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nepster asked in SportsBoxing · 10 years ago

How come Clottey, Margarito, Mosley and now Marquez?

all agreed to face Pacquiao without additional drug testing protocals in place, and Mayweather didn't?

A) Do (did) they feel that the drug testing standards in place are sufficient?

B) Do (did) they not believe Pacquiao is cheating?

C) Do (did) they not care if he's cheating or not?

D) All the above?

E) None of the above?

BQ - Why can't Money do the same thing?

BQ2- What other fighter or athlete, in the history of the ANY sport, was subjected to drug testing ABOVE and BEYOND all STANDARD drug testing protocals in place? (links please)

Note: This is not a question of whether boxing needs more effective drug testing in place, this is a question of whether its fair to single out an athlete and demand additional testing above and beyond standard protocol.


Mr. 3000 - according to FLOYD...Mosley said that he would ask for the test...and Mosley never accused Pac of steroid use...he simply posted a bogus story about an old Pacquiao sparring partner who said he witnessed Pacquiao inject steroids. That story has been verified to be a hoax.

Update 2:

Mosley "The best man won that night and we'll leave it at that" - that was HIS tweet...He also tweeted @fighthype - NOT MY WORDS (referring to the bogus article).

Update 3:

@Norman Bates - GREAT ANSWER my friend. I was actually going to post the exact same question about Ortiz and Mosley agreeing to take the test and Pacquiao didn't! As you pointed out, a lot of it has to do with guys doing what it takes to get a fight with either Pacquiao or Money. One thing I don't agree with you is what you stated about Floyd asking Mosley and Ortiz to take the test and that illustrates him really "wanting to have a level playing field". I think Floyd knows that if he DIDN'T ask for the test, it would be evidence of him being hesitant to take the fight with Pac...and like you noted, it's easy to demand things and have them be met if guys are lining up the street to fight you. IMO (just my opinion) Floyd continues to demand random blood testing a) because he can and b) because he NEEDS to in order to save face. He's not an idiot...he knows if he didn't demand additional testing of Mosley and Ortiz, then it'd be plain as day to know he used it as an excuse to avoid Pac.

Update 4:


Update 5:

Thanks EWWD for completely ignoring my question and just answering with insults.

Update 6:

Ummm...Novice...wrong question there Bro.

Update 7:

@NormanBates - I can read minds like that...I'm bulemic. LOL.

10 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that, just like Mayweathers opponents, these guys are willing to do whatever Manny (or Floyd) want in order to get the biggest fight/payday in Boxing. I think every fighter you mentioned would have taken a test for a fight with Mayweather.

    This isn't going to fully answer your question, but I'd like to give my opinion on the Manny-Floyd blood test war. I've never discussed this whole testing mess on here before, since I don't think people will change their minds or make the issue any better, but this is my personal take on it.

    I fully understand your point, and you may be right. But you know somebody will pose the question right back at you, why did Pacquiao not agree to unlimited blood testing, while Mosley and Ortiz both did, and others like Tim Bradley said they without a doubt would for a fight with Mayweather?

    I hate debating about this topic, because there really is no right answer. Was Floyd wrong for demanding blood tests? Not really, but he definitely was wrong if his sole intentions were to single out Pacquiao, which at the time seemed like a very plausible thing. Now however, Floyd has had it in place for every fight since, so it seems he actually wants to assure there is a level playing field no matter the opponent, Pacquiao or otherwise.

    The other side of the coin is, was Manny wrong for not taking the test? Not really, but everyday fans who are working class people will question that decision, because a blood test is something they can't understand as being an issue, especially for such a large amount of money. Also, you know people's first reaction will be, if you are clean then why not take the test? Manny says it makes him feel weak, which he has said years ago, and that's a fine excuse if it really does have that effect on him. But I think most casual fans, and others who follow the sport, don't see how a blood test would make such a strong athlete, who competes in a violent sport, so drastically weak. I see their point, but I'm not so sure I agree, since it could just be a mental thing with Manny, and we all know how powerful the brain can be.

    Either way, neither is right or wrong. They both should stop acting like babies over a test, and come to an agreement for the fans, and make the biggest fight in history happen. I really don't think somebody can put all of the blame on one fighter or the other. Both deserve equal blame in my opinion.

    @Nepster....that's very true, if Floyd didn't ask for testing against all other opponents since, it would make him look incredibly bad. He really doesn't have a choice, he has to demand them. Whether his intentions were initially right or wrong, I feel like what he has said is very true. Drugs are very complex and so hard to detect these days, that even a blood test is no guarantee. It's still much more superior than a urine test though, and I think blood testing should be mandatory for every fight, if the process wasn't so expensive of course.

  • 10 years ago

    I would have to favor (C) because they are just happy to be picking up that big check fighting Pacquiao while Mayweather is not fighting Pacquiao to just lay down and earn a check like they are, mayweather shows up to win.

    This is a touchy subject but for me saying Team Mayweather has their suspicions because Pacquiao has done something in the sport that has never been done before by moving up 40 pounds and becoming stronger and faster which defies boxing history.

    BQ- Money will not do the same thing because he not there to just pick up a check like Clottey, Mosley, and Marquez, and if Marquez was not there to just pick up a check he would have demanded the fight take place at 135-140 pounds where he has more of a chance to win instead of at 145 where he was made a fool of by Mayweather.

    BQ2: None that i know of, but like i said Pacquiao is defing history so suspicions are running high in the Mayweather camp because of it, but they should not admit it anymore because of the defamation issue.

  • 10 years ago

    A and B.

    I view it like this, Floyd Mayweather has the ability to beat Manny Pacquiao,what he lacks however is the confidence/mental state to do so.Floyd likes relatively easy fights,he doesnt want to go in and possible stuggle,immediately to me this is a tell tale sign he is not as confident in himself as he says.He is reluctant to perhaps be taken to the trenches as he doesnt know if he still has the mentality to come through such a challenge.

    Floyd made up the testing thing as an excuse to blatantly duck Pacquiao. Floyd Sr has now said even if testing was agreed to he wont let Floyd fight Pacquiao unless Pacquiao trains only in the USA. If Pacquiao agreed to that you can guarantee another demand will appear,then another,then another,and so on.This should let you know testing is not the issue, the issue is Floyd doesnt want the fight because he doesnt feel he is up to it.

  • 10 years ago

    The only reason why ortiz,mosley,marquez agree the random drug testing that floyd is asking because they want a good payday...And if they will not fight floyd who will give them millions? they cant even get a good pay per view by themselves...Simply because they are nothing, they are great fighters but when it comes to the fans, pay per view this people is nothing...Nobody cares about this fighter...

    Now, do you think if ortiz, mosley,marquez is as popular as floyd mayweather jr or manny pacquiao when it comes to the fans, pay per view, and they can generate a lot of money for themselves... Do you think this 3 idiots will agree the random drug test that floyd was demanding? i dont think so... Maybe they will but it will also take a lot of time to think it over just like what pacquiao did... You cant blame pacquiao for not agreeing the random drug test that floyd was demanding...Its ridiculous...If your as popular as pacquiao its ridiculous, because right now pacquiao is even more popular than floyd...And he can even generate a lot of money of himself...But for us, because we are nothing like ortiz,mosley,marquez we cannot generate large amount of pay per view so for us its an opportunity to grab... But for the likes of pacquiao its ridiculous...

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  • 10 years ago

    Now is the best chance to challenge Clottey and Margarito by FMJ to prove that Floyd is worthy to be a great boxer by following Pacquiao's left over.

  • 10 years ago

    Mr. 3000,

    That is what Floyd Mayweather Jr. said, not Mosley. Post a link regarding this.

    Floyd Mayweather Jr. want to make everything hard. He want to show his authority the same way when he ignored the order of the court. He want to show that he is bigger than anybody. That boxing is nothing without him. That's what his behavior indicates. Nobody tells Floyd what to do and nobody said something ahead of Floyd like when Roger said that he is fight Ortiz that Floyd denied and later admit. Floyd knew that Manny is clean but Sr. because of his fear of Manny, tried or trying to discourage his son by accusing Manny of steroid. These were all just to make everything hard to stall and maybe avoid the encounter

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Hey nepster and everyone,

    A)Clottey and Margarito were never really true superstars although Margarito did had a huge fan base in Mexico. Mosley and Marquez have more of a common name but they were lower ranked fighters compared to Pacquaio and Mayweather, hence, they lacked the leverage in the negotiations and could not really enforce additional drug testing as they are risking a huge payday.

    B) Margarito, Marquez, and Cotto are not the type of guys who plays mind games, they just want to fight win or lose.

    C) I do not think these fighters have been suspicious of Manny probably until Mayweather brought the issue.

    BQ -As far as Mayweather's concern, i think he is playing the psychological game. Although i do feel that Mayweather will be extremely competitive against Pacquaio, there is no fighter in Mayweather's resume that comes closest to beating him than Pacquaio could. Not necessarily Pacquaio will win since Mayweather is a brilliant fighter, but there is always that risk, thus Mayweather is trying to merge as many advantages as he could amass.

    BQ2- As far as in sanctioned sports, not that I know of. Judah and Mosley became the first one to impose OSDT in a professional boxing match until GBP and Mosley rejected the offer.

    Addition (Response to kizmahwat, Richard, and Wiseman and STICK AND MOVE concerning PED problem in the sport of boxing)

    Of course there is always a right and wrong answer to this issue but not a proven correct one. However, we must rely on verities to back up out thoughts on this matter. I was actually a bit disappointed that Pacquaio even partially agreed to Mayweather demands as I feel he did not had to since he never tested posotive for steroids and has never been in any source of FBI or Congressional investigations. I would like his accusers to take him to court and prove he is on steroids and not do what Mayweather does by refusing to attend any court dispositions. Again, Pacquaio like any other boxers do not have to take OSDT since it is not part of the rule and people must respect them as human beings living in a democracy with rights. However, perhaps if this is the only way to make the fight happen then Pacquaio should just get it over with.

    If OSDT is the only effective way to test athletes for illegal drugs then I am more than certain that the commission will adopt such rules. However, just like there have been an advance in blood testing there is also an advance in urine testing that can detect HGH or other forms of illegal substances that cannot be detected before. This is a fact and here is the proof:

    Furthermore, it is often a misconception when people say there are a lot of cheating going on now than before. First and foremost, again I will provide evidence. There are more people from 1990-2000 that tested positive for steroids or illegal substances or have admitted or officially investigated than 2005 to present, both by percentage or total boxers. These are the fighters who have tested positive for banned substances (including illegal drugs), has been suspended, has been proven as users, and have admitted using banned substances:

    The United States:

    Shane Mosley

    Roy Jones Jr

    Fernando Vargas

    James Toney

    Mike Tyson

    Pernell Whitaker

    Tommy Morrison

    Joey Gilbers

    Richard Hall

    Danny Batchelder

    Sadam Ali

    Tonya Knight

    Loren Ross

    Latin America (Mexico, Argentina, P.R, Central America, etc.)

    Cruz Carbajal (Mexico)

    Mariano Carrera (Argentina)

    Omar Nino Romero (Mexico)

    Julio Cesar Chavez Jr (Mexico)

    Ricardo Mayorga (Nicaragua)

    Orlando Salido (Mexico)

    Felix Trinidad (Puerto Rico)

    Joan Guzman (Dominican Republic)

    Juan Carlos Gomez (Cuba)

    Luis Rolon (Puerto Rico)

    Manuel Vagas (Mexico)


    Michel Trabant (Germany)

    Vitali Klitschko (Ukraine)


    David Munyasia (Kenya)

    Francis Botha (South Africa)

    Asia: NONE

    Australia: NONE

    Indeed, if you look at the facts, ALL of these fighters except Shane Mosley and Vitali Klitschko (both just admitted), tested positive for illegal substances with urine testing only and most came way before 2005. The facts are heavy, that there are less boxers testing positive for illegal substance because advancement by the NSAC and other commissions have improved. Indeed, it is an unintentional misconception when people say that illegal substance usage is a bigger problem now when in fact it was a bigger problem before and has dramatically slowed down since.

    Edit: Thanks kizmahwat, You gave a great answer too (-:

  • Cali d
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Dude, Floyd came to the realization that Juice is rampid in boxing as of late.

    It's really more in the sport now than you guys think. I know guys in my gym that use, sorry to break it to you.

    Why should a stricter drug testing for steroids be bad for boxing? Vargas, Mosely and whoever else used it.

    I think Floyd is on the right track and all boxers should face a stricter drug test. I know I wouldn't fight someone if I knew they were juicing.

    Steroids is in all sports, marion jones, mark mcguire, lance armstrong, all over the nfl, golfers. In a sport where you can die, i think it should be mandatory to have a real closer look at fighters and steroids. the current tests can be beat.

  • 10 years ago

    Mosley regret it not testing Pacquaio. He is now accusing him of steroid use.

  • 10 years ago

    I'm sitting and preparing my answer and then I look up and and see you've already responded.

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