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Do you believe in American exceptionalism?

Its hard to believe America is a moral compass for the world when they,

1. Started a Genocide against the Native Americans

2. Had Slavery long after Europe

3. Didn't give women or blacks the right to vote

4. Sent the Japanese to Internment camps.

5. Fought in many useless wars like Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan

Not to say other countries don't have dirt too, but can we claim to be exceptional with a track record like this?


@ gone fishing. I live in America. Sorry, to offend you, but I genuinely want to know what your stance on American Exceptionalism is. I put this in the politics section because many of America's politics are based on this ideal. Also, I'm not bashing America i'm just questioning if it is really exceptional.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. Not any other country either.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago


    1. For every act against the NA's, there were Americans who fought to stop it. Recall that there wasn't streaming news at the time and many Americans didn't even know it was occurring. It is also more complex than they're telling kids in school.

    2. Slavery was an abomination and the Republicans were started in opposition to it.

    3. Women and blacks getting the right to vote was non-partisan. You'll find Republicans at every level of that effort.

    4. FDR sent the Japanese to internment camps. Again, many Americans were unaware at the time.

    5. A Dem took us into Vietnam, a Republican got us out. Iraq was by bi-partisan agreement, but try getting Kerry or Hillary to admit that one now. Afghanistan had Republican detractors from the get-to. Obama escalated it and we've had record casualties since.

    So, is this really a Politics question or just a general slam against America? Where do you live and can we now dissect everything bad about your nation? And say nothing good? America has been a force in the entire world for freedom and prosperity and if it were not so, why in the heck are so many still coming?

    Source(s): I am not offended. Why does a straight answer around here make people assume emotional attachment to the answer? I'm just sharing some perspective. I love this land and think it needs to find its backbone again, but I'm not throwing in the towel!
  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    1. Started a Genocide against the Native Americans

    2. Had Slavery long after Europe

    3. Didn't give women or blacks the right to vote

    4. Sent the Japanese to Internment camps.

    5. Fought in many useless wars like Vietnam Iraq Afghanistan

    5 examples. Most other country's offenses number in the millions.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The United States did not commit genocide against the American Indians. That word is loaded and overstates our admittedly disgraceful interaction with the tribes. They were rounded up and confined to reservations which was bad enough.

    A huge war was fought to end slavery. We should be ashamed of that?

    Blacks had the right to vote as soon as they were free (long before women). Jim Crow laws were passed to discourage this right, but declared unconstitutional. We addressed that problem. Again, we need to be ashamed we fixed the wrong? Women in America got the right to vote about the time women in other Western countries were getting the same right. There are countries where both slavery exist and women do NOT have the right to vote. Wouldn't it be more appropriate for you to be criticizing them?

    Again, imprisoning Japanese Americans during WW II had been declared unconstitutional and they have been compensated for this wrong. It isn't something we are going to do again. Get over it.

    The wars against the Communists in Northeast, and then Southeast Asia were NOT useless. Neither are the current confrontations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Frankly, no. What is a country anyway? Let's think about this. It's a political arrangement created by people. It can also be an idea, a set of cultural values made to establish national pride, unity, and identity. But in the end, it's about people. People are a constant, their countries are often temporary.

  • 10 years ago

    this is about the time the EU sloths rise from their caves is it not?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It's not where we have been, but where we are going.

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