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Am I just a booty call?

I've been seeing this guy for 6 weeks; we'll call him Dave. We really hit it off and felt like we 'fell in love' real quickly. It's been a very hot and humid summer here so we have spent all this time at his place watching movies and making love. (He has central air; I don't.) He says he loves me and would be devastated if I were to leave him, and that he's never met anyone like me. We're not teenagers, and both have had serious relationships prior to this.

At the end of week 4, I was starting to get upset that he had yet to take me out on a date. (I am over-weight and started wondering if he was ashamed to be seen with me.) I told him I was starting to feel like a booty call and that upset him because he took it to mean that I was calling him a liar for the times he said he loved me and such.

We finally went out a week ago Saturday. It was to a bar opening to which I was designated driver for him and one of his friends. I felt happy that we were finally going on a 'sort of' date. During our time there, he played pool with his friend for about 5 games while I just sat at the bar; he never asked me to play pool. A few days after that, I noticed on his Facebook page that he was still listed as 'Interested in women' although he had also listed that he was in a relationship with me and I sort of lost it.

I finally told him how I'd been feeling. I didn't want to really say much before because I didn't want him to take me out because I made an issue out of it. I needed to feel like he WANTED to take me out and be seen with me. He was upset and accused me of calling him a liar for the times he told me he loved me; that I didn't believe in him and called but I didn't return his call because I was so hurt. That was a few days ago and I haven't heard from him since. Prior to all this, he had bought me flowers and candy a couple of times, but just never took me out on a date. Am I wrong to feel insecure about the relationship? About myself? Could it be that he's just really clueless when it comes to 'romancing' a woman' in terms of taking her out to a movie or dinner? (He makes decent money.)

Did I sabotage something that had really good potential because of past hurts and insecurities or was I right to wonder if I was only a little more than a booty call?

18 Answers

  • David
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many guys have 'Interested in women' as a way of showing that they're not gay etc. It doesn't mean that they're looking for somebody else. In fact it's also not obvious in the profile, so he may not have thought / realized it was still there. (Many of my married friends also have that, not that they're are looking to cheat).

    It also sounds like he's totally clueless clueless when it comes to 'romancing' a woman' in terms of taking her out .

    In general terms, the good ones are normally gay or taken. So there must be something "wrong" with him and I would suggest its because he's a guy's guy (hence the pool issue) and the inability to woo a girl properly.

    He doesn't REALLY know how to interact with a woman deep down, though he's trying.

    To be fair, you were over harsh and were basically calling him a liar for no (provable/good) reason other than your own insecurities.

    I would suggest that the thought that you were a booty call also colours your viewpoint.

    I'd suggest that you try to get back together with him judging him only on what he does, not what you think he may do. That's the trouble with baggage, we all bring it with us, and sometimes it ruins our lives.

    If you're really concerned about booty calls, don't have sex for a while and see if he's still interested.

    But do remember you've effectively told him you've trust issues with him. Don't ever do it again unless you're certain, because I'd guess it'd be the last.

    Good luck

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Let's face it. You ARE a booty call. What effort did he need to get relief using your equipment. There may have been spoken "love" but words without any action are meaningless (note the attitude we are all learning about Obama - speaks a good game but goes to the showers when there is something to be done to win the game)

    Are you wrong to feel insecure about the relationship? WHAT relationship. When he feels an urge he doesn't have to use his hand, YOU are there and willing to let him use whatever part of your body he wants. When was the last (or first) time you felt the famous "Ecstasy" that goes with the act? Bet it hasn't happened yet, has it? That feeling is produced by a knowledge that what you did was "wonderful" and speaks of a commitment by him to you. You have it when you know you totally "own" each other exclusively and that you are idolized above all others - above his friends, his work, other women and even his family.

    Haven't had that feeling have you.

    Don't dwell on your being "overweight". There is a man out there to whom you will be perfect and who will spend his time and mental effort to deserving your love, affection and dedication. Lose this lazy lout and be attentive to other men who may deserve what you have to offer.

  • 10 years ago

    First off he was treating you like **** making never taking you out on a date. No matter if your overweight or not you deserve a man who makes you feel secure, happy and beautiful. I don't think you were a booty call, but I think this guy is a jackass. From the way he was treating you, he was not taking your wants and needs into consideration, and cheesy run of the mill flowers and candy are no replacement to a guy taking you out on an amazing date. I don't think you ruined anything good, because frankly you can do much better than this guy. I would say its time to move on. Love is NEVER worth being unhappy, because if he really loved you, he would put your happiness first.

  • 10 years ago

    your like me, i want the guy to do all the work in showing how interested he is. i often think of the worst case scenario and convincing myself the guy is no good. its cuz ur insecure hun, if you were just a booty call he wouldnt have gone to the trouble of sendinng you flowers or choccies. i think its time to move on, and not let insecurities affect furure relationships. good luck x

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  • 10 years ago

    I don't want to make you feel bad, but honestly I think you were worrying to much. Men are clueless about lots of things, he might've thought you liked the privacy of being alone together and just spending time, he probably doesn't know how to "romance a woman". Sorry about all this, hope it works out

  • 10 years ago

    Who in the right mind would go to bar when you have g/f?

    Bars are place to meet people.

    Second why would you take a girl out on date and play pool with your friend all night and leave your g/f at the bar?

    Thats Soo bad !! Shows no respect for the person you say you love.

    Trash him !!! Destroy his heart. Break it in a million pieces and then stomp on it and pee on it.

    Source(s): watchin others treat women badly
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    you are a lady so you are going to get emotional talking about these things so dont worry. I think he loves you for who you are and dont have insecurities as you will never feel good about yourself around him. You sound like a nice girl so dont let it get to you. Hope I helped!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Unfortunately, yes. If the guy loved you, he wouldn't take you out with his friends. That means you are like his friend. Women fall for what they hear. Men fall for what they see. He's falling for your looks. Your falling for what he says. From what you wrote, i'm guessing he is either not interested in you 100percent or he's keeping his options open

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    (going to be blunt) He's not clueless; he's using you. I'm a guy and I've seen this situation 100Xs before. You gave it up too soon, but he wasn't going to take you serious either way.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I believe you were right in telling him how u were feeling. From ur explination it did sound like a booty call.

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