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My little brother's addicted to GTA, help!?

Okay, so it's not like drugs or anything, but I still think he shouldn't be playing those kinds of games which include killing everyone in your way and such -___-

He's 8 years old and has minor high functioning autism and is VERY hyper. He spends every day in front of the computer playing it and NOT ANYTHING ELSE. He used to play ClubPenguin but now thinks it's boring. we can't delete GTA since he plays at our nearby shop. Please help :( btw, i'm a 14 year old girl


(right now his psp's broken so we can't get him to play with anything else)

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lol at Bob Mob

    "Well u are saying that he plays at a shop aka store and gta is rated 18+ wich means its illegal to let him play the game so if u are willing to take drastic measure u can report the store to the police for letting and underaged play violent games"

    -Are you really stupid? It is illegal to sell the game to anyone under 17. There is no law prohibiting anyone from playing a game, it just makes it harder for the company to distribute to a younger audience. They are merely advertising it for all, and if that be the case, it comes down to the parents own responsibility.

    Back to the point-

    Just get him addicted to another game.

    - Runescape

    - Call of Duty

    - Halo

    - Mass Effect 2

    - Look up some good/addicting games for kids and it should work. Trying convincing him that another game is cooler and that only "Big Kids" play it, and if he wants to play GTA, he is still just a "Baby"

    Source(s): Natural Born Genius
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well u are saying that he plays at a shop aka store and gta is rated 18+ wich means its illegal to let him play the game so if u are willing to take drastic measure u can report the store to the police for letting and underaged play violent games

    But personnaly i think it dosent matter if he plays games like that ive done it since i was like 5 and i turned out fine u just need to learn him that its illegal to do it in real world

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Get him to play halo it's just as fun and addicting but there isn't much reality so he is likely to get messed up by it

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