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Has climate change become a new religion?

It fits many of the criteria of religion:-

It is founded largely on belief rather than evidence, Much of the science is dodgy to say the least.

The doom and gloom prophets are out in force ( our cities will be flooded, our prairies will be deserts, all the polar bears will die and our children will starve)

Some people are using it to establish power bases.

It has millions of gullible supporters swallowing every bit of crap published.

Whole governments are panicking, telling us not to drive our cars so much, not to use so much energy, and of course using it as an excuse for more and more "green" taxes.

I'm not saying climate change isn't happening, simply that nobody really knows how it will change or how much is down to human activity. Unlike the existence of God, there is actual evidence for climate change, but its a process which had been happening for millions of years and will go on happening long after the human race is dust. As much of it is founded on myth, rumour and blatant lies in my view it strongly resembles a religion, who agrees and disagrees?


Wow, I certainly seem to have opened a can of worms here, so to respond to certain criticisms, having worked a lifetime in science I certainly can understand the arguments for it as well as against it, and I certainly am not brainwashed by any right wing press, I have a mind of my own. I do, however, have a healthy cynicism and if the evidence is so overwhelming that we are destroying the climate then how come China and India are not taking steps to help? How come America didn't sign up to Kyoto?

As for it being disastrous to life on the planet, the average global temperature was once much higher than today, there were no polar ice caps and the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere was 10 times the present, and the planet teemed with life because this was the time of the dinosaurs.

Personally, I don't think we can stop climate change, I don't think we should even try, I think we should do what humans are best at doing, and simply adapt to it instead of running around like C

20 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    its funny you brought it up because I am currently reading a science book (key word: science) on the subject of climate change and whether or not it is real. It is discussing how climate change is not as concrete as we think. It is written by an atmospheric physicist who was chief of research with CSIRO, and CEO of the Antarctic Cooperative Research Centre.

    He even states, and I quote, "Created the worlds greatest example of a 'religion' for the politically correct."

    I haven't even read page one yet, but I guess I will soon find out the fallacies of Global warming.

    The book is, The Climate Caper: Facts and Fallacies of Global Warming.

  • 10 years ago

    This is what happens when you get your "facts" from Right-wing radio and TV. (Here's a clue: When they can't find some crackpot they can pay to support their view, they'll just make stuff up.)

    95% of scientists consider global warming to be real. The ice caps and glaciers are melting at faster rates than at any time in history. The levels of carbon dioxide in the air are climactically destabilizing according to every statistical model. The oceans are warmer, affecting oxygen levels and marine life, as well as sinking considerably more energy into every hurricane and typhoon that comes along.

    "Power bases"? Exactly what kind of power would scientists gain by lying about the climate? Is it not more likely that pastors and preachers fear losing their flocks in the face of scientifically predicted changes? Or that industrialists fear making less profit having to conform with pollution regulations? There have actually been government functionaries placed in important environmental offices who believe that it doesn't matter what we do to our environment because "God will take care of us".

    Which is the more prudent move? To loudly proclaim that global warming is not our problem and continue as we have on a planet that has twice the population it had when only a handful of scientists had a clue? Or to take steps now not to make things worse on the chance that the scientists know what they're talking about?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Yes, climate change has been happening for millions of years, and it will go on for a long time.

    However, there is also plain and clear evidence that climate change, resulting from the activities of modern humans, with populations and technologies never before unleashed, has been happening very, very rapidly--and in directions that appear to be very bad for us in a relatively short time.

    Most of the people operating on belief rather than evidence, and most of the people building power bases, appear to be the ones arguing, as you do, that human-caused climate change is not extensive, drastic, or a substantial threat to us. They are the ones feeding crap to gullible supporters.

    Claiming it resembles a religion is, of course, just another stratagem for feeding crap to people.

  • Serif
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    It is pretty clear human activity is having marked detrimental effect on the world and its climate.

    In 1650 there were approximately 600 million people in the world. Today we are in the 7 billion plus bracket of population.

    All these people require food production, shelter, warmth etc. This means the worlds resources are being mined and logged leaving vast waste lands. To produce the food we eat, massive amounts of chemical are poured onto the land and drain into our water systems and oceans.

    The argument that we are not causing damage is ludicrous.

    Find out about the story of crude and its billions of years of formation. Then check back to the 2-3 hundred years of the industrial revolution and we are repeating the billions of years in a matter of a few.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Let's see...

    there is not a single proper climatologist who denies climate change. The only people who deny it are people who are not trained climate scientists. Why should we listen to people who are not experts on this?

    If it was only the hysteric media that would push climate change, you'd have a point. But the fact that all the relevant experts agree on this should tell you that the science is NOT dodgy.

    The effects of climate change are real and observable and the amount of human contribution to it is unprecedented in the history of the earth. Yes, the climate of the earth has changed multiple times. And guess what? It was never a good thing for the current species that lived at that time...

    It is NOT founded in myth, rumor and blatant lies. Please provide peer-reviewed studies that don't come from conservative think tanks to undermine your claims.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I thought this sort of lunacy was limited to the United States. Honestly, the entire world understands that humans are causing climate change. I hope you choose to look into unbiased sources in the future. It sounds like you've been swallowing conspiracy theory.

  • 10 years ago

    Some anti-climate change groups have claimed so. Just like anti-evolution groups have claimed that Evolution is a new religion.

    Either support the issue with real science or attack the issue with real science. But name calling will never help the issue.

    With love in Christ.

  • 10 years ago

    The science is NOT dodgy. The information published is NOT crap. Why do you think, as we write, the first of many typhoons is going to smash the Eastern seaboard of your country?

  • 10 years ago

    Star for you.

    Agree. Didn't the Vikings establish settlements in Greenland less than 1,000 years ago? Just one of many, many points..

  • Sandi
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    So, we should just keep treating this earth like a trash can. Regardless of climate change, we should be doing everything we can to live in a cleaner place, I don't get it? why wouldn't you want to live a cleaner world? poople are stoopid

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