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socrates asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Is President Obama a Socialist? Is the Democratic Party a Socialist Party?

I see this allot on Y/A and I just don't get it.

According to the online dictionary, socialism is "a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole."

I don't remember President Obama or any of the Democrats advocating that.

The richest 1% in the U.S. control 25% of the wealth. The richest 400 people have more wealth than the poorer 50% or 150 million people who, btw, have about 2.5% of the wealth.

Tax cuts for the rich have been held firmly in place and more are coming.

Environmental regulations on air quality are being rolled back for the convenience and profit of giant corporations.

A large majority of the People are being buried under debt, spending cuts and austerity measures imposed by the same big banks that crashed the economy from late '07 to early '09.

Unemployment is officially about 9% and unofficially anywhere between16% and 22%.

Imho, if President Obama and/or the Democratic Party are Socialist they're not very good at it.

Do you think some people might be confusing the word Socialist with the word sociopath?

There is a difference.

13 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    where did you find the 1% holds 25% statistic? The stats I've looked at say that the top 2% holds 80% of the wealth.

    I think the reason most people don't like socialism is because they don't know what it is or they think they know, but they have the wrong definition. Also, lots of government propaganda helps too, as do parents who hold the same views. It's amazing how brainwashed people are into thinking that socialism is communism which is the devil.

    Source(s): hail satan.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Tea Party is characterized by gross ignorance. They do not know what a socialist is, nor do they understand the political platforms of the Democratic Party or Barack Obama. For that matter, I doubt very much that they understand the platforms of the Republican Party or the Tea Party, judging from the moronic statements that have come from Tea Party candidates. Likewise, they seem to have little understanding of the economy, fiscal policy, monetary policy, defense, diplomacy and a host of other issues. I wouldn't give too much attention to the Tea Party.

  • If Obama was around to sign NAFTA and CAFTA and was at the forefront of businesses leaving the country then I'd say their might be some merit to the Democratic party trying to make the US a socialist country.

    If anything, its corporations leaving the country and putting everyone out of work along with the dirty dealings of companies in Wall Street that has made this country what it is today.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Why does it matter? America has had democrat presidents before and none of them have really really changed anything.

    While I am not a marxist, I do believe that capitalism has a tendency for unstable growth and huge income disparity. I also know that people aren't so loving of the system as you think. Once things get real bad, Americans vote "socialist" all the time. Think of the great depression.

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  • 10 years ago

    You forgot an important fact. Since the 21st. century began the US has spent about 50% of its federal spending on social and welfare programs. Now, what was it you said the democrats suck at?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago


    Mostly. There are about a couple dozen real Democrats left...but the party is about 90% socialists on the national level.

    Try comparing JFK to any of today's so-called Democrats, and you will find that JFK seems like a right-wing extremist compared to them. That right there tells you that the Democrat party has gone so far to the left, they have gone off the cliff.

  • 10 years ago

    The Democrats have not succeeded in creating a Socialist country but they are sure trying.

    It cannot be done all at once and is being attempted a little at a time but thankfully they have opposition to their Socialist goals.

  • Grrrl
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    No. The Democratic Party is not socialist. Obama is not a socialist. Anyone who actually believes that needs their head examined, especially the republicans on this site, the ones who are so convinced that he is socialist. They don't even know what a socialist is.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Socialist doesn't mean anything anymore. It gets thrown around so much that it's lost any meaning it had.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No, it's a way to re-assure their supporters and people on the fence that the others are wrong and that they shouldn't vote them. YAY GO AMURICA

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