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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

How can I differentiate between rioters and pro-democracy protesters?

Is it something easy like the pro-democracy protesters have rocket propelled grenades? I'm confused, I don't know if we're supposed to send weapons or if I should we be sending planes to bomb the UK government. Does the UN have a hotline so they can tell me what to do. Maybe we could work out an exit strategy for David Cameron.

23 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Penfold. I thought you were a sophisticated bear. It's a GEOPOLITICAL fvcking issue, innit? Location. location location is all that matters to the definition of such esoteric labels as "Pro Democracy Protester" and the more pedestrian "Rioter"....aka "violent little gobshite".

    Rioters aren't burning sh!!t that sits on land underneath which are found vast oil supplies, gold mines, diamonds or rare earth minerals which are currently under the control of a politician or politicians who won't pander to the whims of the IMF and S&P. Silly.

    And rioters ARE living in areas in which the London and the International Olympic Committees wish to see a load of well heeled tourists accommodated in stylishly appointed medium density housing which will lend itself nicely to "gentrification" type schemes after the event.

    This is a Pauper Relocation Program. Conceived of by the geniuses in the Olympics administration, engineered by the social policies of a morally bankrupt coalition govt and orchestrated by their jack booted murderously inclined lackeys in the Constabulary.

    You watch them clean Stratford et. al out after the smoke has cleared. There won't be a Council Estate left with it's residents unscattered to the far corners of England.

    Source(s): No. Don't thank me. I only come here to help others.
  • Ranger
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    If you are talking about the RACE RIOTS in the UK. It is easy. The people looting and burning are mostly non whites protesting the killing of a minority man by the police.

    For many years, the UK has denied they have a race problem, despite signs on the doors of businesses saying "No Travelers" (Gypsies), And the Indian and African citizens complaining they did not have equal rights to participate in government.

    Look at how many members of the UK government are white skinned and how many are dark skinned. Minority Racers compose 7.9% of the UK population per the most recent census. Only 2.3% of the House of Commons are of a minority race, while the House of Lords is better than the House of Commons at 4% minority membership, by no means is either close to reflectting the number of minority citizens in the UK.

    In 2008, Trevor Phillips, Chair of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, said that a black man could not become Prime Minister in Britain. If the Chair of the committee that is supposed to protect minority rights say they don't have equal rights, it should be clear to everyone that the UK has a race problem, but they still close a blind eye to the problem.

    Maybe Race Riots will wake them up.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Don't worry. The government and controlled media will tell you.

    For example, regime change in Libya is in the best interests of Western corporate and banking powers. Therefore, Al Qaeda are the good guys and we have arm them at our own expense. If you don't support Al Qaeda in Libya, well, you hate democracy.

    However, protesters in countries that are already controlled by the Western banking cartel (such as US, UK, Canada, Greece, Italy, Spain etc) are terrorists REGARDLESS of what they look like or what they happen to be doing. If you don't keep your mouth shut, accept the fraudulent debt and go along with the austerity, then you are a threat to the establishment and will be labeled as such.

    It's really not that complicated.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Democracy is democracy and they can both have the same governmental system. The difference comes with how the government decides to use its power. A capitalist government will want to keep out of people's way as much as possible and concentrate on the key duties of a government - law, order and defence. Everything else is left to the free market. A socialist government will want to "interfere" much more for the benefit of the people. That costs money so it will inevitably impose higher taxes. The key idea in socialism is to have major industries in government hands so they can be run not for profit, but for the benefit of the people because they supply things that we all need. How far that should go is a matter of opinion - socialists differ on this. If you think EVERYTHING should be owned by the government, that's pretty much communism. I'm British and am old enough to remember when Britain was properly socialist - gas, electricity, telephones, railways, British Airways, British Steel, British Coal, shipbuilding and a lot more were all government companies. Margaret Thatcher sold most of them, partly because she thought they were inefficient if they don't have the motive of making a profit, and partly because she thought we should be a "share-owning democracy". What tends to go with socialism is providing a safety net for when things go wrong for people, like a health service paid for out of taxes, and social security for the unemployed. It's all much of a spectrum, especially as socialists disagree amongst themselves as to how far it should go. Some things look like obvious natural monopolies, like gas and electricity. It just doesn't make sense to have TWO lots of gas pipes and electricity cables coming to your house so you can choose which one you want to be connected to, so even though they are private companies now, they have to work together and there is a government regulator to stop them putting up prices too fast. Even in the USA, where they are very much at the capitalist end of the spectrum, you pretty much have to choose the local company. Other things obviously aren't natural monopolies, like food. Shops competing on price work to all our benefit and give us cheap food because if another shop down the road sells it cheaper, of course that's where you want to go. Or if you want to pay more for higher quality and better service, you have that choice too. Only a communist country would think that food shops should be government-owned.

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  • 10 years ago

    The rioters have names like Scooter and A Hole where as protesters have names like Phil and Heather...or Sky and Truth depending on the protest.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Hi Da

    do the police have guns over there yet?

    ...Love Bobby

    Loogans VS SGBNOMBers (sounds great, but not on my block!)

    Loogans want to stay in the city but are forced to leave and live in small hamlets, they sneak in under cover of bleakness and start a mash pit that gets out of of the rules of the Reich is to throw yourself against windows while others chant and dodge about leaving each other confused and dense wanting nothing but to watch a little Tele. Eastenders then light fires for warm....really that's all it is...they need warmth and to get out a bit more.

    also they need to stay off the Cider and go to church and stuff so they grow up right in the heed!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    The ones who are not looting, setting fires, or throwing rocks are the pro-democracy protesters.

    Everyone else is a rioter.

  • 10 years ago

    You can only follow your heart, Penfold. If someone strikes you as a bad egg then don't wait around to be brutalised by the scamp. Knock him out and confiscate whatever monies he is carrying - it is surely stolen and can be returned to the bank via your own account at a later date.

    As for Cameron, let him go to the devil. It's every man for himself now!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Rioters are better at avoiding the bullets, it's only the peaceful protesters that ever get shot.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The rioters is British innit? An da rebels is Algerian pikeys.

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