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Why does everyone hate Fred Durst,singer of Limp Bizkit?
The man is talented.Hear his songs like:
"Walking Away","The One","Build A Bridge","Underneath The Gun" and you'll notice he's a good lyricist when it comes to the slower songs.
Why does everyone hate Fred Durst?If people can listen to Limp Bizkit with an open mind then I know many will appreciate their work.
10 Answers
- NihilusLv 610 years agoFavorite Answer
Cause back in the day he regularly behaved like an arrogant douchebag. As he's aged though he's dropped a lot of the attitude though. But most people don't really pay attention to the music, they pay attention to the name.
Personally I love LB. Their first 3 albums are awesome, wasn't a huge fan of RMV, TUT Pt. 1 was decent, and LOVE Gold Cobra. Now people can go ahead and thumbs down me. :P
- Anonymous10 years ago
He's considered to be a major douchebag by most on this section.
On a side note, he looks like the acclaimed commentator known as elpresador.
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- Anonymous5 years ago
I don't hate him. How could I? I don't know him. Sounds like there are a lot of haters around.
- Anonymous10 years ago
Listen to his songs.
- Anonymous5 years ago
I do not believe that is right
- Anonymous10 years ago
His voice sounds stupid.