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I want to leave my husband I have a 17 month old?

I have been with my husband since I was 14 I am now 21 and we have been married for 2 years. We have a 17 month old little girl. I want to leave and i need some advice on how and what all i should do. I have my own account, and have been interviewing for a job and looking at apartments and trying to get everything together. I am in school fulltime doing online classes. He is a good father, but he doesnt help watch her like he should and thats why i dropped out of nursing because it was too much he would want me to study when i got ger to bed and so that would be about 9 and then he would complain the house is dirty and it wasnt or the laundry didnt get folded today so i would start about 10 and get done about 1 or 2 and have to wake up at 5 get dressed get the baby dressed take her to daycare because he never wanted to help. His parents help us and are overbearing and want to run our life and tell us what to do and i tell them to back off and he takes their side over everything and cuses me out and calls me every name in the book and a failure and i will be trash like my family. that he will take my daughter from me. he has said twice in the last 3 months he would kill me and he would throw me out the car and i told him i recored him and he said he would burn the house down if i didnt give him the tapes and he does this all in front of our daughter and then an hour later he thinks were fine. im not perfect but this isnt what i want in a marriage and im not happy. i will always care about him and would never keep our daughter from him. he goes out a least 4 times a month and stays out until 2,3,4,5 in the morning and buys things all the time on credit expensive things knowing we dont have the money and he likes bragging about it to show people he better than them and he knows everything. im tired of this. what do i do.


i have went to counseling and made the appointment to do marriage counseling and he wouldnt go and says he will not go! Im tired of trying and im to the point where i dont care i just want out.

Update 2:

By the way i didnt know i was pregant until after we got back from our honeymoon. and it wasnt always like this. I grew up in a bad family drugs etc and i thought because they were nice and helped me that it was fine. he has never hit me, and yes he supports his child finanically but he holds her but doesnt help with her hes not mean to her do i think hes a good dad in some ways hes never got up with her at night or in the morning to feed her doesnt change her diaper very offten.

Update 3:

he also curses at his parents when he doesnt get his way. I have never had so much anxiety before i feel like i cant breathe my heart is pounding and i shake. i had found a lump under my arm and was freaking out about cancer and maybe it was a little over the top and i went to the doctor a few times just to get it checked and i wanted to feel safe about it i cried because i was scared and a new mother and had school and was very overwhelmed and he would call me crazy and curse at me and his mother would tell me i would get my child taken from me. I took care of my child he works night and i never leave her hardly just when im at school, i dont like anyone watching her. i went to talk to someone about my cancer fear and they said he sounds like the problems in my marriage are causing this and this is a way i am expressing my stress and fears. and i never had stress like this until he started threatening me and cursing at me and school and his parents putting their noses in everything. i

10 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm very sorry to hear what you're going through. My advise is to get everything ready to leave him without letting him know. Write down all the verbal abusive things he's said. Sounds like he's threatening you. All those things will help you in court. Just be ready to move out. Unless he changes himself to treat you better, you shouldn't be with him. You shouldn't have to waste your time, effort, and energy for someone like him. I'm 20 and been married for 2 years too. I sorta went through the same problems but we don't have a child together. I tried everything (crying, begging, yelling) to work things out and we are making a lot of progress since. If he isn't willing to talk like mature adults and try to better your guy's relationship then maybe he isn't the one. Hope this helps. I'm not trying to diss on your husband but enough is enough.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 10 years ago

    You are in a very serious situation choosing to end a marriage is a very heavy choice. It sounds like your husband maybe mentally ill. Again I am only hearing your side of the matter. If (no offense) all that you are saying is true before you end your marriage go to your local mental health and have him committed for being a danger to himself and or others. Describe the details you placed here they should act, do not take no for an answer make them understand you have a child involved. This will allow the mental health to step in and evaluate him. If there is something wrong with him he can get help and you can have a happier marriage.

    During the time he is visiting the mental health for evaluation you can collect your daughter and find a safe place to stay pending the out come. You will have some serious choices to make after the out come be prepared either way 1). if they find he has a disorder I will ... a). go back to him as long as he stays on the doctor recommended treatment... b). It is to dangerous I need to care for myself and my daughter on my own... any other scenarios you can think up and prepare for. Also his family is not going to be happy about this so be ready to say I love him and I want what is best for him and our family.

    As time passes you will see your best path for your situation, if he has other plans and is hanging out all night involving himself with other women and attempts to move on taking your daughter from you. Then you have record of him being in mental health and you stay calm explain that you understand it is in your daughters best interest that she has the best possible relationship with both parents.

    You should also contact authorities if he ever causes harm to you or your child.

    Please check out this group on F/B it says dads because most dads are the parents with out rights but they help any non custodial parent, and the nonprofit works for equal parenting rights with children

    Source(s): I work with parents in separation and divorce advocating the best interest of the child
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You should leave sooner the better. I was in a similar situation like you, but unlike you I stayed

    thinking maybe things would get better. It didn't. So take heed to what I say: he will get worse over time, and you will end up being the one in this marriage who will sacrifice everything-and if you wait as long as I did ( I was 21 when I got married and I left now @28). I was the one who like you ended up dropping out of school, getting yelled at, getting crap from my mother in law for being a young mom (my ex was older than me-10years) and ended up being a full time mom who got yelled @ for never "working." The man I was married to like yours did what ever he wanted with credit cards and loans without every consulting me. So, you will struggle in many aspects with him if you stay. My ex was like yours, he was never happy. He tried to be, but I dono . . maybe he was just an unhappy man to begin with. Plus, when ppl get married and have been with a partner for a long time (such as yourself and I), we change and evolve. The girl you were 14 isn't the same person today. You have different needs, wants, and desires. And the partner your with won't ever give it to you. So what do you from here? Go find a lawyer near the city you live in (shop around and see who you like) and have him/her help you file for divorce. You can also file yourself and depending what state you live, you can have your fees waived if you cannot afford it. Also look up the laws regarding divorce since the law varies state to state! I know how you feel, but hang in there girl! If divorce is what you really want, then go and never look back. Have courage and faith things will be better in time! You got all the things done right . . . have your own bank accnt, looking for an apartment etc. (maybe take your name off any credit cards you share with him). . .

    Be proud of yourself! There is a great future ahead for you, and a happier life for you and your baby girl! Best of luck to you! ( . . . and if u have a chance, could u answer a question for me? most appreciated!)

    Source(s): Personal experience . . . psst . . . thanks for answering mine. ;)
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I'm sorry... you seem like a spoiled and immature 21 year old.

    "he's a good father - but he doesn't help out with what he should"...

    Perfect... so instead of getting 80% or 70%... You SHOW him.

    And end up with more financial entanglement... and a lot more bills then you need to be taking on.

    HINT... it takes TWICE AS MUCH to maintain TWO households than 1.

    Look... we know you got knocked up...

    And we know you got married to do the right thing...

    BUT NOW IS NOT THE TIME... to do the rebellion thing.

    You have YOUR CHILD to worry about...

    You have... frankly - yourself to worry about.

    And SCHOOLING... you don't have time for schooling...

    You can't be a full time mom... and go to school...

    You also can't be a full time MOM and HAVE A JOB.

    What Planet are you living on? Oh wait... don't answer that... we know... Planet MINI-ME!

    THIS ISN'T a GAME...

    You don't get to be the "hurt princess"... you're the MOM... you THINK you're an ADULT... ACT LIKE ONE.

    Find an ADULT... and sit down with them... and have them HELP YOU FIGURE OUT... what you need to do to survive... to make a good home for your 17 month old....

    there's no time for ATTITUDE... sorry... all the adults in the room are looking at you saying... WHAT A BRAT.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Go home to your parents or stay with friends or relatives if you can. A last resort would be a Battered Woman's shelter. Do not stay in a situation that leaves you and your child at risk for violence. Continue with school, file for Child Support. Start divorce proceedings. Anyone that threatened me or my child in this manner would be toast. Good Luck and Best Wishes!

  • MacG
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Well, looking at your additional details, it sure is a difficult situation. But do know that stress and worry cannot give you cancer symptoms, like lumps. I can't imagine why someone would tell you that.

    If you do decide to leave him, your life will be a lot harder in some ways, but maybe that's what you need to do. And there are social services available. Good luck, darling.

  • Mel
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Find a good sitter, get a job, find an apartment, stay with your online classes, contact job and family services, get child support set up, see if you can get any other assistance, and file for divorce.

    Source(s): More people than just you and I have been there, and we turned out ok.
  • You are on the right track of getting things in order. Continue to get out...from experience this will only continue or get worse.

  • 10 years ago

    your both still children just do what most wives to ***** and whine find a guy on the side and wait until the kid is old enough to help out Why do children marry and expect it to work grow up

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    He should treat you as an equal. You need to make the right decision for YOU and YOUR child, before things get worse.

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