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? asked in PetsDogs · 10 years ago

porcupine quills in my dogs face?

my dog got in a battle with a porcupine and lost.. hes a german shephard lab cross, hes whining alot and pacing around the house, hes also licking his paws alot..

it was late last night and i brought him to the vet, but now what?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do what the vet told you to do. Apply an anti-bacterial cream to the wounds for some relief, and keep your dog away from porcupines!

    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Did the vet get all the quills? There should have been some kind of medication to bring home, or one that you could obtain, for the pain.

    I'd call the vet and check - I had two dogs battle and lose with a porcupine and neither one acted like this afterwards.

  • 10 years ago

    Is he as bad as this?

    The quills have a hook on the end & in pulling them out, it tears flesh. It is easier to push the quill through the skin & remove the barb & then pull it out.

    Here is a bunch of sites on removing the quills.

    After the Vet removes all the quills he will give you instructions on how to care for the dog once you get it home. Follow the instructions & watch for infection. He should be on antibiotics to prevent infection but sometimes you get infection even if the dog is on antibiotics.

    I used to live in an old Ghost Town & there were a bunch of porcupines around there. We had dogs up there too & every time we spotted a porcupine we killed it & hung it in a tree fork up & out of reach of the dogs. A Vet was miles & miles & miles away.

    Good luck, poor puppy. Lets hope he learned his lesson. Many don't & get a face full of quills again.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Now the vet will have sedated your dog and started removing the quills. I watched a program last night where a dog had over 1000 quills in it's mouth. The local vet and his assistant went out to the home and after sedating the dog (the pain is horrific) it took them 4 hours.

    The next day he was transported to his regular vet which removed over 500 more from his body. Then prescribed rest, pain meds and antibiotics.

    The quills are poisonous and can kill a dog.

    TAKE him BACK to the VET. He either has more or pain medication is not working.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Uhm, death! My canines transforming into up have been given right into a porcupine. My mom drove 40 5 minutes to the vet. end procrastinating and get that unfavourable canines to the vet. Lakota Dream - then for sure you have by no skill had a severe case. the 1st time my canines met a porcupine, each and all of the quills got here out. the 2nd time, the two that have been given into them weren't so fortunate. The anestesia very nearly killed my rottie/husky mixture (she ran off, she broke her leash, which replaced into something she had by no skill executed, replaced into even pull on the leash, purely after and replaced into killed by utilising a undergo capture) and the quills very nearly blinded my different canines, a duck toller/hound mixture.

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