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Regarding living forever....doesn't it "appear" at least possible to you?

If you disregard the Bible altogether, still, doesn't it make sense to you that the life force in everyone of us is very likely not subject to the natural laws of physical death?

How is this concept (living forever) not compatible with known sciences? I mean, energy is not able to be stored. It must be used or it is not available for use later.

C' matter what you believe or disbelieve, apply your reasoning and let's see what shakes out.

23 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In the physical world as we understand it, yes. We may not understand it or be able to recognize it as a continuance, because the only constant is change.

    The fact that there is a Universal Constant agrees or allows an everlasting existence. in some manner.

    I am not a real big fan of mans god, I do like the concept of continuity.

    Source(s): The color Green and the Number 42
  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    What do you mean by life force?

    That is an idea that has never been supported by evidence. It has been assumed by some folks that there is some life force because there are living things. Modern molecular biology shows that the nature of life is a lot more complex than than and so far no sign of a life force.

    The archaic issue presented in your schema is similar in nature and error to the idea that Aristotle used to explain moving objects, alleging there must be some force pushing a moving object as long as it is moving. As Isaac Newton pointed out, there is no such force pushing the moving object.

    Likewise just because there are living things does not mean that there also exists some one particular force that causes the things to continue living. The complexity of living things is beyond simplistic ideas and wishful thinking. And what would the Bible have to do with any of this?

    You ask how your idea (living forever) is not compatible with known sciences. You are asking for a very short (not much room to reply here) explanation in terms of science that you don't understand. Clearly you would do better to go learn some science first because the explanation would probably be incomprehensible to you until that point. You would have no way to determine if the explanation was valid or not because it is outside your ken.

    Assuming you are serious then you probably will not accept anything that cannot fit your own simplistic schema, i.e., life force energy, "natural laws of physical death", and energy storage or use somehow being related to eternal life.

    I decline.

  • 10 years ago

    >Regarding living forever....doesn't it "appear" at least possible to you?

    It appears more than possible. In fact, I would not be surprised if there are people alive today who will live to see the time when we achieve the necessary technology for effective immortality.

    >If you disregard the Bible altogether, still, doesn't it make sense to you that the life force in everyone of us is very likely not subject to the natural laws of physical death?

    Just what the heck is a 'life force'? And, once you've defined it with adequate precision, can you then demonstrate that any such thing actually exists?

    >I mean, energy is not able to be stored.

    What does a battery do then?

  • Star T
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Scientists have long known about the human body’s power to renew itself. By wonderful means the body cells are either replaced or repaired, as the need may be. And it seems that this process of self-renewal should go on forever. But it does not, and this is something that scientists cannot explain. They still do not fully understand why people grow old. They say that, under right conditions, humans should be able to live forever.—Psalm 139:14.

    We can truly be happy that it is God’s purpose that we live forever. For think: If you had to decide, on what date would you choose to die? You cannot pick one, can you? You do not want to die, and neither does any other normal person who has a measure of health. God made us with the desire to live, not the desire to die. Regarding the way God made humans, the Bible says: “He has even put eternity into their minds.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11, Byington) What does this mean? It means that ordinarily people desire to live on and on, without dying. Due to this desire for an endless future, men have long searched for a way of staying young forever.

    Source(s): The bible
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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    There are 4 known fundamental forces... gravity, electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear. None of those are commonly called "life force". If you have information on such a 5th fundamental force I suggest you publish. If not, then you should accept that this life force you mention is simply a feature of one or more of the 4 forces mentioned. Of course, that means the entire argument you based on there being a distinct life force is invalid, other than the real forces involved in the chemical reaction known as human life do indeed continue beyond human mortality. Just not as any type of entity, and probably not as part of the same type of combination.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Dying doesn't 'make sense', no. And yet in the bible, Eccles. says that at least

    some die and nothing more comes of this. So, maybe the life force just

    goes off into the air, (from your question, not the bible).

    After all, taking a rather poor analogy, the sun sends all that energy

    to the earth and I think we end up receiving less than 5% of that,

    so 95% just dissipates.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    As long as they insist on scientific evidence for everything, and disregard that it took much more than science for God to create everything, they are being so very foolish. Spirituality is not found through science but by searching for truth with all your heart. But even if you want to point to science it should be quite evident that all of creation could not come about accidentally. The more you think about it, the more obvious it should be that all God created was by intelligent design and not by accident. He is a God of miracles and power and knows all things.

  • Demi
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    It is ego that gives us the sense of self, not pure energy. Does the energy live on? Well, sure. But it is very likely not sentient and lacking sentience and sense of self, can we really be said to be living forever? I don't think we can as I have a much more strict definition of life. Living things have /some/ degree of self awareness and energy does not any sort of awareness, let alone self awareness.

    Source(s): Nordic Heathen
  • Neil
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    From many people who have been to heaven or hell and come back, the life force which you refer to is not only conscious but the senses are more alive than when living your normal life on earth. It is sad that many people will not accept that the soul is eternal until it is too late.

  • 10 years ago

    There is a jellyfish which can revert back to it's younger stage at a certain point in it's life. If we could do the same, it would need to be proven whether we would retain our consciousness. If not, I'm sure a lot of us would prefer death.

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