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will the events in Norway,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?

Will the events in Norway finally end the bigotry aimed at Muslims ?

The killings prove that christians(and other religious nuts) can be just as brutal as misguided muslim extremists.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well for one thing "all" people are capable of murder.Regardless of so called religious affiliations.

  • 10 years ago

    Actually, as details come out we learn more about this guy. He was a neo-nazi and Nordic traditionalist (much like Hitler) who only claimed to be a Christian (again, much like Hitler). Christianity had nothing to do with the killing.

    If you want something more likely as the cause than Christianity, you might note that he was a fan of the TV show Dexter which is about a serial killer. So, obviously, viewing violent television shows ought to be banned because it leads to mass murder.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Why would, or should it?

    Fundamentalism in ANY form, is destructive, violent and savage. And there are no more violent fundamentalists, than religious ones.

    Which is why ALL religions must be tossed onto the ash-heap of history if mankind is to make any real and significant advances.

  • 10 years ago

    Re- Dustinthewind - here we go with the conspiracy theories already. "It's all a conspiracy to discredit fundamentalists".

    The murders of abortion doctors and bombings of abortion clinics in the USA are already sufficient evidence of the brutality and stupidity of some "Christians".

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    no they will not even come close to doing this. I am sorry they had been horundious tragidies but they will not start a war and frankly pale in comparison to 9/11

  • 10 years ago

    Hopefully, it will serve to highlight the dangers of all kinds of religious fundamentalism and political demagoguery.

  • 10 years ago

    All extreme beliefs risk leading to extreme actions.

  • 10 years ago

    Not while Christians and Muslims retain their god fantasies

  • 10 years ago

    He did it for some belief I am guessing. Not sure what it was exactly but I hope they find out.

    Last tweet he left was this.!/AndersBBreivik

    Honestly however something about all this is fishy. There were reports of a american face book page made of him which some one had an initial screen shot of it and no religous valus posted then suddenly the page changes to show conservative christian like some one went in and modified it. Lot of people smell a stink bomb.

    quote follows:

    "Benjie said...

    I saved the FB page at 00.42 GMT 23d July and it was an English version of the first screenshot seen here.

    I've 'screen captured' it using Windows' snipping tool. Check it out.

    The second FB page shown here is completely different."

    Indigo Red said in reply to Benjie...

    That's it, Benjie. That's the Google translated FB page I saw yesterday shortly afer Breivik was named as the suspect. All of the FB control buttons appear on this page and the blue is the same shade all across. The second, with Christian and Conservative added, is a fake."

    from this site:

    Some were saying he was also natzi so the whole thing smells fishy to me. People editing face book pages ect.

    I smell propaganda warfare and it pisses me off.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Anyone who does such an act is crazy. No matter their religion or lack of religion. Terrorists do not represent an entire faith. They're just lunatics.

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