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Vampires/Werewolves and religion?

I have seen many a "medical professional" tackle the questions regarding the existence of Vampires Werewolves and the like, with cookie cutter answers claiming that their knowledge of human anatomy and physiology some how makes them experts on the subject, seem to avoid the questions regarding the existence of God angels, demons and general religious icons.

If I were to take your word on the fact that a man can not be born nor become a Vampire or Werewolf or that spirits do not exist, then I must also conclude that man can not hear the voice of God or be possessed by the Devil.

Yet in my wanderings around Y. A. I see you post only in myth and not religion as well.

I wonder why that is?


Brian, just that a man of science is willing to say there is no such thing as a Vampire but will not say there is no such thin as God, This is my question. why one and not the other, why not both?

9 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I wonder who you could POSSIBLY be talking about.

    The difference between God and a ridiculous delusion about "vampires" and "werewolves" is as different as night and day.

    The concept of God is that of a purely spiritual being with no physical or terrestrial existence. Such an entity would therefore leave behind zero forensic evidence of His existence, and therefore cannot be proven to either exist or not.Whether to believe or not in His existence is solely a matter of Faith and personal choice.

    The concept of a "vampire" is that of a completely terrestrial being, originally an undead revenant that rose from the grave to feast on the flesh and blood of the living. (Never mind that the digestive tract of a corpse does not function). Nowadays we have the idea of the "living" or genetic "vampire", existing parallel to humans as a separate race, which is complete bollocks. There are no "separate" humanoid races on this earth - either they would have interbred with us and we'd all be the same species or they would have died off due to inbreeding and failure to maintain species viability.

    Humans do not need blood (in any amount) as a supplemental ingestive, nor are there any beings that can "drain" some nebulous "energy" from any other person.

    "Werewolves" are absolutely impossible - not only can human DNA NOT mix sexually with any other animal on Earth, the processes of the body and anatomy simply do not work like that. If a "hybrid" creature could exist, it would be an amalgamation of its parents, much like a mule is the combination of a horse and donkey and does not "shift" back and forth between the two forms.

    Anyone who tells you that vampires and werewolves are real, or worse yet, that they are one, is either living in a fantasy bordering on delusion, or is Lying.

    Vampires and Werewolves are a complete impossibility, genetically, anatomically, and physiologically.

    Source(s): I am a Nurse, real education, real experience. As to my answers being :"cookie cutter" - I wrote them, they are completely my work, and I will use them ad infinitum if I see fit.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Faith empowers any religion and you may include me as a worshiper of a certain Egyptian Goddess, Bastet or Bast if you prefer. I have reason to believe my petitions have been answered, but of course this is based on faith. White Buffalo Woman is said to be the forerunner of Mother Mary and who am I discount or deny the histories of my own direct ancestors; again a matter of faith and witnessed events in my own life. Christianity and Islam will be destroyed or proven false by the actions of followers within the next hundred years when the two opponents finally confront one another. Buddhism is closer to accuracy than Westerners think and not likely to be so quickly dispatched.

  • 10 years ago

    Your lack of knowledge on science and specifically human anatomy is clearly revealed when you say that Lord Bearclaw is "claiming" to have that knowledge. Anyone with no more than a community college's first-year's general education requirements can see that he knows what he's talking about.

    Your post is rambling and swaggering; you're quite smug about something. Damnd if I can tell what.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You are confusing science and religion. Why would someone in the sciences be obligated to respond to faith-based questions? I don't see the relationship or why the poster you are obviously trolling and stalking around the board needs to justify him- or herself.

    One or two of the previous answers indicates that you are referring to Lord Bearclaw. His activity is private so how do you know where he posts?

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Perhaps ALL of it relates somehow. ? Fallen angels being darker vampires and wolves who destroy humans and refuse to serve them (pride). Idont deny any of it. And you need noone to validate your expreiences and you cannot validate anyone elses.

    Simply do what Jesus said to do and you will be fine. I think a perfect God loves us all, even vampire and wolf and those who question our existence. Dont you love Merlin and Arthur and good wizards llike harry potter? then chill.


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I don't understand what your question is. There is no logic or coherence in you remarks.

    Vampires and werewolves don't have anything to do with religion. And why do you think that science can't refute their existence?

  • 10 years ago

    They don't question the existence of god coz its a belief which is fed to them from their childhood it gets printed in their mind and when some logic tries to erase it their ego(a very mysterious enemy) do not allow them to start to think they they, being so intelligent, were wrong throughout their life.

  • 10 years ago

    my view is that all religions are myths and the only reason they are followed is because europeans and asians have spread the Christian and muslim faiths. Most people read interpreted or changed versions of their religion's holy book so it becomes more believable and there are less flaws in the text.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I guess because they don't know God, but exactly what are you getting at?

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