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How it's possible, that when there's a really good answer to a question, that a troll... is interfering voting?

can vote this down by giving multiple votes to 'no best answer'? Look by yourself:;_ylt=Al...

Complains to the Yahoo Answer team didn't help. There are only 8 hours left for this voting! The troll obviously will win his dirty game and there is nothing to do about it... Disgusting!


4 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    What happens here at this multiple voting is NOT interesting and it is not a wrong number, this is real and is reflecting the reality in our world: There are going on so many games and all based on manipulation and using ones power for selfish satisfaction.

    Yahoo Answers is a good place with a lot of potential, but trolls are taking over and good questions and answers becoming more and more rare, as qualified participants are leaving... When will the Yahoo Answer Team wake up and do something about it?


    Edit: This troll now gave 12 votes to 'no best answer', but people obviously also voting for the best answer, so it has also 12 votes now. But the troll will vote with up to 50 votes! This has happened befor with my answers he pushed down this way!

    Source(s): This time the 'troll' or what ever one might call him/her lost, but those people find their excitement in finding new ways to disturb people. Years ago I got to know one guy who was in a wealchair, sitting in front of several computer and doing nothing else than disturbing and distroying discussion groups. A few sick people like this really can bring down such a good place like Yahoo Answers. It is a pitty that the administration doesn't do any thing against this. Edit: How it is possible, that a clear spam answer that was reported several times to the Y!A team doesn't get deleted. It has 26 votes and obviously is manipulated! See yourself:;_ylt=Al...
  • 10 years ago

    The only way seems that one leaves... But should one give such a precious place to those sick people and allow that they take over? Anyway this is a playground for teenager and bored people, but there are still some good questions and good answers showing up and I believe it would be important to keep this going, as it often is the last possibility that suffering people find help.

    We can't allow that this is destroyed by not standing up!


  • 10 years ago

    This world is how it is, because people just 'shut up'. Authorities are just keeping themselves going and safe. As long as we don't take actions, nothing will change indeed!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    r u people 4 real i didnt understand a sing thing but "KISS " keep it simple stupid...all the fancy words don't mean hits if no1 else can understand it I guess ima troll then wat eva that is....

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