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. So Brazil lost one game and they are out. US lost one and they are in.Doesn't make sense.?

4 Answers

  • moenko
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, of course. In soccer tournaments, it depends not only on your team's win or loss, but also on how the other teams are finishing. Then the groups are further disseminated by points, then by goal difference. That holds true until the quarter finals when only 8 teams are left; at that point a winner has to be determined and the loser goes home no matter what.

  • 10 years ago

    USA lost in a Group were they were already qualify but

    Brazil lost in a elimintion match I like those two team they

    fun to watch

  • 10 years ago

    **** team US Womens soccer team they're cheaters and rough em ups Brasil deserved to win I hope in next years 2012 Olympics Brasil, will in hand return the favor in full I want USA to lose to Japan I hate USA **** em! Marta Rules hands down!

  • 10 years ago

    why watch and follow soccer if u havent a clue whats going on?

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