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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 10 years ago

Spiritually Speaking, if R&S is a community, and we have community moderation?

Shouldn't we be able to recognize the will of the community?

I've been visiting the Suggestion Board to see if there's anything we can do about the recent wave of mass reporting we've been suffering. I've noticed a lot of R&S people asking about the mass reporting and the abuse by reporters that goes on in here, and I keep seeing the Suggestion Board people mocking R&S and saying that it's our fault for posting questions that violate the Community Guidelines against chat or "misuse," and that we should just get over it because that's how community moderation works.

As I read comment after comment that said "the majority of the questions and answers in R&S violate the Community Guidelines against chat, etc." from the reporter-supporters on the Suggestion Board, it occurred to me to wonder - if most of the questions asked in R&S are considered violations of the rules against chat, doesn't that indicate that the majority of the R&S community considers those rules against chat to be silly or unnecessary?

Isn't community moderation supposed to express the will of the community? If the community moderates the section, and the community doesn't have a problem with the questions that could be considered chat, then shouldn't the community be able to say "that's not a rule we think is valid"? Shouldn't we at least be able to have some kind of a say in how we're "moderated" if we're supposed to be "moderating" ourselves?

Thank you for your responses!!


I must say that darling Tofudebeast is totally correct about the Suggestion Board, darlings. Make your voices heard on the SB

At present, reporters are heavily over-represented on the Suggestion Board and seem to think themselves empowered to answer for Yahoo, so they've turned the SB into something more like the place they go to complain that it's hard out there for a pi...monke...I mean, reporter, and a way to mock users who disagree with them, rather than a way for real Y!A users to interact with Yahoo! staff members and offer suggestions for improvement.

Every suggestion that I've ever seen that would limit or reform the reporting function is greeted with howls of outrage, mockery of the suggester, and denial of any problems.

Speak up, darlings! You can even post as "A Yahoo Contributor" so that the more well-known and vindictive reporters can't hunt you down for saying something negative about them or reporting.

Update 2:

@Suiker Sugar, since the mass reporting seems to originate with a small number of users and their sock puppet accounts, pumpkin, it's not exactly the voice of the community, so your point is not valid.

Update 3:

@Awww kookookachoo, darling, you made me blush! Thank you so much!! (((kookookachoo)))

Update 4:

@Suiker - actually, cupcake, if you had read my entire question, you'd have seen that the people who frequent the SB are themselves reporters who mock and belittle anyone who advocates changing the reporting feature, so what they have to say about what motivates people to report is of little value, since it's entirely self-justifying.

The fact that probably thousands of questions and answers have been posted in numerous categories, and particularly this one, complaining about the frantic reporting that has been going on, and the vague and imprecise "guidelines" behind which the simians hide, indicates that this kind of activity is NOT the will of the community. One person imposing their view of the section on hundreds of other people is not the same thing as a community consensus, no matter how you try to spin it...

So your additional point is not valid, either. Sorry, sunshine. But thanks for playing.

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As you know I am #1 in religion & spirituality section (India). For the last two years I have been harassed, stalked, abused and insulted. I was cloned 25 times and only thrice, YA suspended the clones.

    There is a group here who are either professional hackers or insiders from YA who are specifically targetting hindus. Almost all prominent users in this section got mass deletions. Many profiles suspended, all within a week.

    If you visit this section there are trolls openly abusing mothers and sisters of users with filthy words, and no report could delete their questions. If someone tried to argue with them they face immediate suspension.

    One example read Pieceful Aryan's answer in my Q;_ylt=Ao...

    Such filthy answers are not removed and one who tried to tell them not to abuse, was immediately deleted.

    This group of trolls can see into anybody's profile, see his questions and contacts and then they proudly announce how many profiles they got suspended.

    Very abusive and filthy questions against hinduism are never deleted and anyone asking them to stop is immediately deleted.

    Such actions can not be done without active support from YA insiders. I will dare say Yahoo Answer is not doing sufficient security to their servers, allowing people to hack into other's profiles


    their own staff members are themselves trolling and removing those whom they dont like, or some staff member is helping them, giving them info about profiles.

    Hindus are peaceful people and we are simply discussing our religion,without troubling others, but we are not allowed to participate !

    Yahoo Answers team is responsible for this plight of our small group.

    Linga's answer here;_ylt=Ao...;_ylt=Am...;_ylt=Aj...;_ylt=Aj...;_ylt=At...;_ylt=Ag...;_ylt=Am...;_ylt=At...

    If such situation continues on YA, many prominent users including me would be forced to leave YA. Who wants to get abused in filthy language and who wants to be a target of insane group of haters.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Exactly. It's like Block Watch people coming outside and tattling on anyone who would dare play outside on their block. The TOS are intentionally vague so that the Yahoo! employees can use discretion and remove questions that may obey the letter of the TOS but not the intent. Frankly, anything is a violation if you squint and tilt your head a little. If most of us want to be able to ask questions, but only a few want to be vigilante tattletales and the tattletales are winning, then it's not community moderation. It's bullying.

    Yahoo! has never been opposed to bullying. I've often asked for help with bullying, and I've seen my friends ask for help as well. I've even seen my own friends bully others, unfortunately. No matter what happens, Yahoo! accepts (and therefore condones) the bullying.

    EDIT: The reporting problem is NOT just an R&S phenomenon. It's across the board. R&S is probably the busiest category, so it's felt harder here, but the reporters are everywhere. They are concentrated in busy categories. One can still post silly questions in low-use categories, but there are more violations everywhere. I've been violated all over the place.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I don't have the energy to look through all of their answers, but I think you're on to something. Out of the ten people on the leaderboard, Fireball and Rene are the only ones I've seen answer regularly. I think that's rather curious considering all the time I've spent on here. And I don't really see Rene anymore. I actually assumed that most of the leaderboard peoe either quit yahoo answers or have been banned (that's happened to some, right?) Still, they are only 10 people out of the community. I've never cared about the leader board and I don't think most others care. Edit: Don H answered a question of mine for the first time yesterday. He was the only answerer. I deleted the question.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I have had answers deleted that in no way could they be considered offensive. For instance, a girl asked for help in understanding the Bible. I answered that I would be happy to help. I stated no opinions or anything else. Yet a week later I was advised that the answer had violated the community guidelines and had been deleted. ????? If answering a question honestly and sincerely is offensive, then what's the point of YA? I also wonder about the smart aleck answers that seemingly have no problems with the report Gestapo.

    I won't even begin to talk about the large number of answers that I have had deleted because they evidently rubbed a moderator the wrong way.

    You'll also notice that you don't see me around here much anymore.

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  • 10 years ago

    I know a lot of people have left Q & A due to what your saying. They don't seem to care new accounts come in to take their place. What we need to do is find alternate sites and work with the ones that work with those using them. I found these best question and answer sites

    also this one


    The problem is the majority of Q & A could be regarded as against the rules. Perhaps we should all turn in to report monkeys and report 10 to 1. I asked this before;_ylt=ApcHM...

    as I thought this section and and politics had a lot of reporting going on. I found out we are not alone.


  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    They only care about selling ads. And they seem to be operating under the delusion that getting rid of anything less than 100% serious will somehow make this a legitimate Q&A forum. More likely to attract better sponsors.

    Sad thing is, everyone knows that you'll find better information on or even just typing a question into google's search engine.

    If you want proof that they just don't care about anything but the bottom line look at "site statistics" in this link:!_Answers

    They claim 15 million unique users daily, while other compilers put it at 4 million. Any company willing to perpetrate that level of fraud (to charge more for ads) won't give a crap about our opinions.

    Love ya (((JA)))! See you (as myself) in a few weeks.

  • 10 years ago

    I think that most of the reporters don't really have a valid reason to report the post, so they label it as chat. I've never been to this Suggestion Board, but the very fact that it is capitalized makes me tremble. Oh dear, chat! Well, chat or not, you are one of the best contributors to this board and let no one tell you different!

    Auntie Kookoo

    Edit: I shall go the the SB immediately! My voice WILL be heard!

  • Agree, I have long felt that opinion heavy pages such as >R&S and >Politics should have more leeway on chat/rant rules than sections where the questions tend to be of a more empirical nature.

    Were it not for the benign flauting of the TOS there would be nobody worthwhile logging onto this board to answer real questions when they are asked.

  • 10 years ago

    I have used the suggestion box many times. In fact I had organized all my contacts, and theirs, to keep sending suggestions to make the ability to report a level three or higher privilege. And after several days of this nothing changed at all.

  • 10 years ago

    You are correct. The current rules benefit a small number of reporters, and not the large number of the community who are adversely affected. It's like the state police in a dictatorship justifying censorship as "that's how the rules work here", irrespective of what the people actually want. The rules do not serve the mainstream of the people.

    While I'm still keen to see that this place works better, I think we must be realistic enough to cast our eye out for a <shudder> potential Plan B, somewhere where the subject can be discussed without such reporting abuse.

    Yahoo deserve credit for setting up what was a wonderful site, but now they're running it so badly that people are leaving.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    That there is so much vindictive and childish reporting says a lot about religion in America in general.

    If they got rid of the report button all hell WOULD break loose. It just shows you how frail the pro-religious arguments are, and dare I say they have revealed a cowardice on here that says more about their arguments than you could ever learn in a church. But like America itself, it tends to be dominated by theocracy and censorship, two of the biggest hallmarks of all religions.

    If there is a bright side to this, it is that more people are discovering what actually comes with the religious arguments. And how is it that most "Top Contributors" are ideological fundamentalists?

    Source(s): -atheist ex xian
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