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Lv 5

Major Problem with housing - I feel like a complete failure?

Long story short- last Jan hubby and I decided we were going to buy a house by the end of 2011- so we started working very hard to fix our credit/raise or scores- because we both had made very bad decisions in the past. everything was going great- scores were going up a lot- things were getting paid off etc...

Well then out of nowhere- it completely blindsided us, my husband lost his job. There goes our chance of getting a mortgage at the end of the year. (Lenders all want to see 12+ months of employment)

Then he forgot to put his student loans on deferrment while he was getting unemployment- and so it was 30 days late before he did that. So a year of paying them on time- down the crapper in 30 days.

Now the predicament we are in- credit score went back down below 600- I'm a stay at home mom with no income- and a landlord-tenant judgement which pretty much automically nixes me at the rentals we've looked at and even the mobile home parks said no because of it. (it will remain on my credit report for another 1.5 years)

We need to be out of the place we are at by the end of the year- we aren't going to be approved for a mortgage- we thought we could get a mobile home - but that's proving harder than a traditional mortgage- and because of my judgement and his low score- we've been turned down as renters- because everyone and their brother seems to do credit checks for rentals now- or the ones who dont- the rent is 3x what we can afford to pay a month.

What the heck is a mom supposed to do? =( I feel like a complete failure.


We also went to several mobile home dealers proclaiming "bad credit loans- we work with everyone and all credit situations to get you into a home" - and after wasting a whole day- come to find out if your score is under 620 they won't even talk to you- Maybe it's been a long time since I've gotten a loan- but since when did 620 become a horrible credit score? yeesh. I mean, I know it's not excellent or anything-

And no offense, but if his score was at least 620- or mortgage broker could get us approved for a loan for a HOUSE.... we wouldnt be looking at mobile homes.

GAH this is so frustrating

Update 2:

My husband is no longer un-employed and has a job now =)

Update 3:

To the person who commented get off your lazy butt. I am a stay at home mom with 3 daughters. I am a full-time college student with ONE semester left before I get my degree. Anyway, we have already checked into my working, and I couldn't make enough to even cover the cost of the daycare for our 3 children, it would take my entire paycheck and part of my husbands- that would be a foolish decision and set us back even farther- as we'd have even less money. Don't assume just because someone isn't working, that they are a lazy bum who sits around day!

5 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That judgement would have prevented buying as well, so you really are not in a different position then before.

    It sounds like you need to get off the damn couch and get a job. With 2 incomes things will be twice as easy.

  • 10 years ago

    The thing that make people successful is not the fact that they fall down, it is the fact that they get back up no matter how many times they fall down.

    You ran into a little bump in the road, big deal, everyone have these up and down periods. You must now find away to get around that bump and make it a small bump as oppose to a giant hill.

    I see that a small portion of the bump has been removed as your husband has now found another job.

    If a mobile home is your desire then by all means go for what you want and desire, however, from reading your comments, you would be settling for a mobile home, this is not gonna make you happy over the long run.Owing a mobile home might set you back as it would become a debt on your credit report and could lower your debt ratio and prevent you from achieving your goal of owing a home as oppose to a mobile home.

    You might would want to apply for a FHA mortgage loan. The requirements are not as stringent as those of a conventional mortgage loan and there are programs that require a down payment as low as 3.5%. The down payment might be borrowed from friends, relatives, or a charity organization. Your credit score might be a hindrance, however, most lenders and loan officers would have knowledge of a credit repair company that might be able to assist you in raising your score at a faster pace or have the knowledge to remove negative credit at a faster pace.

    Normally using a credit repair service would cost, however, you would have a good recommendation of someone that have used the services of this company before.

    Frustration is a part of the home purchase process, remember that others have gone through this process and have survived, you would have to manage to control it and go about doing things that are positive and not dwell on the negative.

    I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

    "FIGHT ON"

  • 10 years ago

    Having been through what you are now going through, here's what I'd suggest:


    1. f possible, move in with in-laws or other family members. (Not desirable but if you're out of options and money, it beats all the other options. Also, if any of your relatives live in/near cities where more opportunity and better paying jobs exist, that provides you with another reason.)

    2. You should start a blog or website or some sort of stay at home income-producing company. Do what you love, online.

    3. If you want to buy a house, you must not only fix the credit scores but also save for a down payment. Easier to do when living with family.

    4. If all else fails when you apply to rent homes, speak with your church members and leaders and they will/should be able to help.

  • 10 years ago

    Edited answer:

    Keep renting. If you run into problems renting a place, offer a landlord 6 months rent upfront. I suspect you have cash saved up, since you will need a down payment for a mortgage. Live rent free for 6 months and keep saving for a bigger down payment on a home you love

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It is a score of 680 minimum and 2 yrs full employment.

    You need someone with great credit to cosign your rental lease and guarantee your rent and damages.

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