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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 10 years ago

A question for Muslims would I being a young white male am 24 would I be allowed to convert to Islam and go i?

A question for Muslims would I being a young white male am 24 would I be allowed to convert to Islam and go in to a Mosque I believe Islam is the truth but I fear I being a white american male would not be accepted I don't see very many white men who are Muslims is why Im asking this question thank you ?

8 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a Muslim and I can assure you that there is no problem whatsoever for a white male (or any color for that matter) to convert to Islam.

    "Islam unites the entire human race under one banner without any kind of discrimination.

    Allah (SWT) says "O Mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is he who has most Taqwa among of you. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware." (Qur'an 49:13)

    Allah's Messenger (S) eradicated the problem of racial or colour discrimination by saying:

    "There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, nor of a non-Arab over an Arab or white person over a black person or a black person over white person except through piety. Verily the most honored of you is the most righteous."

    (Musnad Ahmad)

    In surah Al-Room Allah (SWT) says, "And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your languages and colors; most surely there are signs in this for men of sound knowledge." (Qur'an 30:22)

    Source for above :

    With this verse, Islam declares equality among people as one human race. All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Only True God!"

    Secondly, there are already numerous white converts to Islam who will attest to this fact. Just go on youtube and search using keywords 'Muslim reverts' or 'Muslim converts' and you'll find plenty of white converts to Islam.

    Finally, you should also read about Syeikh Yusuf Estes, a white preacher/priest who converted to Islam

    Source :

    Finally, I would like to welcome you into the folds of Islam brother.

    Alhamdulillah (All praises and thanks to Allah)

    AllahuAkbar (Allah is Great(er))

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I'm not a Muslim, but I have known more than one young white male Muslim. They are perfectly fine with converts, on the whole.

    Of course, you may find otherwise in any *particular* mosque. But if you find yourself rejected in one mosque, know that that mosque stands well outside the mainstream of Islam on this point.

  • 10 years ago

    I see no reason why you are afraid of not being accepted. Don't you see? Islam is a religion that accepts everyone. Why should it say no to you? Infact, it makes muslims happy whenever someone joins Islam. There are millions of white americans that are muslims. Muslims from all over the world, and guess what, they are all accepted. Islam never rejects anyone. Welcome to Islam, brother. :)

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    every human being is allowed to convert to Islam. it is the fastest spreading religion in the world. I congratulate u my brother for becoming a Muslim.

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  • M S
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    peace / salam upon those who seek & accept the truth

    I worship God: the Creator, I am His slave, His servant, His worshiper,

    He asked me to pray 5 times a day, I try not to pray less than 7 [up to 60]

    and, I am always in constant Remembrance of Him around the clock, from the moment I feel awake, til I lay in bed to sleep, I thank Him like 200 times a day, I seek His forgiveness no less than 100 times, I praise & glorify His Names [the Merciful, the Forgiving] countless of times, and, at the end of the day, I feel huge shortage as His Grace, His Bounties can never be counted: the air I breath, the water I drink, the food I eat are only my daily basic needs, He gave it to all: the thankful and the thankful-not!

    indeed we are dots in His time & His space!

    I hope I can help you in this regard every step of the way: you are welcomed in ANY Masjids: we are all equals:

    O mankind! Lo! We have created you from male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware. (13)


    Lo! men who surrender unto Allah, and women who surrender, and men who believe and women who believe, and men who obey and women who obey, and men who speak the truth and women who speak the truth, and men who persevere (in righteousness) and women who persevere, and men who are humble and women who are humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and women who fast, and men who guard their modesty and women who guard (their modesty), and men who remember Allah much and women who remember - Allah hath prepared for them forgiveness and a vast reward. (35)


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Go to the link below and watch this CNN news report of Christians that became Muslims. It's very interesting.

    Go to the link below and look at this NBC news report of Christian women converting to Islam

    From the moment man opens his eyes to this world a great order surrounds him. He needs oxygen to survive; it is interesting that the atmosphere of the planet on which he lives provides more than just the adequate amount of oxygen he needs. This way, he breathes without difficulty. For the existence of life on this planet, the existence of a source of heat is essential. In response to this need, the sun is located at just the right distance to emit the exact amount of heat and energy human life needs. Man needs nourishment to survive; every corner of the world abounds in astonishingly diversified provisions. Likewise, man needs water; surprisingly, three-fourths of the planet is covered with water. Imagine if it never rains again. How much of the perfect order would be destroyed? Without rain, plants will not grow, animals would die, and eventually we would too. Man needs shelter; in this world of ours, there is land on which it is suitable to build and all sorts of materials with which to make shelters.

    These are only a few among billions of details making life possible on earth. In brief, man lives on a planet perfectly designed for his survival. This is certainly a planet “created for human beings”, as God said in the Quran:

    “Do you not see that God has subjected for you all that is in the Heavens and all that is on the Earth, and has completed and perfected His Bounties upon you, [both] apparent and hidden?...” (Quran 31:20)

    How does the atmosphere serve as a protective ceiling for the earth?

    How does each one of the billions of cells in the human body know and perform its individual tasks?

    How does this extraordinary ecological balance exist on earth?

    How did living beings, incredibly diversified in nature, emerge?

    Keeping oneself occupied with relentless research to answer these questions results in a clear awareness that everything in the universe, its order, each living being and structure is a component of a plan, a product of design. Every detail: the excellent structure of an insect’s wing, the system enabling a tree to carry tons of water to its topmost branches, the order of planets, and the ratio of gases in the atmosphere; all are unique examples of perfection.

    In every detail of the infinitely varied world, man finds his Creator. God, the owner of everything in the whole universe, introduces Himself to man through the flawless design of His creation. Everything surrounding us, the birds in flight, our beating hearts, the birth of a child or the existence of the sun in the sky, manifest the power of God and His creation. And what man must do is understand this fact.

    These purposes owe their existence to the fact that everything has been created. An intelligent person notices that planning, design and wisdom exist in every detail of the infinitely varied world. This draws him to recognition of the Creator.

    God’s signs in nature are emphasized in a chapter call “The Bee”:

    “It is He who sends down water from the sky. From it you drink and from it come the shrubs among which you graze your herds. And by it He makes crops grow for you and olives and dates and grapes and fruit of every kind. Therein is certainly a sign in that for people who reflect. He has made the night and the day subservient to you, and the sun, the moon and the stars, all subject to His command. Therein are certainly signs in that for people who use their intellect. And also, the things of varying colors He has created for you in the earth. There is certainly a sign in that for people who pay heed. It is He who made the sea subservient to you so that you can eat fresh flesh from it and bring out from it ornaments to wear. And you see the ships cleaving through it so that you can seek His bounty, and so that perhaps you may show thanks. He cast firmly embedded mountains on the earth so it would not move under you, and rivers, pathways, and landmarks so that perhaps you might be guided. And they are guided by the stars. Is He Who creates like him who does not create? O will you not pay heed?”(Quran 16:10-17)

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Belief is important

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