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Can any two seeds grow alike ?

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    Namaste dear Mystic,

    Your question has many levels, depending on perspective.

    The poor tools that words are to express, can only address one or two of these levels.

    On one level the two seeds are, .... and always will be, .... completely unique.

    On another level, they have always, ... and always will be, ..... the same.

    But these "levels" are, in Truth, one and the same.

    It is Oneness expressing ITself as the uniqueness of creation and form.

    Can the two seeds grow alike?

    The two seeds may appear different when planted in this physical world, but as they reach for the sun they may grow into the knowledge of their Oneness with each other. Whilst at the same time still retaining their uniqueness.

    with much love to you

    Sunny Girl

    :) :) :)


    "Always will be", in my second paragraph is not an accurate description in Truth, but had to be used in order to answer at all!

    I know you understand my meaning. :) :) :)


  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Seduce a Woman
  • 10 years ago

    No. Two leaves don't even grow alike or in the same place, but they are still from the same root. They still have the same DNA. It's the same with a bird. A bird has lots of different feathers that have different purposes, but they all have the same DNA, and the bird needs all the various ones to be a bird, to keep warm and keep dry etc. and to fly. It's the DNA or what the DNA derives from that remains the same.

    It's with seeds they all ultimately come from the same source and the good ones can spread out an take root.

    But I often let the "weeds" in the garden grow and attract the bees and butterflies.

    I like diversity and wild flowers as well as the ones that are carefully cultivated and attended to and grown. I like that idea that if the seeds aren't looked after properly and are in the wrong kind of soil and watering and light etc, then the garden fails and is abandoned and the seeds of the wild flowers come in and take root.

    It's the same seed,somewhere, but it comes out in different ways and different places, still nurtured from the same soil that is hidden below the surface.

    I just like the seeds to come into full bloom just the way they are and spread more seeds and then more bright and colourful and varied flowers, so they have their place in nature and are interwoven with all of that.

    The birds have little hooks that keep all the feathers together and they just unfasten the hooks for cleaning and then put them back together again. So although they are kind of separate they are all kind of integrated and work together as well for the best health of the whole bird and it's feathers, even though there are differences and they have different functions.

    It's the same with seeds. Different things grow from them that have a different place in nature.

    Two seeds can grow into things that are quite alike but not quite. Things like where they take root and the weather and other things going on in the environment mean that they grow differently even though in essence they are very similar.

  • 10 years ago

    Seed is only a potential. To "realize" that potential requires an environment. The infinite combinations of nature and nurture will ensure that there will be variations, permutations, resulting in no two seeds producing the exact same result. Whether it is carrots or human twins, there will be differences.

    On a physical lever, there are dominant and recessive genes. Remember the peas experiments in Jr High School? Remember Old Testament Jacob and Leban with the goats?

    On a spiritual level of course everything is really One, in disguise. Separation is an illusion. The "reality" in which we live is a fractal/holographic reality, in that the pattern is repeated endlessly at all levels, but while the pattern is maintained, each minute detail is different from each other minute detail. So each "level" is unique, yet adheres to and preserves and is an expression of the same pattern.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I think it's impossible in the very nature of things. That's why everybody needs to follow their own intelligence and intuition to guide them in life, that's the whole beauty of it. No two persons are alike, each person is unique and incomparable.

    And this is the paradox...everybody is after being extraordinary. Everyone wants to be special, to be incomparable, to be exceptional, to be famous and known. But by creating that very desire, people become mediocre, ordinary, because everybody else also wants to be extraordinary. It is such an ordinary desire.

    But if you want to be just ordinary, the very search to be ordinary is extraordinary, because rarely does anyone go down that path, rarely does somebody want to be just a hollow, empty space. This is really extraordinary in a way, because nobody else wants it. And when you become ordinary you become extraordinary. That's the paradox of our existence. And, of course, suddenly you discover that without searching you have become unique because no two seeds ever grow alike.

  • 10 years ago

    Two seeds will grow alike but not exactly the same as their genetic makeup is slightly different.

  • perdew
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Todd, it is surprising. the type you administration the rhythm of this poem quite strikes me. The p.c.. varies, and all of it reads ok. considering the fact that I comprehend your writing adequate to be particularly nit-choosy, the only criticism I unquestionably have is that the imagery interior the poem is bright till the line, "Does that provide you a clue?" - and then enormously plenty stops. The intelligence on your play on language, distinctly at "each and each word creates and confines," is basic. That line, however, might provide a great possibility to depict visually advent by way of nomenclature. I won't insult you via suggesting a thank you to try this, yet i think of it particularly is the only concern which could advance the final ingredient of the poem. great paintings - in certainty, greater powerful than the already-reliable writing I observed whilst final i became right here reading it.

  • 10 years ago

    they may resemble/look alike, but there are always some characteristic/distinctive/unique features - already at the very beginning the true Lord God set unique character/individuality in each soul of the endless universe, so, it is impossible to have any aboslute sameness, doubling or repeat within one eternity - this means that it is impossible to have a repeat of any event/occurrence, neither a doubling of any individuality within one eternity

  • 10 years ago

    It is a matter of degree of "alike". Can they exhibit the exact same phenotype? Yes, with careful cultivation.

  • 10 years ago

    I agree with tentofie...

    In appearance they may look alike, but genetically they all are different, this is the universal set up for all beings. In this way every thing has got its unique identity. But the difference can be seen with deep observations like DNA etc.

    मेरै प्रभि साचै इकु खेलु रचाइआ ॥

    My True Lord has staged a play.

    कोइ न किस ही जेहा उपाइआ ॥

    He has created no one like unto the other.

    आपे फरकु करे वेखि विगसै सभि रस देही माहा हे ॥१॥

    Of Himself, making distinctions, he is pleased to see them, All the relishes He has put in the body.

    {{{Guru Amar Daas Ji Raag Maaroo 1056}}}

    मेरे साहिबा तेरे चोज विडाणा ॥

    O my Lord, wondrous art Thine plays.

    जलि थलि महीअलि भरिपुरि लीणा आपे सरब समाणा ॥ रहाउ ॥

    Thou art fully pervading the ocean, earth the sky and Thyself art contained amongst all. Pause.

    जह जह देखा तह जोति तुमारी तेरा रूपु किनेहा ॥

    Where so ever I see, there do I find Thy light. But of what sort is Thy From?

    इकतु रूपि फिरहि परछंना कोइ न किस ही जेहा ॥२॥

    Thou hast but one form and walkest Thou unmanifest, In Thine creation none is like the other.

    {{{Guru Nanak Dev Ji Raag Sorath 596}}}

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