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Should I be honest about my sexuality in College?

First off im not America so im not in that cultural context im actually from a little stinky poor country somewhere in latin America, I go to a real prestigious univeristy its filled with people who have diferent taste its just diverse.

And that is what amazes of this country this freaking high tolerance that people havce for one another, of my 18 years living ive never heard a case of hate crime its ridicolous how tolerant we, I used to believe that until today.

Today I was in a class and we started to talk about (the teacher and my classmates) to just gossip arround kids who dont go to class because they are bussy getting laid (yes our teacher is that liberal), then she said that they found two boys, she didnt say what they were doing but you should of seen the disgust on her face.

She said that they sent them to disciplinary something, and then she went on to talked about how people dont want to come here (the university) they dont want to come because they think that the university lets gay couples kiss.. all I could say is whats so wrong with that....?

The guys there are fairly homophobic the tolarate everything and I neab everything: Different religions, nazis, blacks anything.. except sexual diversity, I had the dilution tha tI would be honest about my sexual orientation because I had the hope that once they saw how cool a gay guy was(im not a gay steryotype at all) they would somehow open up theyre eyes now im really planning not to that now... its awefull..

What are the cons and pros of comming out in a homophobic school, one con is that ill probably only have girl friends, I mean theres nothing wrong with that but I like video games, computers and just hanging out with guys in general... so you think I should just be always honest with my sexuality? hope someone understood this

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If your country is highly tolerant, ask your teacher why she is applying a double standard to gay and het students. You don't have to say you're gay, but you can tell her you know people who are, and they're just as good as other kids.

    Call her on her bigotry.

  • 10 years ago

    Dont worry what other people think, if people aren't going to be your friend or nice to you for who YOU are, then they are not worth your time in the first place. It's better to have a few good friends who are true friends then many fake ones who you cant even be yourself around. I am straight but have many gay guy friends and when he came out after being popular many people shunned him and it was horrible. We went to college together and when he was open about it he met people who were his true friend. This doesnt mean you have to go around advertising it, but if someone asks or it gets brought up just be honest :) You will meet people who are open and not *** holes


  • 10 years ago

    I think you should be open about it. My school was really really homophobic until I came out now nobody says anything bad about gay people. Also I don't just have girl friends either. If you don't act girly then most people (girls and guys) will be ok with you. I say go for it!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    If you feel like you're in a gay-acceptive community then yes and you also have to be comfortable with yourself two. No one is pressuring you to tell, its something you should do only if you want to and you decide who to tell and who not-to-tell. Its really up to you and your situation.

    Source(s): my brother is gay himself.
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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    if u were gay and told them it would be scary

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