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Indians - What is the meaning of the word/phrase "Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Apni maa chudwa?

One Harinder was selected for the Best Answer "Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Apni maa chudwa

* 1 week ago

What is the meaning of this Answer. The one who explains would get $10.00 offered by Prof. M. Varma and those who give the name, address and whereabouts of the said Harinder, would be paid $100.00 by me - Prof. M. Varma. Yahoo Answers would compensate this amount directly failing which I would personally do. For more information,


2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    thats too illegal...who answered it? and chose it as the best answer huh? whose that dumbo????? and how dare is he? ma chudwa means **** ur mother....wat idioitic is dat? is it a answer....tell that idioit to just **** off

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well... It means... F.u.c.k or

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