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  • Direct Sales Compensation Plans?

    What is my commission with each of the following companies?

    Help me compare comapnies please for each of the 3 scenarios.

    Scenario #1: I am a base level consultant, and have 1 consultant underneath me. I have $500 in personal sales for the month and the consultant underneath me has $300.

    Scenario #2: I am a mid-level consultant with 10 consultants underneath me on the first level. I have $1200 in personal sales for the month and front level consultant team sales are $5600

    Scenario #3: I am a top level consultant with 40 consultants underneath me on the first level. I have $1600 in personal sales for the month and front level conulstants team sales are $26,000.

    (1) Pure Romance

    (2) Pampered Chef

    (3) Thirty-one

    (4) Origami Owl

    (5) Scentsy

    (6) Lia Sophia

    3 AnswersMarketing & Sales7 years ago
  • Husbands and Double Standards?

    I can't tell you how many nights in the past 8 years I have woken up to find my husband up in the living room on his computer- or in the basement or living room sleeping.

    Tonight, I can't sleep- so I got up. (mind you the ONE time i've done it in 8 years) and all of the sudden it's a huge ordeal. He comes out and turns the A.C off- then he asks if I can turn the tv down (i hardly have the volume up). Then I went into the kitchen and quietly made some tea- next thing I know he is in the kitchen getting into the drawer digging out his ear plugs.

    I mean SERIOUSLY? I can already see what is going to happen tomorrow- he is going to be "soo tired" and if I say anything about not being able to sleep (I am also 8 months pregnant and our 3 year old has been up half the night coughing from a cold) all I will hear about is how he had it sooo much worse- etc....

    Do most husbands turn out like this? *sigh*

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • finally meeting my in-laws.. after 7 years and 3 kids...?

    This is going to seem silly- but my fiance is from another state- and despite the fact that we've been together for 7 years, and have 3 children (oldest is age 5) I've (nor have our children) ever met his family. Well now next week they are "stopping in" for a day while they pass through the city we live in. I have mixed emotions about this. While I am excited my fiance gets to see his family (it's been 3 years since he's been out to see them- we never had enough money to take our entire family out there) and I'm excited they get to finally meet their grandkids- but part of me feels resentment- because they've had nothing to do with us for the past 5+ years (aside from mailing birthday and christmas presents to the kids).

    Now another dilemma, because it's "his" family- my fiance wants to just have us spend time with his family alone- yet my family who has been ACTIVELY involved with us and our children nearly everyday- would LOVE to meet his family and they want to do something with all of us together.

    How do I make everyone happy? or come to a compromise?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Huge fight over babies gender?

    First of all- we have 3 children and with the first 2 we found out- with the 3rd we didn't. We are expecting number 4 and ultrasound is later this week.

    I don't want to find out the gender. After enduring pregnancy and a c-section- having the gender be a surprise at the birth is something I look forward to and am looking forward to.

    For some reason all of the sudden he is stuck on finding out- he claims "my family NEEDS to know" and he has himself convinced he and they can all keep it a secret from me.

    That is a total lie- he never can keep secrets and since this is our last baby- I would be crushed when it slips out.

    Second of all- his family who "needs" to know- has never met a single of our children, or even myself. NOT ONCE- they live all over 10 hours away and never can manage to find the time to come meet their grandchildren. So that pisses me off- why does a family who has nothing to do with us "NEED" to know the gender before the baby is born?

    We got into a HUGE fight today, because i was upset and told him I really don't want anyone to know- and he basically told me, that i can not find out- but he is finding out- and if it upsets me that much- then i just need to learn a better way to deal with it.

    GRRRRRRRRRRRR My ultrasound is this week and I seriously want to just cancel it or get a divorce- I don't know what to do. =(

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Interparate my Dream - Cheating and Celebrity Love?

    In real life: Engaged

    In my Dream: Found my fiance was cheating on me and we ended our relationship.

    Next part of the dream I was in a school studying or doing work for an office (not sure which) and was working with a man with whom I was attracted to. (He was one of the former New Kids on The Block). I remember all these girls kept coming in (it was like we were in a library) and they would stop at the door with these "OMG" expressions on their faces and get all star struck and really strange and just stare at him because he was famous.... I was kind of put-off because while I knew he was famous, I didn't care- we were working together and he was just a normal human being to me.

    I remember I felt like he was 'testing" me- he wasn't going to come right out with his feelings- because he wanted to make sure I wasn't just another crazy star struck girl- During the dream I knew he was the man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • How to give daughter advice on period "etiquette"?

    I've noticed that my daughter (12) has been attempting to use my tampons instead of her pads. The reason I say attempting, is because tonight when I walked into the bathroom- there were literally 10 tampons in the trash- which looked like she had "tried" to put them in- but it didnt work or something. Also, when she is on her period she bleeds heavily, and when she uses the toilette, usually leaves lots of red on the seat. She also just throws her pads open in the trash. I know this topic is sensitive. i've tried politely to ask her and show her how to roll up the old pads into a new pad wrapper and toss them- but she still just throws them open in the trash and leaves "blood" all over the toilette. She also will take 2 showers a day when she's on her period and it's as if she wipes down there with the towels and just puts the bloody towels back on the towel rack. I feel like I'm constantly running in there when she's done and having to clean it up so her father/guests don't see all that.

    Obviously talking to her hasn't curbed this. What's the best way to address these things? Do I just need to keep reminding her nicely until she gets it?

    7 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • 8 weeks 4th pregnancy- feel like i'm 6 months preggo?

    This is my 4th pregnancy. I am about 8-9 weeks along. I am in maternity pants already- as I cannot wear my regular pants (and haven't for a few weeks now.) I don't ever remember getting so big so early with any of my other pregnancies.

    Is this normal? I seriously feel like I am 5-6 months pregnant already.

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Extreme Fatigue - 4th pregnancy?

    I have 3 children already and am pregnant with our 4th. While I am thankful this is the first pregnancy I haven't had horrible morning sickness, I do have the worst fatigue I've ever experienced. How can I cope and make things better? I sleep great at night- but wake up and feel like I have to fight to keep my eyes open. I go through the entire day like this- and sometimes I just can't do it anymore- and snooze on the couch. I feel like I can't get anything done. =(

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Pregnant with 4th - how to tell him?

    Back story- we have 3 girls ranging in age from 12-3 1/2. We choose to use natural methods of Birth Control- and managed the past 3.5 years pregnancy free. I've always wanted another child, as I felt our family isn't "complete" yet. However, he see's different and didn't want anymore.

    About 3 months ago, he started answering different when I would bring things up about another baby- while he didn't come right out and say he wanted another one- he never said he didn't like he used to. Fast forward to this past month- he opted to thwart our natural birth control method in the heat of the moment- for whatever reason.

    Well go figure- the chances of that being when I was ovulating- so today found out from a home test I am pregnant! I have mixed emotions, as it hasn't really sunk in.

    So my question is this- since we weren't technically planning on it or trying- yet we werent doing things to ensure it didnt happen either- what is the best way to tell him? Just tell him? or would it be ok to do something "cute" to let him know?

    We are engaged and our wedding is set for August of this year. This is going to throw a whole new dimension to that- oh boy oh boy! =)

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Indoor Cat ran outside- we just moved into a new house & it's about to thunderstorm outside?

    Our cat is 7 years old. 2 days ago we moved into a new home. Today, she slipped out the door. She has gotten out at our previous house- but always stayed within 15 feet or so of the door and within an hour- she was waiting at the door to come back in.

    Now however, I am concerned because we are at a new home- and have only been here for 2 days. About 20 feet behind our house are lots of acres of woods. She ran out into the woods- and there was no catching her. (The woods and underbrush are so thick- you can't walk in it).

    On top of all of this, it's about to thunderstorm here- so I'm really worried that will (1) scare her (2) wash away any scent she may have left of herself in running off- to find her way back.

    She does have a collar on with our phone number-

    What is the best thing to do? Leave a dish of food and water out and pray for the best? Will cats in a new environment find their way back?

    My kids are crushed =(

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • 1200 is 65% of what number?

    Math help please:

    1200 is 65% of what number?

    so the backwards equation would be X • .65 = 1200 What is x? 1846?

    5 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Father threatened to quit job if I didn't send some of his child support payments back?

    I don't want to get into too many details- but after 11 years of non-employment from not receiving help for a bad mental illness my sons father is now on medication and started paying child support. Because he owed over 6 figures in back support- the state now takes 65% of his checks. He claims he doesn't have enough to pay his rent/gas to go to work unless I send him half of it back. He threatened to quit his job if I didn't. So I've been sending 1/2 back. Can I get into trouble for this? I'm trying to walk a fine line of making sure he has enough to cover his living needs- but not enough to go blow on boo's and partying and "free fun" money. i went 11 years scraping by with nothing (even while working full time)- I'm trying to get the support adjsted- so that they take 50% of his checks- which still gives me an ok amount- but gives him just enough to pay rent and gas, medication and bills- but not enough to have 'free' money- so I am trying to show him that he can't threaten me with what he said. help?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Husband just disappears?

    My husband just disappears and it's driving me bonkers. I feel like when I leave, it has to be a brig production- I have to make sure he knows I am leaving, tell the kids good-bye etc. However, perfect example today- he picked up one of our daughters from pre-school, came home with her, went outside to smoke and now his car is gone- so he left somewhere. Earlier this morning, he left and went to the grocery store to get some groceries, but he never told me, he just left. Often times he will sit upstairs in his room on his laptop or whatever, and i'm left watching the kids.

    I know he's not out cheating- his disappearing acts are stupid things like running up to the gas station for a soda, or running to the grocery store- so it's not like he is gone for hours on end. It just drives me bonkers that he feels he can just up and leave at any moment without saying anything. I feel like watching the kids is 100% my responsibility- I couldn't imagine or even fathom just up and leaving without saying anything to anyone.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • 12 year old home alone overnight?

    My daughter has just turned 12 and was invited to spend the night with a friend- who is 12. Her parents will be gone for the evening. The parents will be gone from 6pm - 8am ish. When I gave the ok to stay to her friends mom, I didn't realize they would gone for the night- I thought they were just going out for a few hours.

    They live about a mile away. Part of me says it'sok- but another part of me says they are still too young- especially since the parent informed me that she had asked 4 other parents prior but they wouldn't let their daughters. She also stated the 12 year old wanted a friend to come stay because she would be scared all alone - so I assumed that even without a friend the child would be home alone for the evening. The girl babysits a lot- so she is used to being alone- my daughter however, has never stayed home alone for more than 15 minutes yet.

    Are they too young? Am I overly paranoid? If I shouldn't allow her- how do I tell the mom last minute that we changed our minds?

    19 AnswersGrade-Schooler10 years ago
  • omg is the spider dead- immediate help please?

    I am beyond terrified of spiders. I walked out of my room to use the bathroom and could see a huge one on my ceiling. I quick ran and got the spider/flying insect killer- and sprayed the spider with 2 bursts. I was about 4 feet away- but know the mist landed on it. I quick ran to grab the vaccum to suck it up- however when i ran back in- it was crawling under the blinds on the window above my bed.

    I am terrified of spiders- and i dont want to open the shade to see if its there- do you think it's dead by now? I always spray them with the spray and they go crazy and run away- and i always just assumed they ran off and died- but now im terried im going to open my eyes in a few hours and have that thing crawling on me.

    please help

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • can we use a sellers gift for down payment?

    We are looking at making a purchase on a home- because of our credit and terms- we need 35% downpayment. We have to get the loan for at least 21,600- even though they are only asking 15,000 for it. We want to buy it, before we could come up with 35% (6600) for the downpayment. Could we get the loan for 21,600- and have the seller 'gift' the 6600- so our mortgage would really only be the 15000 which is the minimum the finance company will loan to us?

    How does that work?

    p.s. the home value is over $34,000

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • High Risk Lender- appraised value much higher than selling price?

    (1) Please don't bash on me because we need a mobile home- we are no longer able to rent where we are living- (with family- they are moving)

    We are working on reparing credit- but our scores are still around 520- we found a mobile home- the blue book value is 40,000 and the guy is only asking 18,000 to sell it. He just needs out of the mortgage, so he can get a mortgage on a house (so lease to purchase is out- we already asked). We both have two cars- they don't have loans and we bought them free an clear- they each are worth about $4,000- so still not enough to cover $18,000.

    My question- I know it's really hard to get a loan with our still bad credit scores (everything is paid off- we just need 24 more months to continue good payments and brings scores up). However, can anyone direct me to somewhere (please ont post if you're scamming me with a yahoo address. lol) that would possibly approve us for a loan (we have the income)- because the appraised/blue book value is so much higher than the sale price- it would be good for the lenders since we are considered high risk- help

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Major Problem with housing - I feel like a complete failure?

    Long story short- last Jan hubby and I decided we were going to buy a house by the end of 2011- so we started working very hard to fix our credit/raise or scores- because we both had made very bad decisions in the past. everything was going great- scores were going up a lot- things were getting paid off etc...

    Well then out of nowhere- it completely blindsided us, my husband lost his job. There goes our chance of getting a mortgage at the end of the year. (Lenders all want to see 12+ months of employment)

    Then he forgot to put his student loans on deferrment while he was getting unemployment- and so it was 30 days late before he did that. So a year of paying them on time- down the crapper in 30 days.

    Now the predicament we are in- credit score went back down below 600- I'm a stay at home mom with no income- and a landlord-tenant judgement which pretty much automically nixes me at the rentals we've looked at and even the mobile home parks said no because of it. (it will remain on my credit report for another 1.5 years)

    We need to be out of the place we are at by the end of the year- we aren't going to be approved for a mortgage- we thought we could get a mobile home - but that's proving harder than a traditional mortgage- and because of my judgement and his low score- we've been turned down as renters- because everyone and their brother seems to do credit checks for rentals now- or the ones who dont- the rent is 3x what we can afford to pay a month.

    What the heck is a mom supposed to do? =( I feel like a complete failure.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • I want to rent our camping tent out- need help with a deposit?

    I have a very nice 10 person Eddie Bauer tent. We are looking for some extra income- and since we only use it 1 or 2 weeks out of the year, I thought renting it out might be a nice option. Most places I've found that rent, only rent 1 or 2 person tents. Average price seems to be $10-$20 a night with a $50 deposit.

    My question is how much should I rent it out for? (I'm thinking $20 or so a night) but what about the deposit? The tent was $200 new when we bought it- and we've only camped with it twice- so it's still in like new condition. I just want to make sure and cover out butts in case someone completely trashes it- but I don't want to make the deposit so high that nobody rents it either. (most rv's have a deposit around $300-$400 for a week). Suggestions? What else should I do to cover our butts in case someone wrecks it?

    6 AnswersCamping10 years ago
  • We each gave her a dose of motrin for her temp and didn't realize it.?

    my daughter weighs between 40 and 50lbs, but is under age (4-5) on the motrin bottle. We were giving her the dosage based on age (1tsp. which is for someone who weighs 25 lbs). Not realizing my husband had given her some (1tsp) when I was in the shower- I gave her 1tsp when I got out. So she had 2tsp. Do we need to call poison control? I know the hospital and dr always dose by weight and not age- so since it shows 2 tsp based on her weight- shouldn't that be ok?

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago