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legalbgl asked in PetsDogs · 10 years ago

Torn ACL on a Dog. Any experience?

Has anyone had a Cavalier get a torn acl? All of a sudden two days ago my usualy very hyper Cavalier was not so hyper and refused to jump on the couch or bed (an activity he usually does frequently.) Took him to the vet, thinking it may be lymes disease. Vet thought it was a torn (partial) ACL. Xrays can't show a tear (need an MRI for that and they don't do that at the vet), but showed "fluid" on the knee. Vet proscribed rest (easier said than done) and an anti-inflamatory. Anyone have this happen to their dog? Any idea about recovery time? suggestions?



Lacey, no, they didn't do anything under sedation. They did do the X-Ray, saw fluid and she said that was the most likely reason. He is not overweight, far from it. He is pretty active and my quess is that t happened as he was running after his ball (his favorite activity which he can do all day long.)

Thanks for the idea of crating him. I will do that and keep following up with the Vet. He seemed so much better this morining. Just watching the way he rad down the stairs was completely different than yesterday. Even this AM, he was hoping up on two legs to get at my sons breakfast. H couldn't do that yesterday. So hopefully the anti-inflamtories are at least keeping him comfortable. We are keeping him from jumping, but he is an active dog. Hopefully as you said this will heal on its own. If surgury is needed, we will do it (thats what pet insurance is for.)

Anyone know what the recovery time from surgury is? Is there physical therapy afterwards?

7 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Did the vet sedate the dog and check the knee for drawer movement? That is usually the best diagnostic technique besides an MRI or arthoscopy. It's cheaper too. Your dog should be crate confined for six weeks. He should only be leash walked. Do not allow the dog to jump on or off anything. If your dog is overweight it needs to go on a diet. With care about half of these heal on their own and don't reqiure surgery. The other half will require surgery as a full tear will occur. Sadly there is a 50:50 chance that this will occur in the other leg.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago dog has torn acls in both knees and had to have surgery twice. At first the vet did reccommend using anti-inflammatories but that can just mask the pain and at first your dog may seem better but depending on the severity of the tear it may not help and is unlikely to fix it. Vetprophen sounds like a generic ibuprophen for dogs, it is just a pain medicine. Acl injuries are very common in large breeds and some vets take alternative routes than others but I would get a second opinion if you think your dog is getting worse. Surgery can be very expensive but it helped my dog walk again and after a few weeks she acts like nothing happened. You could also look into vet school programs where they can perform the surgery in a class for a little less money. Take good care of little Otis, good luck and I hope he gets better soon.

  • 10 years ago

    Well I haven't had the experience with any of my dogs, but I'm definitely familiar with torn ACL's. I'm 16 and have torn mine twice.

    Anyway The most effective option would be the surgery if it is a tear, but of course that's not always an option. Also recovery time after surgery would be hard because it takes months, however in smaller dogs if the ACL isn't completely blown rest for 6-8 weeks could help or show some signs of improvement.

    Of course we on here are not vets so it would be best to consult your vet/orthopedic vet and see what options you have.

  • 10 years ago

    I had a beagle mix that tore her ACL. It was surgically repaired, successfully. Recovery time is approx 6 weeks. You can do physical therapy, it definately wouldn't hurt. There are canine P/T who when the appropriate time comes, can recommend exercises to help your dog get strong. There's also hydrotherapy for dogs.

    Back then, I paid approx $2500.00, but that was a long time ago. You want to find an orthopedic surgeon. You want a vet who does many of these.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Your dog needs to see a canine orthopedic vet. My old Chow had to have surgery, which cost $3000.00 to fix the torn ACL. Recovery time was around 5-6 weeks.

  • 5 years ago

    We went the conservative management route using a brace. Our Vet suggested the atrac brace from woundwear. Instead of surgery.

  • 10 years ago

    I tore mine and it took forever to get better. I have never had this happen with one of my dogs.

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