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My girlfriend and another guy?

So, me and my girlfriend have been together for about 8 months, and are both 18 years old.

We have a very strong relationship, talk everyday, both each other's first boy/girlfriend, and we love each other completely.

So, my dilemma is:

She has received texts from a guy who I've never met, and she's never mentioned him EVER, in any conversations. She never brought up his name at all. I could see him texting her because I usually hold her phone in my pocket because her pockets are too small and she hates taking her purse. I felt her phone vibrate in my pocket once when we were together and I took it out for her to check, and I noticed it was this guy again.

I brushed it off as nothing more than just a friend, as I didn't want to come off as too suspicious and controlling. However, this continued on and on and I just got more irritated, as she STILL didn't mention anything about him.

About last week, they were texting apparently and he called her out of nowhere, and she quickly grabbed the phone and put it on Silent. Since then, I've been very worried and suspicious so I decided to ask her about it. I asked her who he is, and why she's never mentioned him before.

She said, "He's just a friend who I lost touch with and I never found a reason to talk about him. I didn't think it was a big deal for me to be texting him since I know he's only a friend".

I trust her and believe that he's just a friend, but I just don't understand why she decided it was perfectly normal to not mention him at all.

So anyways, she tells me today (after I've asked her about who he is and everything) and she says' "Oh, well, me and Alan are going to lunch on Wednesday". I was like "Okay, sure". I thought it was odd how she never told me anything about him but all of a sudden, she makes plans to see him.

I imagine if I never asked her about him, what would she have told me she was doing when she goes to see him?


I'm sorry if it's long, but I just thought you'd be able to understand it more clearly.

10 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are several different ways you can look at the situation. You can decide to trust and believe that Alan is just a friend and bear in mind that if she was that concerned about you not finding out that about her contact with him and that they text each other frequently, she wouldn't have got you to hang on to her phone for her when she knew that he would in all likelihood text her. It could be perceived as a little odd that she never mentioned him, particularly if it's an old friend that she only just got back in touch with; personally, that'd be something I'd bring up in as a relatively innocuous revelation. "Hey guess what? An old friend of mine just contacted me, haven't spoken to him in years... etc etc" but then, people work on different wavelengths.

    Or you can assume that something suspicious is going on (this is NOT the course of action I'd recommend by the way), check her phone and read her texts etc and drive yourself mad with paranoia.

    Personally, what I'd recommend is cautious optimism. Assume that everything's fine, but keep an eye on it. Bring it up in conversation after she goes to lunch with him as a 'by the way' kind of matter and see how she reacts. Guilt in matters like this is fairly easy to read with most people without much provocation. Also, see if the dynamic in your relationship changes over time from this point on. If she suddenly becomes defensive or distrustful of YOU, then there's a pretty good chance she has a guilty conscience about something.

    If - and of course, here's hoping that it doesn't - things don't go the way you'd like, remember that all things are transient and without trying to patronise you, at your age you're statistically very unlikely to have met the woman you're going to spend the rest of your life with so try to enjoy things as much as you can for as long as you can and not worry too much about the future because at the end of the day if your relationship isn't going to stand the test of time and other people, there's little you can do about it and it'll end eventually anyway.

    I'm really sorry if this comes across as pessimistic, it's not intended to, but I want to give you a realistic outlook rather than the doom-and-gloom or the kittens-and-rainbows outlook, because neither will do you any good.

  • 10 years ago

    at least she told you about their lunch date right. I have been in a similar situation where a guy I went to highschool with and also worked with found me on fb. We started chating an a regular basis and I never told my husband because to me he's just a friend and nothing more. When my husband found out he was a little upset and I felt like an idiot for just not telling him in the first place but again since I knew it was harmless I didn't see the point. All's well, but it just goes to show you that we all make stupid choices, and while we think we're doing or not doing something for the greater good or because it doesn't matter honesty is always the best course. I would talk to her about it again. Calmly let her know how it makes you feel and if she gets defensive about it in anyway that's when I would worry. If it's an innocent friendship there's no need to go on the defence. Good luck!!

  • 10 years ago

    You just have to trust her that it's nothing. It is a little strange that she hasn't mentioned him to you, but it really could just be nothing, that's why. I think it's good that she gives you her phone to hold because it shows she has nothing to hide.... BUT it sounds kind of odd that she grabbed her phone to turn it on silent that one time... Honestly, no one can really tell you much, it's your situation, but just try and trust her... Relationships are all about trust. If you start not trusting her it will just end up with you going crazy and making her crazy also!

    So just see how it goes.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


  • 10 years ago

    Yes. She thinks because you seemed to accept her answer about who he is to her that its okay to now go out and spend time with him.

    Let her know you have some reservations about the two of them going out and its simply because she hid him from you. That was deceitful. Tell her you want to meet him.

  • 10 years ago

    Yes you should be very worried

  • 10 years ago

    Maybe you should just trust her.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    i think you should find someone that isnt cheating on you!!!!!!!!!!! yes you should dump her do it please your only hurting yourself for staying with her

  • 10 years ago


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