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What is the "BIBLE" ?

I'm asking for anyone to tell me what exactly is the BIBLE? And how does it apply to our lives, if at all?

21 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dear Claydog,

    B asic

    I nstructions

    B efore

    L eaving

    E arth

    It is our instruction manual for life.

    It is our Love Letter from the Author of Life.

    Reading it from cover-to-cover for the first time 19 years ago and studying it on a daily basis it is my source of wisdom, comfort, guidance, joy, peace, inspiration, life, and light.

    For His glory,

    JOYfilled - Romans 8:28

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    The Bible is Jehovah God’s written Word to humankind. He used some 40 human secretaries over a period of 16 centuries to record it, but God himself actively directed the writing by his spirit. Thus it is inspired by God. Jehovah also preserved in the Bible a record demonstrating what happens when individuals and nations listen to God and work in harmony with his purpose, as well as the outcome when they go their own way. By means of this reliable historical record Jehovah acquaints us with his dealings with humankind and thus with his own marvelous personality. So yes it does apply to our lives

    in that it explains the meaning of world condition, it enables us to understand the purpose of the life we live. If you would look up 2 Ti 3:16-17 the scriptures will tell you exactly what else the Bible is for.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    2 tim 3:16 says that the bible is inspired of god beneficial for reproving teaching and setting things straight. Yes the bible is a book written by 40 different men but inspired of God outlining Gods purpose for the earth. Starting in Genesis where Adam and Eve sinned against God and in effect saying that we can rule ourselves. Since man has distanced themselves from God earthly conditions continue to worsen. However Scriptures like Daniel 2:44 and Rev 21:3,4 assure us that soon God will give us what adam and Eve lost.

    Source(s): Bible
  • Suzy
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    The Bible is the Word of God. It tells mankind how Jehovah God wants us to live our lives. He created man so He and only He has the right to tell us how to live. The books of the Bible were penned by different men over a few thousand years. They were in a way, secretaries to God who inspired these men to write the things of Heaven and earth that no man could possibly know at that time. For instance in the Bible the shape of the earth is called a sphere, that shape is round and only God would have known it back then. Also, the prophecy's in it have come true, only 2 are left and they are the Great Tribulation and Armageddon. The coming of Jesus Christ was foretold hundreds of years before he was born.

    It still applies to us today as Jehovah God will put an end to the wicked and Paradise will finely be for mankind.

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  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Bible is from "Byblos" meaning "collection of books" or a library. What is now referred to in particular as "the Bible" is a collection of 66 specific books and letters. Written under "divine inspiration" by some 40 human writers used as secretaries would be today by one Author, Jehovah God by name. (Ps. 83:18)

    "16 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

    It serves 3 purposes:

    1. For God to let humans know about himself and his purposes.

    2 To serve as a history of all Creation, especially regarding Earth.

    3. To serve as an Operating Manual for Humans: Care and Operations.

  • 10 years ago

    The Bible is the only inspired Book written by men who were inspired to write by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a member of the Trinity and also from the invisible Kingdom of Christ. Christ's eternal Kingdom is in the east and up in Heaven. The Bible teaches the rule of opposition which means there is an opposing Kingdom down on earth that opposes the invisible and eternal Kingdom of Christ and the earthly Kingdom is ruled and under the authority of Lucifer or the Devil and His Kingdom is down in the west and directly in front of our Democrat wing. NO house of worship will ever teach this but there has always been a road that comes down from Heaven and it is the same road that leads east and back up to Heaven and in the United States that road that leads east and up is our Republican wing. Unfortunately most Americans are so brained washed they see only HATED and cheap Conservatives, and Christians, and Republicans. These same Americans will then have to explain the rule of opposition because all Democrats have turned their backs to the invisible Kingdom of Christ and that includes the Christians in that wing. They all hate Republicans and are on the road down to Lucifer's Kingdom and no Christian church will or has ever taught this but it is clearly taught IN THE BIBLE! The rule of opposition tells us it is either day or night and not both together. It is life or death or one or the other. You are from the kingdom of Christ and down here to shed light or you are from Lucifer's Kingdom and naturally live down here in darkness. It is one or the other and not both. Born again Christians are down here and from the Kingdom of Christ. Yet they live naturally down in Lucifer's Kingdom again and the question has to be asked why do they not ay they are from the Kingdom of Christ? It is one kingdom or the other and not both. Christians in the Republican wing are the only Christian that are actually on the road that leads east and up to the Kingdom.

  • It's a book. It contains inspired words of God. It tells a love story of God for His creation; how He died so that it might live. If we read it and understand it we will return the same love our Creator has for us. This will in turn give eternal life and we will live with our beloved for ever and ever in blissful happiness. It is a true story. It is a story for all.

    (The bible is not the Word of God. Jesus is the Word of God.)

  • Queen
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    It's not all capital letters.

    It's a Bible.

    A Bible is the Christians Holy Book it consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament.

    The Old Testament contains the Torah with a number of other books. The Torah according to Jews was sent down to Moses (pbuh) on Mount Sinai by God.

    The New Testament was written by men a couple hundred years after the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and according to Christians was through 'divine inspiration'.

  • 10 years ago

    Inspired written translation of the Word of God. It is informative and interesting and true. the kIng James version is the only one that is the inspired bible. the others are interpretations by man of the King James version.

  • 10 years ago

    It is a collection of books written over thousands of years, by many authors in many countries.

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