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I live in Northern VT I am 35 Years old I raised two boys and two girls. I have mentored teens from my home town for many years, I have been apart of many youth groups over my life, as a member and as a leader. I am a people person and find joy in helping how ever I can. I am a mix of science and philosophy with a good dose of Christianity mixed in. Then throw in a touch of Wicca and bit of a Dowser. I know much more than my years suggest, and I am more than happy to talk to anyone about anything. If you ask, I will always answer.
What can we do legally do to get this guy out of the house?
This guy asked to live in the house, we agreed to let him stay, he signed an agreement to live there from July 2013 to July 2014. She had to fight with him the whole year to get him to pay his rent. He finally sent the lump sum of rent that July of 2014. She sent him the new agreement and told him he had to get her the money by January of 2015. He never signed the new agreement and has sent her no money thus far. His father has asked if he pays the full amount if we'd let him stay. I want him out. The law says if he pays he can stay, but his last agreement is up in July. Can I just refuse to let him sign the agreement for year 2015-2016 and kick him out?
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agoI want to get this guy out of my mom's house legally.?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agoWhen did Morgan Freeman loose his left hand?
If you watch him in Robin hood Prince of thieves he clearly has use of his left hand but in Red and a dolphins Tail as well as newer movies he has a prosthetic hand. They do a good job of hiding it, but it's a fake.
3 AnswersDrama7 years agoWhen did Morgen Freeman loose his left hand?
6 AnswersTrivia7 years agoSafe soup?
I work in a cafe that serves soup, it comes in frozen, is thawed overnight in the fridge, then is heated to 165 and held in a stem table where it maintains 165 or better from 8 or 9 am to 5pm then is given an Ice bath to cool it quickly to 70 or lower and is put in the fridge and then is heated the next day and served again. This happens 3 days in a row. I know it's not quality but is it safe?
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years agoHow do you thin out Pros Aid?
I have a ton of Pros Aid Ridge filler but what I need now is the regular Pros Aid. Can it be thinned out with water or Alcohol?
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts7 years agoWho do I contact for an e-mail scam?
I received an e-mail claiming to be from the FBI saying my money was stolen from my bank but they recovered it and now want me to send them money so they can Fed Ex me back my money. I know it's a total scam, but every e-mail address I've found online to send it to comes back as undelivered, that the address does not exist. Any one know one that work?
2 AnswersAbuse and Spam8 years agoDifference between Jam and preserves?
Jelly is made from the Juice. Jam and preserves is made from the whole fruit. So what is the difference from jam and preserves?
4 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agoWhen will a blue moon be on October 31?
A blue moon is a second full moon in any month. And as there are 28 to 31 days depending on the month and the full moon cycles every 29.5 days, it's only a matter of time before there is a blue moon on October 31 but in what year?
2 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years agoAre moles and meadow moles poisonous to dogs and cats?
I have always heard that they are and that's' why a cat that catches one will kill it but wont eat it.
5 AnswersDogs9 years agoIf you were holding onto a person being tazed, would you feel the shock?
I know if you hang onto someone getting electrocuted of just zapped, like by and electric fence but is it the same for a taser?
2 AnswersPhysics9 years agoLap Top or regular computer and the internet?
I'm new to most new technology, and am unsure how the internet works with a laptop. Do I have to hook it up like I would a regular computer? How about being mobile? If I'm in a location that has WiFi, do I have to have an internet provider to use it? How about wireless?
Pretend your trying to explain it to a person who, until now, has always used public computers.
Better yet, don't pretend.
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years agoCan you ingest the contents of a fish oil caplet?
I am to start taking 2 fish oil caplets a day, but I have trouble swallowing the large pills.
Other than the taste, is there a reason I can't just open the caps and consume the oil?
1 AnswerOther - Health9 years agoWhy would anyone want ot become a Werewolf or Vampire?
I keep seeing questions about mythological creatures being real.
Being a Christian I can honestly say I know enough to NOT doubt the existence of such creatures.
But it's the second part of theses questions that intrigues me. "How can I become one.?"
So my question is why would anyone want to?
You would have to trade supposed power for a life lived in solitude or reclusion , at the very least one of deception trying hide your true identity.
4 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years agoWhy is there not a pork flavored cat food?
You can find pork as an ingredient but not as a flavor. Can any one tell me why?
If you know of a brand that has pork flavored cat food, leave me their name so I can look them up online.
5 AnswersCats9 years agoWhy is there not a pork flavored cat food?
You can find fish, chicken, turkey and beef even lamb, but never pork. Why is that?
6 AnswersCats9 years agoWould you find it offensive if....?
My family is having their traditional Christmas get together, however this year 5 or 6 of the 15 of us gathering said they could not afford the $5, gift for our traditional Yankee gift exchange, so all of us agreed not to do it.
But in keeping with the spirit of giving I decided to give each person a $1 scratch ticket in a custom made card. Just so some sort of gift is given. But my mom said that I should not do it because the family members who said they couldn't afford to give a gift might be offended. I don't see how getting a gift could cause or be taken as an offense.
So my question is; would you be offended, if after declining to buy a gift for the gathering, a family member gave you a gift?
7 AnswersEtiquette10 years agoI would like to know how is Gold formed?
What other minerals or rock formations are present where you find gold?
Does it grow like a crystal or is it volcanic?
1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology10 years agoA saved data file has an error how do I Go back before the error occurred?
I am running Microsoft works on Microsoft Windows 98. A document file will not open saying
"Cannot open the document C:\Program...\Sheila 2011.wks."
It will not say why, but I assume an error has occurred. I think If I go back a few days before the error occurred I will be OK, But I cannot remember how to do so.
2 AnswersOther - Computers10 years agoVampires/Werewolves and religion?
I have seen many a "medical professional" tackle the questions regarding the existence of Vampires Werewolves and the like, with cookie cutter answers claiming that their knowledge of human anatomy and physiology some how makes them experts on the subject, seem to avoid the questions regarding the existence of God angels, demons and general religious icons.
If I were to take your word on the fact that a man can not be born nor become a Vampire or Werewolf or that spirits do not exist, then I must also conclude that man can not hear the voice of God or be possessed by the Devil.
Yet in my wanderings around Y. A. I see you post only in myth and not religion as well.
I wonder why that is?
9 AnswersMythology & Folklore10 years ago