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If God is all loving, why does he have a favorite people?

Why does God hate the Egyptians and Philistines and Babylonians and all the other great empires that God destroyed or at least really messed up? Why does He only like the Jews? Are these other empires wicked? If God is the only way to get morality and God is only dealing with Israel, how can the other empires then be anything but wicked? By not revealing Himself to them, isn't God forcing them to be wicked? Why doesn't God use His infinite power to bring about peace and love and the kind of atmosphere an all loving all powerful being should be able to create? Why does He demand empires destroyed, not just their soldiers killed but their women raped and children slaughtered and cattle destroyed? If you're on God's good side maybe you can convince yourself God is all loving, but try to think about what it'd be like to be a first born in Egypt when the plagues hit. How was that all loving?

7 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    to me he is a fictional character but if he was he is not all loving yha a loving god sends down a massive flood killing everyone on earth really loving

  • 10 years ago

    I think its strange that people say that God is cruel or hateful because the world we live in is wicked and unequal but when he takes people from this world that also is a terrible act.

    God is loving but he is also holy and just. His holiness and justice demand that the wicked be destroyed. The Egyptians and the other empires were all idolatrous and sinful. When their wickedness had reached its fill God destroyed them. And he treated Israel just the same. When they turned from God he struck her down. And he showed compassion on other nations. Though he had threatened to destroy Niniveh he relented when the repented of their sordid deeds. And eventually he sent Jesus so that his love could be spread through all parts of the world.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    God is more than a person can understand and is very hard to explain only he fully knows why he does what he does. he loves all people though he may not love what they do. its like when you were a child and you misbehaived your parents might be angry with you but they still love you. also it seems like God was a much strickter God in the old testiment rather than he is in the new testiment. i believe he was strickter because he wanted to be loved but feared as well (feared may be the wrong word) he used events like the flood and the plagues to prove his power so people could see he was the true God. he had a favorite people in a sense that they promised to follow his word and obey his rules and not fall into the evil of the world this is why the jews must follow the leviticus diet because God has commaned it along with the other rules they were used for them to show their trust in God. its not that he did not work with the other empires it is that they would not accept his call. he does not force the world to be perfect because he gave us free will so we are not forced to follow him but are allowed to choose. If he wanted to he could make the world perfect but then we would not have free will we would be basically robots and would always follow him without a thought different. he wants to be chosen he is a jelous God as he himself said.

    The rules were wiped away when jesus took our sin now all we must do is accept him as our savior and we will live forever through him and we are only called to attempt to be christ like though we will never be perfect he only wants us to try and he will take care of the rest. without jesus we could never gain eternal life that is why God sent him. i hope this helped and God bless.

    Source(s): the bible
  • 10 years ago

    Allah loves all people. In Islam all people from different races are equal. Jews are chosen people means their nation has most of the prophets which is true. But that does not mean that Allah loves them more than other nations. Remember we are all children of Adam. At the time of ancient Egypt, Jews were belivers of Allah while Egyptians were Pagans who worship the Pharaoh. Jews and some Egyptians were tortured because they believed in the message of prophet Moses peace be upon him.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You did not read the entire section obviously. God destroyed them for several reasons. The main reason is because they sinned against God, in a major way, they had also built "stairs to heaven" & they had false God's. You really should read all of it. God doesn't hate them, he hated the way they were living. Big difference.uld read all of it. God doesn't hate them, he hated the way they were living. Big difference.

  • 10 years ago

    I love my mom, i love pop tarts, but i love my mom more. Same concept

  • 10 years ago

    Because it's LIAM NEESON!!!

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