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Lv 5
Melody asked in Social SciencePsychology · 10 years ago

I thought I was a lesbian..but now I'm not sure?

I know I probably sound like a hormonal confused teenager but bear with me:

I always knew I was different in some way to other people, like I didn't fit in for some reason. Looking back now I can see some signs of being a lesbian, but I didn't make any connection at the time. I've attended all girls schools my entire life, and haven't know many boys.

When I was 15 I got my first boyfriend and even though it wasn't the greatest relationship in the world I enjoyed having someone. Kissing felt a bit awkward, but I hadn't much experience.

After we broke up I went to a disco with my friends and kissed a lot of guys (I don't usually do that sort of thing - we were just finished exams). It was really fun, but there was no spark with any of them.

Around christmas the first boyfriend came back to me and I was delighted. He was being so sweet and I fell in love with him (or anything close to love that a 15 year old can feel). Unfortunately he ended up hurting me a lot (cheating, ignoring me etc). It was after that I started thinking I was a lesbian.

I liked the way girls look, I thought they were great to talk to, hang out with them. I never kissed a girl but I really wanted to. I wanted a girlfriend, not a boyfriend. I believed I was 100% gay.

I came to this conclusion 6 months ago but lately I've been looking at guys in a sexual way again. I like the way they look and act. I was watching Wimbledon and thought the Nadal player was amazing.

So right now I'm 16 and I feel like I want a boyfriend again, and maybe kiss a girl. But I don't really want a girlfriend.

Although the idea of having sex with a man terrifies me, but because it might hurt not because I don't want to have the man. (I'm a virgin)

My question is:

Did my mind trick me into thinking I was a lesbian as a kind of defence mechanism after my boyfriend hurt me?

Does anything I wrote indicate bisexuality? Because I don't really want to be bisexual, every girl seems to be bisexual these days.

Was this whole thing a phase?

Thanks, I know it was long :)

6 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sadly, society today seems to expect young people to grow-up faster than they used to. Trust me when I say that 16 is still a young age. I mean, think about it. Compare your mental and emotional maturity today at age 16, to what it was 3 years ago, at age 13. Then compare age 13 to age 10...then age 10 to age 7. Yeah. It's like that. In 3 more years you will have a still clearer picture of "life". Things only start to "normalize" in your early 20s. Then the step in mental and emotional maturity start to not be so big.

    What I am really trying to say it, don't spend too much time thinking about what your sexual preferences are at this age. This might seem "old fashioned", but you should try to follow the old school of thought of thinking about dating boys (and later men). If you reach age 19 and suddenly realize that you prefer females, that's just fine. But in the meantime, try to follow the proverbial map that has helped people with these decisions for thousands of years.

    Society today has made it very confusing for young people. In an effort to give them choices, they make it harder for them to choose. Everyone is expected to choose a sexual orientation by age 15 and then go on to become millionaires by age 25 and so on. It's all rubbish that pop culture shoves down our unwilling throats. Over the years I've met men and women as old as 25 that had never even gotten their first real kiss yet! Amazing, but true.

    Try to slow-down a bit. If you really like them, go out with some boys. By about age 20, if you feel the urge to be with women, THEN make such a decision. 16 is far too young to be thinking in those terms..

  • anna
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It's normal at that age to be rather confused and interested in experimenting, particularly today when being gay or bi is rather fashionable in the media and on the Net. Part of the attraction is that yes, your first serious boyfriend hurt you pretty badly so you turn to the idea of girls as safe, someone you can relate to. You're a girl, and you wouldn't hurt anyone, so girls are safer. Which, btw, is a faulty piece of reasoning. I have known many lesbians and they can be just as unkind and unfaithful as guys, any day of the week.

    I would say yes, you chose it as a defense mechanism. But hey, you're only 16, give yourself a chance to develop fully as a person before you lock yourself into any boxes or slap any labels on your own forehead.

  • magoon
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i think of it truly is humorous that they sell Anti-Mormon literature in a Christian e book keep. interior the "Mormon" area, each thing is "Anti-Mormon". shouldn't the flaws interior the "Jesus" area be "anti-Jesus" in the event that they try to be consistent? There are fairly some people who're loud and vocal that do no longer in basic terms like the LDS church. that's uncomplicated for them to make issues up and declare that Mormons have self assurance those issues. indexed right here are some issues that we don't think, yet i've got heard human beings say that we do many times: -We have self assurance in a distinctive Jesus -we at the instant are not Christians -We worship Joseph Smith -Adam became God -God and Mary had intercourse -Joseph Smith became a rapist -we are a cult -We do sexual issues interior the temple -We have self assurance that we are able to save ourselves via works -we don't think in Grace -we are polytheistic -The e book of Mormon has 4000+ textual differences i ought to pass on. I easily have had human beings ask to work out my horns because of the fact their minister suggested we had horns. that's the internet. basically because of the fact somebody placed it there, it does not make it authentic. pass returned and sweetness why you have been going to connect the LDS church. What has replaced considering then? Christ wasn't time-honored while he became on earth. Neither have been the Jews till now that. Christ's church has not at all been time-honored. Take it up with the Lord, no longer boards. God bless.

  • 10 years ago

    You've been calling yourself a lesbian and haven't kissed a girl. If you're only looking at girls you won't know for sure. You really need to physically experience being with a girl in a relationship to have a comparison.

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  • 10 years ago

    What makes a person gay is just decided they want to. It is NOT natural.

    I was 29 years old before I fell in love. My mother was 30 when she did. You are trying to race into a cruel world and are getting hurt for it. Put yourself first. Not other boys desires and demands. If they rule you, how long shall it be before you have a venial disease that may even kill you or are pregnant?

    Source(s): Bible, life
  • 10 years ago

    No i don't think you are gay . You are repeatly alright how ever kissing a girl or wanting to kiss a girl isn't abnormal its natural when you see a beautifull person you are attracted to him/her. Just chill and be a virgin till you are married.

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