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Are You Sick Of Left Wing Opportunists Using Norway Tragedy To Bash Conservatives?

What i mean is already there is liberal left commentators trying to use this moment to brand certain conservative views like EU scepticism the real problem of political Islam ( that is not a attack on all muslims) and Immigration as extreme. This man is a lunatic a cold hearted murderer he might share certain views but that does not make them less a legitimate view or make them extreme. It as a disgrace to high jack this tragedy to score points and undermine free speech. do you agree?


Matthew Wright( Channel 5 ?) i have met many who are critical of Immigration and i don't for a minute think it is due to hatred of a certain race every nation should have the right to control immigration.

Update 2:

Yes of course you are right the fact he claims to be "Christian" ( not sure where in Jesus teaching it says slaughter your enemies) does not mean all who practice are potential murders the same for Muslims but certain liberals are being a little naive and ignorant about orgainised political islam and its threat to the west ( there are hostile to woman's rights, homosexuals and many other rights we value.

Update 3:

T moran yes there are nuts on both sides that's the point i am making but sadly some on the left are trying to demonise all conservative opinion as extremist. In fact i believe many on the left think there world view is the only moderate main stream view to have.

Update 4:

Koppe 74 you are right what happened after 9/11 by Bush was a extreme that did not keep the USA safe in my opinion liberty is a cornerstone of democracy that includes free speech . But i still say that sections of the left are putting there heads in the sand over the threat of political islam.There is a fundamentalist "christian" violent minority which need s confronting and exposing but it is a drop in the ocean compared to political islam and that's not to demonise all muslims its a threat to there liberty to.

10 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Matthew 5:21: Ye have heard that it

    was said by them of old time, Thou

    shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill

    shall be in danger of the judgment.

    Even as a non-believer, I think that's pretty sound. But it's the judgement part that's interesting.

    Syria has slaughtered 1,400 of its own citizens, yet the State is not judged. It makes a paragraph on page 14.

    An individual, possibly insane, murders nearly a hundred - he makes front page news all over the world, and leaves a 1500 page manifesto for everyone to discuss. Which is exactly what he wants, with his narcissistic Hitler complex.

    It's not left or right wing - they both depend on the State. It's how we show such spectacles, assign order to chaos and search for meaning in madness.

    Will all blonde men with blue eyes be frisked in the street, now? I doubt it.

  • 10 years ago

    Is that any worse than how 9/11 has been used? Removing civil liberties, limit free speech, restriction against Muslims and attacking Iraq (which had nothing to do with 9/11).

    If it's justifiable to attack/restrict/monitor Islam, radical (but not violent) Muslims and mosques because they provided the "ideological foundation" for 9/11 attack; then surely it's justifiable to set in similar measures against what provided the ideological foundation for the attack in Norway -- even if it *is* fundamental Christianity, right-wing politics and anti-Islamic ideology. If it's justifiable to treat even relative moderate Muslims as suspects, then it must be justifiable to do the same with even moderate anti-Islamists/anti-multiculturalists. When the Koran and Islam in any form is regarded as source of terrorism; then surely also anti-islamistic, anti-multiculturalist and anti-socialistic books and ideologies, must be seen as a source and inspiration, for future right-wing terror.

    By all means, I'm not advocating this, just pointing out what "left wing opportunists" are doing, is far from as bad as what *right-wing opportunists* -- and anti-islamists -- did after 9/11. And *some* critique against the right sure is justifiable enough, for it was this ideology that inspired the Norwegian terrorist... and it was the general acceptance of such views; that not only sustained him, but also prevented anyone from reporting his views as suspicious.

  • xaxorm
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Just as the violent actions of Islamic extremists point to problems with Islamic belief generally, the violent actions of this apparently neo-conservative extremist taint the entire conservative ideology, generally. In this case, he seems to have been nationalist, white supremacist, possible neo-nazi, christian, and pro-Zionist!

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I don't see one line of criticism as any more or less valid than the other. The question of scale is still out there though.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


    Like it or not, you will have to accept there are nuts of any political shade as well as any other colour, and now were are being told of certain British extremists assisting him.

    The people who Anders Behring Breivik murdered were not 'Muslims' (criminal or not), but innocent adults and children of the same race. The only difference being that they were part of families who were at the Labour Party youth camp.

    What if it was the other way round? Would you be first in the queue, along with Ironic D.icks, Clangers and other wailers on here to become the classic right-wing opportunist?

    Would he have been a 'cold-hearted murderer' if the dead had been all Asian immigrants, in your eyes? You'll have to accept some so-called 'Left Wing Opportunists' now have a chance to do what people not unlike yourself tend to do daily on here, and lets face it, bashing Conservatives of certain countries right now is well overdue.

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  • Yes it is typical opportunism, every generation has it's share of nutters, every religion and every culture has it's share of nutters, they all use one idealism or another to try to justify their own sick fantasies, the left are always strangely quiet about the mass murderers such as Stalin, Pol Pot or Mao who killed millions in the name of extreme left wing socialism but very vocal about Hitler who was just as evil but a right wing socialist. Socialism is all about control freakier left or right and in the wrong hands extremely dangerous!

  • 10 years ago

    I haven't heard anything from the left wing in relation to the Norway incident. Aren't they too busy trying to enforce carbon taxes and saving whales?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    that is all well and good, but the fact is i have never met anyone who was against immigration and was not a racist, that is just my own findings that when you dig a little deeper you find that their real motives are down to race.

    another thing i have noticed is when Muslims do acts of terrorism they are condemned as murdering scum, but since this thing in Norway i have noticed a few people say, oh he was wrong but i can understand why he did it, or he has a point.

    how can they be so two faced, if you are against terrorism you must be against it in all forms not just the forms or motives you do not agree with.

    if you ask me this incident has shown a lot of so called Conservatives up who are saying, yes its bad BUT, are they not as guilty of using it ?

    Source(s): my head
  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Glorifying in this tragedy is about as abhorant as those Muslims partying on the streets after 9/11, the Left wing zealots are rubbing their hands together with glee over this.

  • 10 years ago

    Your premise is false. Except for you, no one is using this tragedy as an opportunity.

  • 10 years ago


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