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Are the riots in England the perfect example of why people have should have the right to bear arms?

How many innocent law abiding people might have not been victims of these rioting thugs, had they been armed?



goodluck... - So you are saying they can't kill now because they don't have firearms? Really?

Thalia, Kelly Jones NDP, Bruce83 - When the rioters attack innocent law abiding civilians, they already have weapons, like bats and knives, and superior numbers. How could having firearms legal possibly make that situation worse for the victim? As it stands now, the victim has absolutely no chance if the mob decides to kill them. If the victim was armed, at least they would stand some chance of being able to defend themselves.

Neo nerd - As an American and a legal gun owner, I have Glock 9mm pistol that will accept a 33 round magazine. Considering that I can swap clips in less than two seconds, even handguns would be very effective. Besides, I said firearms, which includes semi automatic rifles, so people wouldn't be restricted to handguns.

Df Wolf - The killing of Mark Duggan is what started the issue. Firearms are inanimate objects with no inherent will of their own. Sayin

Update 2:

justagra... - You do realize that the majority of rioters and looters were probably already armed with bats and knives and on top of that they had superior numbers? If they were willing to take part in these riots, it shows that they had no respect for the law before this an they most likely won't after it is over. That being said, a person status as a criminal or respect for the law is irrelevant when discussing wither or not people have the inherent right to defend themselves. You say that having a gun isn't going to protect you and I have to ask, then why are they issued to police officers? I mean, according to you, a cop would be just as safe with a gun as without, right?

simplici... - No, my solution to everything is not guns, but it is part of the solution. Apparently that is more than you can come up with, seeing as how your comment added absolutely nothing of value to the debate.

Ha Ha @ Kize - Apparently you and goodluckwith that both have the inane belief that people ca

Update 3:


DfWolf - The rest of my reply was supposed to read, "Saying that firearms are responsible for the riots is like saying that pencils are responsible for student test scores."

Update 4:


Justagra - You say, "I'm not sure if you understand that mob mentality can make people do things they would never do otherwise. Like looting, and the undelying resentment against their hopelessness is why they can, however briefly justifiy their behavior."

Even if I agreed with you, and I don't, it is irrelevant to the debate of wither people should have the right to bear arms.

You say, "In England, for many years, guns were not an ordinary part of a policemans equipment. Shocking, isn't it?"

They were not part of a policeman's equipment, but now they are being armed to better deal with these people who are rioting. This just proves my point.

16 Answers

  • No.
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely. In addition, makes a great case for segregated communities...

  • justa
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    You do realize that the rioters would have been all armed too right?

    They weren't all criminals before this, and most of them probably won't be criminals after this is over.

    I suppose they all could have been shooting at each other and the cops too.

    Just more foolishness, owning a gun isn't going to protect you from someone setting your house on fire, if you are looking out the front and he's in the back.

    Dark night, you might want to check out one of the worst white on black riots to ever take place in Florida, where and entire town went up in flames. It was called Rosewood, and in 1996 there were the St. Petersburg Riots. And there were also Miami riots.

    There are plenty of riots in Florida.

    In this country much is made of the idea that only criminals will have guns if they are banned.

    I'm not sure if you understand that mob mentality can make people do things they would never do otherwise. Like looting, and the undelying resentment against their hopelessness is why they can, however briefly justifiy their behavior. In England, for many years, guns were not an ordinary part of a policemans equipment. Shocking, isn't it?

  • Shawn
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    So wait, I have to see if I am reading what most of you posted right. You think that since the rioters don't have guns that people can't get killed? You are all posting to the effect of "if we put guns in the mix then people would get killed". You guys know that there are ways to kill people without guns right?

    I mean a good stick or brick would do the job. However, You got 10 armed thugs coming at you and shoot one, well the rest are as happy to come after you anymore. The thugs have numbers on there side, you need something to even it out a little bit. As for more people dying with guns, people die everyday from violent crime in England, all without guns.

  • 10 years ago

    I think so because if they are bad people who mean to do you harm they will find a way to get a gun. If theyre breaking the law they wont be like " not allowed to get a gun...guess I just wont kill anyone"

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  • 10 years ago

    I wonder how many law abiding people would be dead if the rioting thugs had been armed. It's hard to be overly concerned about rioters who quit at four for tea.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    How many rioting thugs might have been armed?

    Anyway, what good is a handgun against a mob of 200 people?

  • Thalia
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Having the rioters armed with guns would make things worse.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Guns are what STARTED the issue, if the riotters had guns, more damage would be done, more people would DIE. the only people who should have guns are police and the army. NOT regular people.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes they are. Notice where most riots occur even in the US. They happen in cities and states where guns laws are the most strict. By contrast I live in FL. How many riots do you suppose we have here? None. Because we are allowed to shoot someone in self defense.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes. The only place that black mobs have the guts to riot is in states or countries that are disarmed. They use their superior numbers and racial cohesion to destroy the unorganized and unarmed whites. Good thing Obama care take our guns

    Source(s): Notice how these castrated whites assume that the rioters would have staged an armed insurrection when in reality the riot would have never occurred in the first place if civilians owned firearms. How can an organism as stupid as a white person survive for this lLNG?
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