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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 10 years ago

Is the GOP actually the 666 'mark of the devil'?

If you look at the letters G O P - - - with a bit of editing - they easily become 6 6 6 ----

Perhaps this is why their Ideology is reeks of Moral Vacancy?

So tell me - is the GOP the 'BEAST'?

Are 'christian' Conservatives rushing head-long to their moral damnation by following the precepts of an Ideology that worships the wealthy - and works to kick sick people off health care?

What say you?

6 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I flung out of chapel and church

    Temple and hall an meeting-room

    Venus' Bower and Osiris' Tomb,

    and left the devil in the lurch,

    While God got lost in the crowd of gods,

    And soul went down in the turbid tide

    Of the metaphysical Lotus-eyed,

    And I was -- anyhow, what's the odds?


    Yet by-and-by I hope to weave

    A song of Anti-Christmas Eve

    And First- and Second-Beast-er Day.

    There's one who loves me dearly (vrai!)

    Who yet believes me sprung from Tophet,

    Either the Beast or the False Prophet;

    And by all sorts of monkey tricks

    Adds up my name to Six Six Six.

    Retire, good Gallup! In such strife her

    Superior skill makes you a cipher!

    Ho! I adopt the number. Look

    At the quaint wrapper of this book!

    I will deserve it if I can: It is the number of a Man.

    -Aleister Crowley

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    yes ... America would be better off w/ a right wing party minus the excessive corruption

    It's a fore gone conclusion the economy will decline when a rep is President.

    Reagan = high unemployment

    Bush Sr. = recession

    Bush Jr. = super recession

    GWB unified the religious right, masked his incompetence by hiding behind the veil of God and the supreme court put him into office. He started 3 wars and signed every spending bill to cross his desk. We've been going downhill ever since ... debt crisis anyone?

  • KevinM
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    That sounds like exactly what they used to do in the Spanish Inquisition! They found a way to make the number "666" out of anyone's name - and then they tortured and killed them.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I assume that you are making fun of the methods of certain right-wing pundits, and not actually seriously proposing this.

    BTW, the actual number of the beast is 616.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    when you say, "with a bit of editing" dont you mean "with a buttload of editing" where do you even get this from. you realize you just made a liberal stand up for the GOP. you just pulled off the impossible by being a total retard

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    no, the mark will be after liberals collapse the economy. a card will be offered like a debit card. then they will say the cards are being stolen and the microchip inside can be implanted in your hand. it also holds medical information, mandatory under obamacare.

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