazine changing their five star review to a four star review then changing it back to a five star review is trying too hard.

Slumdog Millionaire, yeah Tamara is a bit unlikeable at times. Only really there because I used to bash it in year 8 just to make myself look cool :)

Update 4:

GokuXXY: Yeah, I used to bash Inception to look cool so I agree with everything you said. And I also agree with your examples such as Saving Private Ryan and Titanic. Those two films are amazing, and I love both of them. And Inception is 'something special', it is unique and an interesting film. If a Nolan film were to be number 9 on imdb, I wish it was though Memento. And you are right about Justin Bieber, I just wrote it because I deal with people like that on a daily basis.

12 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    This fits that description perfectly. Some people like to think that "Oh I am so cool. I didn't like this movie like a million others. My movie taste is so much better because I think this movie is simplistic. I am a true movie fan and I can't disgrace myself to thinking a movie is spacial because so many others do it." But the fact in the matter is the only reason they say that is because its so highly rated. I mean really your honestly gonna say that everything Nolan had worked on to put in this movie is "nothing special?" Please give me a break. The fact is that most people's reason for bashing it is simplistic itself. Its simple they think its overrated and that it deserve all the attention it gets so they bash it to get attention themselves because they know perfectly well that when you bash a movie that so many people like your bound to get attention yourself.

    Really I have gotten in so many arguments about this movie and yet any 1 person hasn't been able to give me a decent reason as to why its "nothing special." Really just you saying it doesn't make it so back it up with evidence what scene, concept, logic or whatever do you find to be "nothing special?" Because I thought this movie fits the whole definition of special from the start to finish. It was creative and thoughtful from the beginning to the end. So please give me ANY decent reason as to why you think its "nothing special" other than "Oh why is it in the IMDb top 10 its so overrated." I get fu*king tired of people using that same old excuse EVERY time. I think it does belong there in fact if you were asking my opinion its all the other movies without the exception of The Dark Knight, Schindler's List, and The Shawshank Redemption that doesn't belong there.

    Anyways, sorry about my rant I just saw this as an opportunity to take out my frustrations and I took it :)

    Some other notable mentions would be:

    The Dark Knight


    The Shawshank Redemption

    Saving Private Ryan

    Forrest Gump


    As for Twilight and Justin Beiber yes some do overreact to them calling them the "worst movie ever" and all that stuff but I don't really care. They are just a temporary fad and not good enough to pay attention to anyways. I mean really who the hell is gonna care about Edward Cullen and Never Say Never in 20 years time?


    Hmmm...... I guess The Dark Knight but I don't really care about all that stuff tbh and that's not the reason why I liked it. As long as it has an interesting plot you can exclude all that stuff. Yes action is nice but its not absolute. I have never liked a movie only because it had lots of bombs and explosions.

  • 10 years ago

    Do people bash Slumdog Millionaire and The Sound of Music? That is weird and unnecessary.

    Titanic is probably the most maligned of all the well-made movies in the world. I admit I've talked smack about it, but it really isn't all that bad. I would add The Blair Witch Project to the list. A lot of people say that is was crap, but it was kind of a pioneer in the "found footage" genre, and it did very well at the box office.

  • Susan
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    H i -Transformers is one of the best action blockbusters in the last six years no no no no no no no quite the opposite so boring I'm a girl and even I have nothing to watch except Megan Fox -Alot of Quentin Tarantino's fanbase only like his films to seem 'cool' I think because his works are really unique and stand out from other directors -Travis Bickle (from Taxi Driver) was a hero -Avatar is more than 'dancing with wolves in space' Not really I didn't like it that much -Most 21st century message movies (Crash, The Blind Side) tend to treat the audience like idiots actually I liked these movies I don't know maybe I'm one of the idiots :O -Too many indie movies are just depressing and a waste of time no i think people should do more indie movies some of them are really good -All Stanley Krubruik films have been dated horribly -Most movies concerning WWII and the Holocaust are made to win Oscars, and that is disrespectful to the victims of the Holocaust. (please notice I said most, not all) yes I agree too but like you said most and there are some exceptions like Defiance I really love that movie and we need more movies like Inglorious Basterds ha ha BA: I like your questions just keep asking them BBA: I do hope it'll beat Dark Knight but sue to recent blockbuster movies, I'm kinda lowing my expectations

  • .
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    NUMBER 1. I do not associate myself that has anything to do with JB, so I can't bash the movie.

    NUMBER 2. the only reason I attempted to see Titanic is because Kathy Bates was in it. but 20 minutes into the film I started to fall asleep. so I took 10 bottles of NO-DOZ, I freebased 50 bowls of meth, and I was still asleep in another 20 minutes. it was just too romantic for my taste and I am not a fan of both DiCaprio or Winslet. well not a big fan to say the least. so I can't bash that either.

    I don't bash anything to "look cool" in fact, I may bash Lady Gaga but other than that I really am not a big basher of things.

    TD me I know you want too.

    Source(s): (((hugs suicidal)))
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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Avatar, Titanic, Forrest Gump. Those are the main three. 90% of the bashing of those is fake and hypocritical.

    BA: Die Hard


    Brian falls in the 10% of the genuinely bored.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Movies with a message to your own life that people deny because they are to un-evolved.


    Fight Club

    American beauty

    American Psycho

    Taxi Driver


    Into the Wild

    It depends what point of view you're looking from, these are movies dislike by the masses because they don't understand them, but if you do, then...

    Like i have only heard people 'bash' those movies you mentioned because they don't find it interesting.

  • 10 years ago


    I hate it but I don't bash it just to look cool. I can't stand that type of lame teen stupid-vampire-meets-stupid-lonely-hurt -girl. I can see though why most teens like it.

    BA : edit if I can think of one lol

    Der Untergang

    I know I've been mentioning it 300 times on here but I think it's one of the greatest films of all time. Since it's a movie about WWII , you're bound to see a helluva lot of boom-bang-boom goin' on

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago


    The Love Guru

    BQ. Terminator 2.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago


    Justin Bieber movie

    Tyler Perry movies

    I don't bash Sumdog Millionaire to look cool. I just don't like it. lol

    BQ: Tropic Thunder

  • 10 years ago

    Star wars

    Source(s): being around people who are too cool for it.
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