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  • hey guy's and dolls, i was tempted today and wondering what you would do?

    like a lot of people we just don't make enough money so today we got paid and we went to our bank to cash our checks. our bill collectors likes it that way so when we got it cashed my wife looked at me with a alarmed look upon her face and said they gave us fourteen hundred too much. i replied count it again after the fourth time we were right so what to do? we thought of going to breakfast and coming back later but that is dishonest. now think about this you all we are not behind the counter so they are depending on us to do the right thing although she was at fault. so i could hear her boss telling her that she was fourteen hundred short so that would have been her job and or proscution. again think it was fourteen hundred that is over a thousand dollars so what to do? we thought of just pulling away and never going back but again we heard her boss tell her that she was fired and then her husband leaves her and she has to go on welfare or maybe end up starving. so what we did was we pulled back around to the drive through and we had her count it again then she asked do you have only two checks we replied yes she caught it. so she counted out our allowance and gave it to us and she said thank you like we did her a favor and chuckled stupidly. so man were we ever tempted then i wondered how many out there in cyberland would have played a jesse james and ran for the hills or those who would play a saint and do the right thing? So think about this before you answer because i want only honest answers. but think about this also fourteen hundred dollars would have paid off a bill or paid our credit cards down or off. also i thought that the bank could have been nice and gave us like a cancelation price maybe one hundred for a reward so what do you think do you agree with me also or do you think i am fishing in a dried up pond? then think what you could do with an extra fourteen hundred so i am waiting to hear what you have to say about this matter.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • the x-men is the best fighting force?

    it was asked on yahoo home page who was the best fighting force and the avengers was the number one answer next to the x-men these guy's are just beginners. sure they have superman and this is the first thing that is said in reply. and all i could say is blah blah blah the x-men has storm now let's see superman go up next to he...and wolverine can defintitly take batman or the flash's number. spiderman was considered for the x-men i bet the justice league could not make that claim. wonder woman could not stand a chance against Jill before wolverane was forced to put her out of her misery. so whose left those two kids on the early saturday morning cartoons they should not even be counted in the justice league so as far as i'm concerned the x-men has to be the best fighting force there is. now spiderman is the best super hero and for the rest well it is up to you in who you think is the best. there like the republicans so what do you think do you agree with me or are you a spupid republican? and i been accused of watching too much television i don't get that do you? now Brock Obama is going to win the election and the x-men is the best fighting force, spiderman is the best super hero yep all is well in my world how's the weather in yours? or is this another subject? i only ask important questions.

    2 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • which dog food do you like to eat?

    yesterday after the stink that wisconsin made about scott walker they elected him again the first one in history mind you. now mitt romney is for the ryan plan that is to look at it right give tax breaks to the rich while cutting the poor and disabled. i have a brother that claims he is republican he was a truck driver and he sat and had his brain washed with rush limbaugh for eight hours a day while he was behind the wheel. i ask him how many millions did he make last year and all he does is want to argue and not know the real facts as they are happening. so if the republicans wins they will be making the tough decisions alright. so you saw my title what dog food do you want to eat? and we are not talking about alpo no no no we are talking about always save dog food because that will be all we will be able to afford. so let's keep votting republican and the tough decisions is whether they are going to put this country in a depression they did it in the past. i know obama didn't do much better, but it is a thing that at least the demacrats tried between republicans being upstructionist.

    2 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • hi yall a message to jeffery?

    hi jeffery, i answered a question for you about an explosion in your computer and you wanted me to respond again i know that everyone is having problems getting by right now. and trust me no one knows it more than i do but like i tell my wife i understand computer repairs but there is somethings we can't do on our own and that is diagnose some problems and when an explosion in your computer takes place common since should tell you that a computer repairman and see if your computer can be fixed or whether it is a lame duck. so let's see what could be the problem your chipset could have went out in your motherboard a short could have taken out your computer all together or your computer could be a fire hazard. so when i hear of a problem like ypurs without looking at your problem i and anyone else out there in cyberland will agree we do not know how severe the problem is so we are guessing. so a computer repairman has all of the tools plus the college to get to the bottom of this problem and maybe fix it but please let me be honest with you it does not sound good. so if it cannot be fixed at least you will know and can put your right foot foreward to remedy the problem one way or the other. a good example is i took my car to the shop to say that it was running hot so i needed to get it looked at he told me that my radiator needed record well i didn't know what that was and i needed my car so i told him to go ahead and fix it when i got my bill it was close to five hundred bucks i ask him what is record anyway he replied that my radiator was rusted at the seams and they had to weld all seams i could have bought a new one for one hundred and fifty so i got taken so make sure you ask him all the questions that you can to make sure you know if your computer is worth fixing he can tell you how much he can build you a computer for. he will save you a lot of $$$DOLLARS a stupid question is one not asked but this is a good idea and what ever you do don't try to fix the problem yourself because it will cost you more in the long run especially if you don't know what to change so first you say it is a motherboard than a processor and what have we just discribed a new computer so make sure if you really want to fix the computer that you have a computer repairman is your solution. now there is exceptions to this rule did you buy your computer from walmart than just go to walmart and buy another one did you know that you can buy a new dell experian for about four hundred a new hewlet packard from office depot for six hundred so if you spent this much just go ahead and buy a new one and don't worry be happy. but if you spent over a grand than a computer repairman is the name of that tune my friend. so this is the only way to avoid a computer repairman's bill so good luck hope again i was helpful to you and thank you all for your understanding if you have any suggestions for jeffery i am sure he will apriciate it and happy computer serffing to all

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • i am slightly frustraded about todays politics?

    hi all, i am frustraded about the republicans politics. i know something about politics and i learned that if you meet someone that you disagree with you say something like i respect you and i don't agree with you on your opinion i defend the right for you to say it. also i learned that if they attack you than they have lost their objectivity and they are wrong! now when i was in the military i learned respect for the chain of command and i learned that the president of the united states was the commander and chief that meant he was in charge of the military so respect for his office is like taboo to disrespect our president so i am ready to fight for our president. now in the state of the union address a big fat republican called our president a liar that had me out of my seat. but now all of the republicans is calling him a liar and this is not politics at all this is childish b.s. so now i am listening to those that wants to be president calling our president a liar. it would have been different if he was attacking our preisent for attacking the republicans i could understand it but he was not attacking nobody he was talking about unemployment. now these are suppose to be educated people calling my president a liar. people like rush limbaugh a big fat radio personality calling mine and your president a liar. but this is not all i tried my best to think of a time when mine and your president called them a liar and it was zero, none, notta so why do these people who thinks they have what it takes to be president think that they can call our commander and chief a liar. i don't know how it sounds to you but to me it sounds like they are a bunch of bigots. again prejudice raises it's ugly little head again in america so are we expected to elect these name calling bigots to serve as commander and chief i think not. as a matter of fact they should be arrested for disrepecting the man that was elected by the people for the people and in the most homorable office that there or ever hope to be in these great nation called america where it's the home of the free and the home of the brave where we believe in baseball and mom's apple pie. so who do these people think they are going after such a honorable office in this country and this does not go under the heading of me defending their right to say what they like. so what is next they spitting on our american flag. we have fought too many wars for this and follow americans died defending this great nation so i am frustrated over the republicans politics and i would not elect them as anything not even as a trash pickup and i was wondering if true americans agrees with me. i know what the republicans would say i am a liar so please republicans in your defense please be civil. so i am waiting for your replies and wondering who is going to win ten points for best answer i bet a democrat will win so what do you say republicans?

    8 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago

    i am thinking about evga intel x58 classified 3sli and looking for the best mobo for the money and i found a cpu processor intel core i7 965 processor extreme edition BX8060 1965-3.20 ghz, 8mbl3 cache, 6.4 gt/s api nehalem LGA 1366, retail, processor with fan which impressed the heck out of me but the dilema that i am having is the reason i was attacted to the mentioned motherboards is that i wanted two gtx 480 graphics cards plus one Nvidia geforce 9800gtx for the heat and noise but i have to pass this price by my wife that is chewing her nails about our cost so i am trying to come up with what i want so help i am going nuts going from amazon to tigerdirect trying to find what i want and to do, and the price so if you know of a good mobo i am opened to fresh and new ideas. the evga intel x58 classified is very attrective but i will gladly reconsider another motherboard or even a new processor if it can save us some money $$$ so now i am counting on a lot of help so please this is getting serious. lol good luck looking foreword your answers

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • how can i increase my resolutions?

    put your thinking caps on... i upgraded to windows 7 beta and i found that i needed 1600x1200 so i went to adjust my resolutions but i found that my resolutions is 1680x1050 so i am at a loss to figure out if i need a new monitor or graphics card and beginning to think it is in my motherboard and processor was going to ask microsoft but they will call in a few days so here is an enteresting one for you tech minded people out there in cyber land. please don't tell me to get lot's of rest and drink a lot of fluids a doctor can't help with this problem but i am about to spend some money and want to spend it wisely. so help!

    2 AnswersMonitors1 decade ago
  • how many home owners is upside down on their mortgage?

    hi guy's and dolls, i have really been concerned about losing money on my mortgage. like dig this one in 2005 my home was worth $190,000.00 but the way i got this figured i have lost anywhere from $50,000.00 to $60,000.00 on paper so far although in my area property value has not started falling around here. i tell my wife and she just saids i am not worried about it but i am like dig this when we bought our property we paid one price for it so when we go to sell the way i got it figured i will be able to ask half for it so i will have to come up with half of the money to pay this mortgage off to buy a new one and that is crap man! so i am opened to hear some real scary stories about you poor people that is in the bigger cities so make those stories as scary as you can it will take my mind off how i am going broke just by buying real estate. my grand dad always said buy real estate you will never lose in real estate do you hear me grand dad in the mansion in the sky i am losing my shirt in real estate! so let's hear what everybody else is going through so let's hear what ya all has got to say. i am in the bible belt that is somewhere in the middle of the twilight zone

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • wondering how you feel about depression?

    i heard a lot of ignorant people talking about all the banks and the president giving out all of the bailout that we did now it draws me to the great depression of 1929 because that is what we would have had if the democrates and the republicans had not been there to help the banks out of the crisis at the time. so would it have been better to have a depression with soup kitchens feeding america or or the government bailouts like we did. So the question is how do you feel about a depression? and of course those of you that has to disagree with me please be kind with your answers and no comments like drink your coolaid. so the ball is in your corner how do you feel about the depression?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • job, job jobs i need you to settle a dispute my brother-in-law and i was having?

    a friendly dispute while we were going back and forth he asked me how would you (meaning me) would create jobs. during the eisenhower administration talked about that super highway that goes from main to california in two day's garranteed think of it not only would this create jobs but land around them will be sold to big resterant and hotel chains across the nation and concrete and blacktop companies would go to hiring to keep the country supplied. the banks would have to loan money to help these people get to and from their jobs and the auto companies will do better cause people are buying their vehicles he said it would cost too much my reply was it is better than just giving money cause they are too big to fail. so there is the arguement so what do you think cost for jobs, or give money to banks and auto companies golly even schools don't it make you dizzy. so if you don't agree please be civil i want to hear what you have to say so i am in front of my computer where are you i need as many comments as i can get

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • how can i explain that a virus can be removed with software?

    i was talking to a couple of my friends both computer repairmen and we were talking about viruses and i said that i read that a computer virus can be removed with software and they laughed at me. they explained that this myth was started right alongwith the great pumpkin or the belief in the easter bunny. the only way to remove a virus and be asured that the virus is gone is to format the hard drive that is to delete the infected petition and replace it with a fresh petion and new drivers.

    I said then there is none at all and they told me that a computer repairman came up with that saying to drum up business that virus will eat their hard drive then to their ram and then when it gets into the registry a new tower has to be bought to replace the old one and then they said that every year you have your computer is like fifty years in human years so i laughed at them and said my computer is two years old and so it is two hundred years old they replied now you got it.

    so if someone tells you to correct your virus with software just laugh at him and do the smart thing and take it to a computer repairman that is unless you can do it yourself. so now i ask you have i destroyed the myth? if you must disagree please be civil with your answers but if two rrepairman tells you go to a repairman and ask him and he will agree with me so go ahead and tell me what software can remove viruses l o l

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • about flight 93 and what is the governor of Pennsylvania thinking?

    okay folks i have a good one for ya so put on your thinking caps i want to hear your opinion. it was eight years today that 9-11 and our trade center went down. also those brave Americans gave their lives to stop those terrorist from flying threw the white house i saw this on joe scarborugh this morning and i have been angry about it ever since don't you think that a memorial should be standing with all of their names on it that gave their lives that day? And what is the governor of Pennsylvania doing trying to be elected for another term instead of their loved ones going to the sight where their loved ones died and what they are looking at is a whole in the ground. why isn't the rest of America coming foreward to do something? what is your opinion if you don't agree with me please be civil but i think that something should be done don't you? so if you don't send me a reply it is unamerican so i am waiting you know how i feel i want to know how you look at it.

    1 AnswerPhiladelphia1 decade ago
  • comparing baseball to politics i got a fast ball for ya?

    okay here goes the media has been going on about social security is going to be broke by 2040? that's not good,but then we are going to speed it up by starting a nation wide health plan for all americans and mexico and the rest of the world.

    us good american does not complain so what do ya think wouldn't the health care run out of money too. so what do ya think and for those that most curtainly disagree please be civil with your answers in other words no cursing. or you will strike out and find yourself on the bench.

    4 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • vista ultimate vista 64 and the new internet explorer 7 RC?

    i decided to investigate the new windows internet explorer 7 RC and i asked microsoft if it is their advice to download internet explorer 7 Rc over it and they told me that i already have it installed that comes with internet explorer 7 so is internet explorer 7 RC just an upgrade for windows xp users. or did microsoft get confused in the explaination cause it is confusing what is your opinion?

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • what to do with the tarp money we have?

    it has been awhile since i heard from you so what do you think that the american govenment to give $15,000.00 to every american public this would be ready to buy cars computers cloths this would be what would start savings and help wall street. if you don't agree then be civil with your replies

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • the republicans declares that obama has failed as president?

    eight years of george w bush and the republicans declares that president obama has failed while the gop was in office no demacrat declared that bush failed but less than one year in office they declared that president obama has failed. rush limbaugh wished our president to fail and now they claim that our president less than one year has failed i wonder if the republicans realizes that they lost the election because bush sold us out to big business and a misguided war well i have gave you lots to comment about so let's see what you have to say. be civil with your answers for those who disagree with me and declares that bush was the best president we ever had. lol

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • can i run a windows like it was when it was brand new?

    it is really a foolish question and i will tell you the reason why your computer is not new so a system restore in system tools can help or delete your history and your cookies but then defragment this is an important step. i asked the same question when i didn't know better but no you cannot make an old computer run like it ran when it was bran new. but you can do the next best thing and keep your computer well maintained if you don't know how read or ask how to keep your computer well maintained you will get an answer and it will make you sooo happy very few errors. good luck hope i was helpful to you

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • how i keep my computer well maintained?

    to keep my computer well maintained i reboot when i see my systems logo i start tapping f8 this brought me to a safe mode screen then i scroled down to last good configuration when my system acted correctly(advance)

    then when i got back to my desktop i hit start>programs>accessories>system tools when i used win xp there was a calender i hit the first lit number to my far left my system restore and reboot.

    when that was complete then when i got back to my desktop i hit start>settings>control panel then i hit the internet options icon there i delete my history and my cookies and i exit back to my desktop.

    now i go back to system tools and now i defragment this was a very important step so i made sure it completed.

    now from my desktop i hit my computer icon and i right clicked C:\ and hit properties there i hit the tools tab and hit clean disk i just hit okay because i was already signed up to scan disk i got a message do you want to schedule a scan disk i hit okay and reboot properly my system reboot and scan disk quickly.

    now i went back to scan disk but this time i unchecked scan disk and checked search for lost clusters this took about twenty minutes but i noticed how much faster my computer was when it was running very slow before.

    now i was thinking that if it happens for me i bet it will help your computer too so give it a try.

    another thing i highly recommend is take your tower to a computer repairman and have him install 4gb of new ram into your system it will increase your speed and performance. good luck i hope this was helpful to anyone who read this.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • laura bush and her trip to afraganistan?

    heard a little over a week ago how laura bush was in air force on for fourteen hours and when she got there she took another fifty-five minutes to get to a small village in afraganistan and collected 32 billion in donations to help to build that village. wow, thats tough to bad she had not got in air force one to find a village name new orleans louisiana wouldn't have had to traval that many hours and if she was going to collect donations new orleans could have used that village to rebuild that village as i sigh and take a deep breath i wonder why the bushes don't just move there. but listening to american journal and a guy wrote a book and it was mentioned he said it should have been fifty billion. give them an inch and they will take a mile how do you feel about this rearth shattering news or don't you have the nerve to give an opinion? personally i think it sucks

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago