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Non Believers, earlier it was stated that you know more about the Bible than the Religious.?

What is the point of the story "Doubting Thomas", Please give the Bible verse to finish the explanation.

Doubting Thomas was brought up in here a couple of weeks ago, so I will only ask questions non believers asks Christians. As I go on in the near future it will always be questions non believers ask us to answer. I will always remind you guys that you are the ones who said, we understand and research the Bible, that's why we don't believe.


I'm only asking a simple question and a simple Bible verse. I did not ask you to prove anything. You guys said that you researched and have read the Bible more than any Christian. Please just answer the question. The Bible verse alone will answer the one question you always ask us. Why do we believe without seeing God.....this is one of the reasons

Update 2:

It's just one little question..I promise if someone answers it won't hurt but for a second...

Update 3:

It's so funny how one question could not be answered, but the negativity was rampant. I was wanting the nonbelievers to give the one answer which was only two sentences and a one sentence Bible Verse. On a question that was posted before mine, the atheists were all but shouting how they not only read the Bible, but researched it. I was thinking no way. So I put up a simple question and no one answered it. Actually, I'm disappointed. I'll let the voters pick this one.

12 Answers

  • Ami
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have never claimed that I knew more than "Christians" about the Bible, and this isn't a quiz site. If your point was simply to prove that particular claim wrong, it doesn't matter. Some atheists do know more about the Bible than some Christians, and some atheists don't. You can assume that the atheists who do say that are telling the truth, but it's the internet and people lie all the time. No surprise there.

    Stop generalizing for a second and worry about your own business.

  • 10 years ago

    All I can say in understanding this question is that if non-believers read the Bible with out the Holy Spirit in their heart, they can read till the cows come home and it will never mean a thing to you because only the Holy Spirit can give you the knowledge of Scripture,

    If you have not given your whole heart to Jesus Christ as your Saviour and that His Sacrificial blood is the only thing that will save you and to pray to the Father through our Lords name and accept His Son as your Mediator,,,you will never know the bible if you read it a million times.

    If you are not sincere in your Questions about salvation and truly want to know the answers for your own personal growth to God.....then it would be kind as an unbeliever not to ask anything if, its just going to be unkind, , back biting,criticizing , and just down right mean..How does that sound?. Only sincere hearts should be on these pages and stop fooling around. Time is short, so be serious. Okay. thanks.

    Source(s): KJV
  • 10 years ago

    Interesting that you don't believe in Hinduism, Scientology, Islam, or Buddhism without thoroughly researching and memorizing every story in their holy books.

    I won't pretend to know the most about the Bible. But I think I know more about it than the average Christian. I'm willing to bet that "Doubting Thomas" is about Thomas the apostle doubting Jesus, and then realizing, oh no this guy's legit.

    I have found that most Christians have never read the Bible and don't know much about it. But that doesn't mean that goes for all of them.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    SO your point is? Why be coy? Let me give it a try as one of those guys with a theology degree who understands and has reserached the Bible more than you.

    Anyone who peddles a religion that claims divine revelation has the same basic and insurmountable problem. How do you convince the rubes without proof you know you cannot produce under any circumstances, nor can any of the competing religions you are trying to edge out. Since you have no evidence you can only do one thing. You insist your god values unmerited belief and condemns rational inquiry. Even Christians probably know the verses.

    KJV "A wicked and perverse generation seeketh a sign!"

    Modern English "If you question my con game you are an evil pervert!!!"

    KJV "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

    Modern English "You'll lose your blessing if you peek behind the Wizard's curtain."

    Shall we quote Romans 1 as well?

    All of this condemnation of rational examination and insistence that we take the wildest claims on the mere say so of long-dead anonymous primitives, none of whom can be called to be cross-examined or affirm these statements, primitives who thought cerebral palsy was caused by demons, by the way. And despite all contrary evidence to walking on water, raising the dead, levitating into the clouds, armies of angels, global inundations, we are to reject all the evidence around us that these tales are irrational myths that even stupid children would doubt if their parents didn't beat them for saying so, i.e. we just take your word for it?

    Okay. Give me your car title and the deed to your house and god will multiply it back to you a thousand fold. Oh you want assurances? Yo want an escrow account? Wicked and perverse woman who seeketh a signed agreement!

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Josh6
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    What was that that Jesus said? Oh yeah...Don't cast your pearls before the swine.

    Not being sarcastic, but you see the answers. Jesus was right. Also, without the Holy Spirit dwelling within their heart, they cannot understand the Scriptures anyway. See 1 Corinthians 2:14.

    Source(s): The Unveiling of the Trinity
  • 10 years ago

    The point is misdirection.

    When we point out that there's no evidence for christianity, christians sometimes claim that Thomas didn't have any, and then he did.

    It's a claim that evidence exists - without any evidence!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No matter what the bible throws out, I'm not catching it! Believers move mountains to convince non believers and no matter how you spin it, it's not going to work on people who live in reality.

  • bob
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    If you take any part of the bible, and do not laugh at its credibility, you have no sence of humor.

    Its like a book of joke collection from cave mans.

  • 10 years ago

    FACT: Atheists have higher IQ's than religious people

    Intelligent people tend to read and research what they are asked to believe and are less likely to swallow crap.

  • 10 years ago

    Sure, Thomas sobered up one morning and said 'you expect me to believe all that? Bugger you lot, I'm off to India!'

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