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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 10 years ago

A question for Muslims would I being a young white male am 24 would I be allowed to convert to Islam and go i?

A question for Muslims would I being a young white male am 24 would I be allowed to convert to Islam and go in to a Mosque I believe Islam is the truth but I fear I being a white american male would not be accepted I don't see very many white men who are Muslims is why Im asking this question thank you ?

10 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Islam doesn't judge people on their race, anyone can convert with their free will. if you truly believe islam is the true religion of god, go to the mosque and ask the imam on how to convert.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    there are a lot of white muslim. there's european muslim countries such as bosnia and some of the areas in and around russia have a heavy muslim population.

    it might be that the mosques around where you live and probably most mosques in america are mostly arab, some might be mostly black, etc. just depends where you live. i've been to many mosques and each has it own diversity. you will never see a more diverse collection of people than at a mosque unless the mosque was started by a particular community.

    im mexican and yes initially it a bit wierd. people are definitely usually more comfortable around their own people. its normal

    one thing i advise you is to stay away from choosing a mosque simply because their might be more people there you relate to culturally. culture should not be your guide to finding wisdom. go to whatever mosque has the best knowledge regardless of culture.

    studying the religion will help you find the right place to worship.

    another thing you don't necessarily have to go to a mosque to convert. all you need is a witness to hear you say "la ilaha il Allah, muhammad ir rasul Allah" (there is no deity worthy of worship save Allah, and muhammad is his prophet and messenger). you can say that to anybody. even a total stranger but im sure it would be more memorable at a mosque in front of many witnesses or whoever you are comfortable with. it is important to do it as soon as possible if you have found it to be the truth. you never know when your life will end.

    May Allah guide you. ameen.

    p.s. - an interesting fact. only 20% of the entire worlds muslims are arab. something media doesn't bother to tell you.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    There is NO RACE that has precedence in islam. Islam is not specfically for people of one race or color. There is no problem whatsoever in you being white, black, yellow, chinese, indian, etc..

    And if you ever come across a muslim who tries to show rejection to you because of you skin color, then know that it comes from something with himself, NOT islam..

    You have nothing to worry about. Even if you enter a mosque in a foreign country, ful of purple muslims, they should still greet you and smile at you..

    Seeing a group of mixed races is something that make the heart feel more whole, because we are all human beings with one Creator.

    Source(s): Muslim, Knowledge of Islam (Though I know very little).
  • 10 years ago

    Well, I'm not a Muslim but I once heard a Muslim say this, "In Islam there are no races" so I don't think they would mind you converting. In fact, I've seen several videos of converts to Islam on youtube who were white, male, and about your age. Personally, I think Islam is wrong though. Just being honest.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'm not a Muslim, but I have known more than one young white male Muslim. They are perfectly fine with converts, on the whole. Of course, you may find otherwise in any *particular* mosque. But if you find yourself rejected in one mosque, know that that mosque stands well outside the mainstream of Islam on this point.

  • 10 years ago

    Salaam (Peace)

    Islam is a 'color blind' religion and meant as a guidance for ALL mankind.

    You would be accepted duly with open arms (God Willing!)

    Just visit the mosque or follow the advice given below:

    Step 1:

    Review the five pillars of Islam: testifying that there is only one God and Muhammad is his prophet; praying five times a day; fasting for the month of Ramadan; offering charity each year; and making the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your lifetime. Affirm these to yourself.

    Familiarize yourself with the various strains of Islam. Sunnis, Shias, and Ismailis are all Muslim but have slightly different core beliefs or aqeedah. Because Sunnis make up roughly 85 percent of the world’s Muslim population, this represents a sort of default option for conversion.

    Step 2: Sitting quietly by yourself, make your intention, either silently or out loud, to convert to Islam to please God alone, not for personal gain or to please other people.

    If someone is pressuring you to convert to Islam—for example a spouse or a boyfriend/girlfriend, remind him or her that according to Islamic law, a conversion without inner conviction is morally meaningless and religiously invalid.

    Step 3: Read out loud this statement in Arabic: “Ash-shadu an laa ill-laaha illa-lah.” This means in English: “I testify there is no God but God.”

    While many converts like to profess their new faith in a mosque and/or in the presence of other Muslims, witnesses are not required. You can become Muslim by yourself at home.

    Step 4: Read aloud this statement: “Wa ash-shadu anna Muhammadun-a rasuulu-lah.” This means “And I testify that Muhammad is the prophet of God.”

    Step 5: Repeat Steps 3 and 4. These two statements are known as the shahadah, or testament of faith, and they comprise the first pillar of Islam.

    Saying the shahadah in Arabic is required, but it might also help to repeat the statements in your native language.

    Step 6: Take a shower or bath, completely immersing your hair and body. With this washing, you are shedding all of the sins you may have committed before becoming Muslim.

    Step 7: Accept God’s mercy in forgiving all your past sins. It’s part of the gift of becoming Muslim.

    Step 8: Use this time to pray for others. God says the prayer of a new convert is likely to be accepted.

    Step 9: Begin to practice the other pillars of Islam as soon as you are ready. Most immediately, this means offering the five daily prayers.

    When you decide to make the pilgrimage, or hajj, another of Islam’s pillars, you might need your local mosque to write a letter certifying that you are now Muslim, as only Muslims are allowed in the city of Mecca.

    Step 10: Some converts like to start using an Arabic name in addition to or instead of their given name. Changing your name, however, is not required.

    While you will need to master a small amount of Arabic to correctly say the daily prayers, learning Arabic is not required.

    Step 11: When you are ready, begin to tell your friends, family, and co-workers that you have embraced Islam. Be patient with them if they express alarm or hostility. Don’t forget that there was a time when you, too, knew little about Islam.

    Step 12: Gradually incorporate other aspects of Islam into your life, whether that means dressing more modestly, reading the Quran, or visiting the mosque. While you may be tempted to completely change your lifestyle right away, realize that making slow, deliberate changes will serve you better in the long run.

    In the West, some of the most prominent Muslim are converts, including Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, and boxing champion Muhammad Ali.

    I hope I have been some help. Walaikum Salaam (and peace be upon you)

    Brotherly advice to the newly converts to islam:

    PLEASE also do consult this ONE LINK ISLAMIC library - it has everything!

    Source(s): I Want to embrace Islam but ... OK then, convince me... Why accept Islam Why do Muslims think that Islam is true. Is there any factual basis? Why I became muslim? (answered by various converts/reverts to islam) beginner’s short course on Islam A comprehensive introduction
  • 10 years ago


    ALL MUSLIMS WILL BE OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Everything that Islamic community has too offer!!!!!!!!!!

    RACE DOESNT MATTER!!!!!!! Its rare to see white muslim but not too rare just go to Mecca if u get chance all races gather too pray with one another!!!!!!!! its AMAZING!!!!!!!!

    Follow ur heart n learn about Islam by reading Quran n get some lessons from Imam who u can relate too!!!! as person n all =]

    Source(s): I found out that I GOT IRISH/BRITISH BRO-IN-LAW!!!!!! ITS CRAZY!!!!!!! we talk about everything since him n i cant talk too my Bengali geezers? lol
  • Moona
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    yes of course Islam is not a religion for a certain race there are Muslims who r White,Black,Asian,Arab,...

  • 10 years ago

    Course you can race does not matter and anyone who discriminates against you is a scumbag and can't call themselves a muslim.

    White, young whatever.

    Source(s): I'm not a Muslim but i know a few
  • 10 years ago

    Why do you want to join a religion so legalistic that it forbids Swiss planes from flying over Mecca?

    Source(s): Voice of the Martyrs newsletter, July 2011
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