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Is this a legal punishment for a 3rd grader?

My 3rd grader was made to run for 15 min after lunch and during the lunch recess. I was never contacted by school like it is written must be done in the school handbook. It was for him getting a strike...a strike is given for talking out of turn. He was given the usual punishment for the strike and a day later was told he also had to run now. The teachers are doing this to all student who get strikes. They sent home a paper three days after they started doing this to inform the says the child has to walk/jog..I knew this was a lie so I went and video taped the whole thing. Everytime a child would stop running due to exhaustion they would yell at them to run. How can this be legal. The day my child ran it was 95 degrees!!!! If I did that my cps would take him. Before you judge my child. In four weeks of school he has gotten ONE strike...thats all!! He has 12 A's 6B's and 1 C...he doesnt deserve to be treated like a criminal, this is not boot camp!!


We have gone to school, school board and now we have an money asked for she is a people advocate attorney. For you who said teach my child the 4 weeks my child talked out of turn ONCE...he's pretty darn close to perfect in that area. You do have mean and cruel people that find pleasure in this...Bullying Teachers" It is endangerment according to the doctor! I wanted to know if it was legal but we have finally got a call from an attorney that will take the case!! School board and teachers have ALL the rights and abuse our children because they know they are protected!

7 Answers

  • RE
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    File a complaint with the principal, the school district and the school board. Talk to other parents of punished/unpunished children and get together on this. Bring up the issue at the next PTA meeting. Whether or not it's technically legal may not matter if parents raise a big enough stink. If you don't get a satisfactory response from the school officials, call in the media. The pressure of public opinion can be powerful.

    Source(s): Teacher who knows how the system works
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    American regulation is poorly written while it includes crimes of the extra youthful. the two boys who have been to blame for the Jonesboro Arkansas college shotting which lilled 8 or 10 human beings have been purely held till their 18th birthdays, because of way the regulations have been on the time. Kill 8 human beings, visit juvenile hall for 5 years. seems truthful, does not it? considered one of them grow to be purely arrested lower back for a parole violation of a few style. yet i think of the two considered one of them would have been locked up for existence and society does not have lost something. I doubt the two one might have long gone directly to treatment maximum cancers, or write the excellent American Novel. those third graders will go directly to thrilling careers as criminals i'm advantageous. regardless of each and every little thing, they only found available are not any effects in existence.

  • 10 years ago

    i don't believe this is an ETHICAL punishment for a 3rd grader especially for a child "speaking out of turn." 3rd graders talk, its a fact of life! Nobody should be judging you child because kids talk at that age! school should still be fun because we all know once you get older it needs to be taken serious. i would definitely contact the principal and if he\she doesn't seem concerned, contact the school board and keep moving up the chain of authority! no child should feel almost scared in school!

    Good Luck! I have a brother who is about the same age and is a "social" child so i'm feeling for you! that's nothing your child should be ashamed of :)

  • Zach
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Of course it's legal. Running for 15 minutes in 95 degree heat is not going to kill or hurt your son. If you think cps would do anything if you did that, you're severely severely mistaken. That doesn't get anywhere close to child abuse.

    If you don't like it, you should first teach your children how to follow the rules. Next, talk to the principal and school board.

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  • 10 years ago

    That is basically child abuse.You can't physically punish a child like that.That is wrong for them to do.I mean really?Your gonna make a kid run just for talking out of turn?I can see maybe doing a little bit of writing or something like that.

  • 10 years ago

    Well... maybe they'll listen now, lol.

    Oh stop being so politically correct, I mean, hell they use to physically hit children back in the old days and everyone accepted it.

  • 10 years ago

    as you described it, it sounds like you have reason to be concerned

    Source(s): rational teacher
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