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Girlfriend hanging out with another guy?

So, me and my girlfriend have been together for about 8 months, and are both 18 years old.

We have a very strong relationship, talk everyday, both each other's first boy/girlfriend, and we love each other completely.

So, my dilemma is:

She has received texts from a guy who I've never met, and she's never mentioned him EVER, in any conversations. She never brought up his name at all. I could see him texting her because I usually hold her phone in my pocket because her pockets are too small and she hates taking her purse. I felt her phone vibrate in my pocket once when we were together and I took it out for her to check, and I noticed it was this guy again.

I brushed it off as nothing more than just a friend, as I didn't want to come off as too suspicious and controlling. However, this continued on and on and I just got more irritated, as she STILL didn't mention anything about him.

About last week, they were texting apparently and he called her out of nowhere, and she quickly grabbed the phone and put it on Silent. Since then, I've been very worried and suspicious so I decided to ask her about it. I asked her who he is, and why she's never mentioned him before.

She said, "He's just a friend who I lost touch with and I never found a reason to talk about him. I didn't think it was a big deal for me to be texting him since I know he's only a friend".

I trust her and believe that he's just a friend, but I just don't understand why she decided it was perfectly normal to not mention him at all.

So anyways, she tells me today (after I've asked her about who he is and everything) and she says' "Oh, well, me and Alan are going to lunch on Wednesday". I was like "Okay, sure". I thought it was odd how she never told me anything about him but all of a sudden, she makes plans to see him.

I imagine if I never asked her about him, what would she have told me she was doing when she goes to see him?


I'm sorry if it's long, but I just thought you'd be able to understand it more clearly.

****I have asked this question before, but I resubmitted it to get a second opinion. I haven't gotten many responses, and I'd like to hear more opinions.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's smart to trust her for the time being. If she has not done anything to break your trust in the past, then I'd say keep your eye on the situation. I don't know if you should be alarmed yet. Maybe she didn't want to say anything to you because she was worried you'd freak out (and trust me, many young men do so that reason is slightly valid). Now that you indicated you knew the situation without getting too upset, she is not afraid to tell you her plans with him.

    Don't get too mushy and protective, but make sure you tell her that you care and respect her time with other people. Tell her to have fun. Maybe even ask about the friendship.

    Check for warning signs:

    Secret phone calls/messages. One she may be exhibiting relates to her phone calls. She put them on silent. Either she doesn't want you worrying about it, or she is hiding something. Hard to say.

    Changes in appearance

    Picking fights with you

    Changes with friends

    Accusing you of cheating on her

    Excessive time on the computer.


    For now, observe the situation. See how it goes. Good luck!

  • 10 years ago

    Yes and Yes She should have told you about this "friend" the first time he got in touch with her. Also why weren't you the boyfriend invited to this lunch? You can bet your last dollar if the shoe was on the other foot and it was you taking a former "friend" to lunch it wouldn't be" Okay sure" coming out of her mouth! I would flat out tell her you want to meet this old "friend" from her past, that you are a couple and it's important to you to get to know all her friends who are important to her. Then figure out a place and time to invite him,ahead of telling her, then right after to drop it on her before she can make any excuses have her call him right that min. Better yet you have her phone alot you just call him and invite him first then tell her. Her reaction will tell you everything! But you know the trust between the two of you has already been compromised by her actions. My final words go with your heart you are young and have so much life to experience don't let this one bog you down put the ball in her court . Good luck

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Ask her if you can tag along if she says anything other than yes you might want to think about a new relationship. The sad fact(regardless of any polls say) women lie and cheat as much as men. If she doesn't want you there I would seriously think that something was up. Now these are just my opinions, this comes from spending entirely to much time with a professional liar,cheat and thief. After awhile I could tell when she was lying, her lips would move. ;-) ha

  • 10 years ago

    Being a woman I recognize this behavior. We may tell you they are just a friend and sometimes thats true but usually when a girl is carving time out of her busy schedule for another man thats not you it means she's keeping her options open. I've done this before. And it doesn't matter how long you've been dating or how much she says she loves you. I love my boyfriend completely 100 percent but I went through a free spirited stage back about 5 months ago (we've been dating for a year and a half) and I was talking to two different guys building friendships but I couldn't help but have feelings for them a little. Nothing bigger than what me and my bf has but just crushes. Anyway, I grew out of it after a month or biggie but it can get out of hand so watch out

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Obviously u have held it out for a while. She thinks it's normal, and don't worry it is. She didn't mention him is weird though. Watch out for this guy. She might be cheating, to which will b heart breaking but expected. Could be either. See her behavior towards u, when she reads the text does she smile? Is she acting differently? Is she making up excuses and lies all of a sudden... It's too soon to tell but it seems it could go either way. Listen closely and observe. Hope everything a-okay -- mike

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    This is just off of me personally. I have a lot of guy friends, so it's okay for me to have them, but not like excessively talk to them or hang out with them if I already have a bf. The only guy I would want to talk to back and forth and hang out with is my bf, regardless of how many guy friends I have. Like I said, I have a lot, but I'm not crazy over them or in love with them, they're just friends and nothing more.

  • 10 years ago

    Just trust her and when she comes back from lunch with that guy, ask her how was it. If she doesnt talk about it much, then you have to ask her whats going on. I think its better if you see what texts he's been sending to her...but see that she doesnt see you reading her text. This is the only way because here there are 50-50 chances...she might be interested in that guy or maybe he's just her friend. So, the only thing that can answer your question is read those texts when she's not around.

    please answer mine: need guy's opinion

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It deppens on what kind of person you are. You could 1) confront her and tell her everything you wrote here. Or you could 2) follow them around and see what happens,,, when she goes out with u and u have her phone say u have to go to the bathroom and take the phone and read the messages. 3) do nothing 4) ask if u can go along to their next meeting. 5) pretend u have a friend alot alike her friend. Try make her jealous. Or 5) break up with her after finding out evidence for her being not honest

  • If its just a friend that she's never ever liked before. I wouldnt worry. But a cause for concern since you never know(don't mean to worry you)

    If it was an ex boyfriend. Then she would be crossing the line a bit. But luckily you and her have never had an ex before. Sometimes if someone talks about someone all the time (about nice things about them) then id worry. If she never brings him up. Usually that means he's not important to ur gf. Usually. Id be concern ccause that's natural but don't freak out. Definitly talk to her about it, with a concern but not controlling tone

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    well my guess at why she didnt mention him to you was because he wasnt really important to her and when you guys talk she doesnt find the need to mention him, does she mention other friends?? but now that you have said she only told you about the plans to eat lunch with him was only when u mentioned him and asked about him that seems a little fishy, ofc she doesnt have to tell you everything she does, but it does seem a little weird, if i were you i wouldnt act nervous or anything just be ur normal self, but keep a close eye on her and him, and i'd tell her that i'd like to meet ur friend, just say that you have nothing to do in the time she is going for lunch with him and that you'd like to go with them, and see her reaction, watch her body language carefully, and see how she acts when she talks about him. but dont go crazy, i wouldnt be too worried but i'd deffinetly keep an eye on her and their relationship for sure

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