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Lv 5

God & cancer, TB, AIDS, etc...?

why does God want so many people to die?

Is modern medicine, which fights these illnesses, an affront to God?

Are the people who work tirelessly to keep others alive, going to Hell themselves?

If you had one of these illnesses, would you refuse treatment, and just accept that you are going to die?

18 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pandemics are Nature's way of saying "there are too many sodding humans!".

    If we work on the premise of intelligent design, then God said "go forth and multiply" while at the same time having designed a fail-safe to overpopulation.

    Modern medicine is not an affront to God up to a certain point. It's when the Medical field tries to bring about Immortality that I start getting worried. Consider: if we physically live forever, then we cannot procreate. Simple matter of arithmetic.

    People who give their lives to help other people will not go to Hell.

    If I contract such a disease, I'll accept treatment, but only insofar as it is useful to remain alive. We all die at some point or another. I'd rather not prolong the agony of Chemotherapy more than is absolutely necessary, or spend the rest of my life taking pills. As for AIDS...well there's a losing battle anyway. I'll live as carefully as possible, if I should ever contract AIDS, but the outcome there is pretty much inevitable.

  • 10 years ago

    2 Peter 3:9 - he is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL would come to repentance. It's your choice to go to either heaven or hell, don't blame God. He's given you a choice, not told you that you ARE going to hell. Jesus said "except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3) He didn't say "there is no hope for any of you, you are all going to die".

    No medicine is not affront to God, he created much of what we use in medicines. When we glorify the doctor and/or the medicine above God, then he might be affronted(Romans 1:25).

    All unrepentant sinners are going to hell, regardless of how much they "helped" others. Spiritual sickness and death should an individual's primary concern. None of us is "good" enough (Romans 3:23), so one's perceived "goodness" is a moot point.

    I can only speak as a christian and hypothetically because I have yet to be critically ill, but I think that would refuse any major form of treatment, because if it's my time to die God knows and I will die regardless of any treatment. If I live, and have treatment, the glory goes to the doctor or the treatment, but if I live without having treatment, than the glory goes to God, and is less likely (though unavoidably) to be sloughed off as coincidence or "luck".

    Source(s): KJV
  • 10 years ago

    I don't believe in God. Sure, you can use him to keep you strong, but don't RELY on him.

    He isn't making these things happen. Sickness and illness are just facts of life. If some of us didn't die early the world would be even more overpopulated.

    Plus ... years ago when the majority of people relied only on faith to cure illness, life expectancy was so much lower! Now that we have medicine, people last a lot longer.

    So whos controlling it? God or science?

    Sorry, I just finished reading Angels and Demons this morning.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

    2 Peter 3:9

    God doesn't want anyone to die. We do it to ourselves by what we have done to the world and ourselves with pollution.

    Why would modern medicine be an affront to God? Jesus healed people when he walked the Earth. People in the medical profession are blessed with compassion, the intelligence to use it and the fortitude to carry on.

    I did have cancer and an exceptional surgeon saved my life when other doctors had determined to let me die. May God bless him and his family richly for it.

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  • 10 years ago

    God tests people. Many people when get illnesses say "Why me? I have always been so good. I don't believe in God anymore!" or something a like. if such testing makes you instantly an atheist then you never believed in, worshipped and loved God. Suffering here on Earth is 1000000000000 times better than suffering in hell. If you have anything, you just have to have even stronger believe, pray to God and thank him for everything. Many people choose to become atheists as God tests people who love him the most. But as I have already said - suffering on Earth is just a test, which, if you pass, will take you to the best place ever. Nothing can be worse than suffering in hell.

    There is never "dying" - you either go to a better place, or to hell. Depending on what have you done in this life.

    Btw - about AIDS, it usually comes through sexual intercourse which, unless married, is a sin. Sins get punished

    EDIT: Also, devil tries to turn us bad. Devil does everything to get us on his side. It is up to us to stand to it and say no. God loves us, but how can He know if we love HIm unless he will give us a harsh test? Like that girl before me said about her and her grnadma and other people praying for her grandfather... She lost faith after that.. Guess what that means? She didnt pass the test and she had the right test for her.. God knew that her belief isnt strong enough and tested her where it hurts her the most

  • Herve
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    You're sort of touching upon what Epicurus said.

    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

    Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

    Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

    It's a question that few theists take seriously, and just offer up non-sequitirs such as 'well, we sinned and were kicked out of Eden, so it's our Evil, not God's' (which is the stock response from them here - how predictable)

    But that just confirms the second line - is he able, but not willing? No matter whose evil it is, He can prevent it, but chooses not to, therefore He is malevolent.

  • 10 years ago

    I'm Atheist myself, and this is one of the many reasons I don't believe in God.

    If God was so mighty, why would he create fatal illnesses for people who literally can not overcome them? It's not a test of strength if he supposedly has it in his books for them to die.

    I thought I had cancer and in the time period, I was just going to accept that I was going to die, but that's for different reasons than religion.

    They say if multiple people pray for the same thing, within seven days, it will come true. Well.. my grandma, my aunt and I all prayed that my grandpa would survive cancer. After seven days, he died the next day. So what am I believing in??

    Source(s): Myself.
  • 10 years ago

    During the Black Death outbreak of 1340 - 1350 monks traveled from town to town whipping themselves to persuade their god to avert the plague.

    They were a major help in spreading the disease.

    These days we have Witnesses campaigning against blood transfusions and Creationists trying to cretinise all our future immunologists and virus researchers.

    The choice is simple. If you want to protect the deadly diseases, choose God.

  • papaw
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    These are not God-induced diseases, they are the results of the sin-curse passed to mankind by Adam and his disobedience to God.

    Any person, man, woman, boy or girl (of accountability age), rick poor black white educated illiterate...any walk of life... that has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior in a born-again experience will go to hell unless they repent.

    I trust God for my healing. God has marvelously empowered man and science to find medicines and cures for many diseases, and He still personally heals, so I would accept any course of treatment God makes available to me, up to and including divine intervention.


  • 10 years ago

    Sorry honey I guess you didn't hear. Everyone dies. No one gets out of here alive.

    How you leave is very much up to you. Did you know that some 80% of cancers are caused by things we eat or put in our body? Many diseases are the same, diabetes, heart disease. And many others are caused by stress.

    None of this is God's fault, it is man!

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