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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Why was President Obama the first president that White Conservatives got mad at for speaking to schoolchildren?

Every President throughout history has spoken to schoolchildren, yet when Obama decided to, there was outrage, anger, and accusatory language that he wanted to "indoctrinate" our kids.

Some Conservatives even made their children stay home. Some schools in Conservative areas made students have to have a permission slip signed by their parents to view his speech.

Yet, his message turned out to be no different than any other president's - "work hard, do well in school, help out by volunteering in your community, listen to your parents, and listen to your teachers."

Why was Obama the first president that outrage was directed at for such a normal, standard proceeding by a president?


smsmith: That "Obama song" that the teacher had her students sing, has nothing to do with my question.

That song choice was also the teacher's independent decision - it did not come from the administration. In Germany, the "songs" did come on the orders of the government.

You Cons are so fearful and naive, it's sad.

Update 2:

Brett Favre: Then provide an example that this has "happened before" to another President, you racist.

Update 3:

Brett Favre: You're a racist, because whenever Conservatives call someone racist when that person has said nothing racist, they are usually projecting their own racism on to others. Kind of like when you Conservatives call Obama racist - you are racist against him.

I never once said I didn't like white people. I made a factual statement that white Conservatives didn't want their children to listen to the President's speech to school children. Are you saying that never happened?

You racist.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    George Bush can send out anti-drug PSAs to schoolchildren in the '80s, because he's white.

    And I wonder if the parents had any objection when W. visited their children's classroom to read a book on 9/11.

    The Conservatives don't really care to understand that the children were singing a song for the President in celebration of Black History Month, nor do they really give a crap if the children were televised on Fox News without blurring their faces for privacy or asking the parents of the children if the network had the permission to put videos of them on national television.

  • 10 years ago

    Speaking to the children wasn't the problem, the fact that the teachers organized a study program based on the speech and had a song praising him were. When I heard that hymn one teacher had her children singing I was reminded of a similar song sung by young german children in the 30s. I would have felt the same no matter who was president and you should have too.

    If that had been a Republican president that got that treatment, what would you have thought?

    The fact that it was being done at all raises concerns. And the fact that you chose to ignore it shows you are not facing the situation. Any school system that sets up a program of study based on a presidents speech and praises the man is engaged not in education, but in indoctrination. You of all people should know what that means.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    So what are you saying? Parents don't have the authority to keep their Children home because of this? Or needed permission slips. That should be required. It's their children, and it's their decision. And why do you think this hasn't happeded before? You're stupid if you think this. Of coarse parents have kept their children home if there was someone speaking who they didn't want their children to listen to Also why are you so racist? Bringing up race? Do you have a problem with white people or something? I can't stand racists... that includes you.

    EDIT: Name one thing I said racist. Now. Yours was very clear. And you're just naive if you think that no one would keep their child from seeing Bush. But you know the media wouldn't be all over it, because you know the media is Liberal.

    Also, I don't appreciate you insulting white people.

  • Dick
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    It fit the scenario they were desperately trying to construct that Obama wasn't an American, that he was a socialists, that he was trying to indoctrinate children, etc. It's a shame what the right has tried in order to smear this president. Conservatives have set a new low in treatment of this particular president. I certainly hope they remember that when/if they ever get a republican back in the White House.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Something about some of the lesson plans sent to the younger grades to go along with that speech had a question along the lines of "Write a few sentences about how you plan to help the President", and it's a bit upsetting that our children were being graded on their willingness to help a political figure.

    Source(s): Memory. Once that question was dropped from the lesson plans, I no longer had an issue with the speech.
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It is the right wing establishment fight back. Their plan is to scare white people about the bogey man who will do bad things to them and their children. They started by calling him a terrorist, then moved on to the birth certificate thing. They know that if they keep the message simple and keep on pushing it, the latent racism will rise. Lots of white people are scared of black people. And that is what they are counting on.

  • Inbreeding

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The answer is in your question in bold.

    America is still socially backwards and racist.

    And of course someone will thumbs down because america is socially progressive and has not the slightest issue with race.

    Source(s): They need to catch up with Canada and Europe
  • BruceN
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Was he? If so, I'd say it was just a part of their overall campaign to denigrate the President.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Cause he is black and they expected his speech to be something about Communism,

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