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? asked in PetsReptiles · 10 years ago

Bearded dragon Questions?

I have a few questions about me and my bearded dragon.

When do they reach their adult size how old and how big do they get?

when should i get a bigger tank i have a 30 gallon right now which seems perfect.

Are meal worms ok for feeding? I know they are not the best but they seem to help him get a gut. which he needs.

do i need to feed him calcium every day with the crickets?

Do infrared heat glo lamps affect his eyes? I use a infrared heat glo bulb on one small corner of the tank its a 75 watt and only heats about 6x6 inches with heat and light. My other 100 watt bulb is in a 150 watt maximum lamp which gets most of the tank with Uvb light.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    they reach adult size at about 18 months. Size depends on a lot of well they are cared for, environment, breeding (if it has german giant in it they can get up to 24") My baby female dragon is only a month and a half old and is already 8 inches.

    For an adult you should have a 40 gallon breeder tank and they can go in that when they reach 12"

    Careful on the mealworms they have a hard shell that can cause impaction in young dragons if you are trying to fatten him up try waxworms instead they are soft and squishy and high in fat and dragons LOVE them as a treat but crickets or dubia roaches should make up 80% of their diet when they are young. remember to always offer green even if you don't think he is eating them they can be sneaky and take a bite when your not looking and greens are important.

    Try calcium dusting every other day if it has D3 in it you don't want to over dose.

    The lighting should be for a 30 gallon tank during the day a 100 watt basking bulb and a 13.0 uvb bulb and at night he doesn't need anything unless your house gets below 70 degrees then get a 75 watt night heat lamp should be moonlight blue, purple or red.

  • 10 years ago

    1. Two years, and 8" to 10".

    2. I recommend a 40 gallon by two years of age.

    3. Meal worms are okay, make sure to mix in veggies. (Look up bearded dragon diet for specifications)

    4. Every other day is best, but some do dust every day.

    5. If you keep a day/night cycle with your lights, then it wont affect him. When the sun goes down, turn it off, and make sure you have a UTH.

    Source(s): Reptile owner.
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