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i am slightly frustraded about todays politics?

hi all, i am frustraded about the republicans politics. i know something about politics and i learned that if you meet someone that you disagree with you say something like i respect you and i don't agree with you on your opinion i defend the right for you to say it. also i learned that if they attack you than they have lost their objectivity and they are wrong! now when i was in the military i learned respect for the chain of command and i learned that the president of the united states was the commander and chief that meant he was in charge of the military so respect for his office is like taboo to disrespect our president so i am ready to fight for our president. now in the state of the union address a big fat republican called our president a liar that had me out of my seat. but now all of the republicans is calling him a liar and this is not politics at all this is childish b.s. so now i am listening to those that wants to be president calling our president a liar. it would have been different if he was attacking our preisent for attacking the republicans i could understand it but he was not attacking nobody he was talking about unemployment. now these are suppose to be educated people calling my president a liar. people like rush limbaugh a big fat radio personality calling mine and your president a liar. but this is not all i tried my best to think of a time when mine and your president called them a liar and it was zero, none, notta so why do these people who thinks they have what it takes to be president think that they can call our commander and chief a liar. i don't know how it sounds to you but to me it sounds like they are a bunch of bigots. again prejudice raises it's ugly little head again in america so are we expected to elect these name calling bigots to serve as commander and chief i think not. as a matter of fact they should be arrested for disrepecting the man that was elected by the people for the people and in the most homorable office that there or ever hope to be in these great nation called america where it's the home of the free and the home of the brave where we believe in baseball and mom's apple pie. so who do these people think they are going after such a honorable office in this country and this does not go under the heading of me defending their right to say what they like. so what is next they spitting on our american flag. we have fought too many wars for this and follow americans died defending this great nation so i am frustrated over the republicans politics and i would not elect them as anything not even as a trash pickup and i was wondering if true americans agrees with me. i know what the republicans would say i am a liar so please republicans in your defense please be civil. so i am waiting for your replies and wondering who is going to win ten points for best answer i bet a democrat will win so what do you say republicans?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wholeheartedly agree with you. Pointlessly aiming insults and attacks on the president is something the Republicans have been doing since Obama took office, and it is because they are angry that they didn't win the executive again even after the terrible job Bush did. When he did all this terrible stuff, the Republicans weren't insulting Bush. They praised him for his "noble efforts." In truth, the wars he started were just blood for oil, and I despise him for that. Now when we get a good president elected who, when you look at the facts, is actually doing a good job, all the Republicans can do is try to bring him down and stop everything he is trying to do that would actually benefit the nation.

  • nate
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Well the reason they are calling him a lier is because He lied. Our unemployment rate is still above 9%, He did not cut as much spending as he said he would, and He did not keep his promise on taking all the troops out of Iraq by january 2010. I believe that it is not a certain party's fault. I think our Federal government is not working the way it is supost to work. There are a lot of small groups in the government that just think about themselves then the people of America; both republicans and democrats.

    Dont call republicans bigots. We all have diffrent views and thats ok. If you watch the news you will notice how much of America disaproves of Obamas job as President

  • 10 years ago

    So, what you are saying is I can't point out the flaws in the Obama administration because I must respect the office of the presidency?

    I didn't hear this arguement when was Bush was president and liberals were bashing his policies left and right.

    Besides the first amendment guarentees I can speak out against a president whose polices I think are uneffective.

  • 10 years ago

    About all you can do under the current system is record the names of people pull this BS along with whatever party they support and vote someone else for the job.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 10 years ago

    Yeah I agree.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    So it's ok when Democrats do it? Whether you see it or not it happens.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    walloftextwithoutpropercapitalization andspacingmakesithardtoread

  • Annie
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    paragraphs our are friend.

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