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How do YOU receive communication from God?

I'm seeking other people's personal experiences... how YOU go about knowing God. Can you describe the inner process for me, and try and get it to make sense for me.

I have my own way of hearing him, but I'm wondering if there are other ways I haven't thought of.


But God speaks, or else who can you know that the holy book is true, and not just words of men? God must tell you it is true, somehow, or else you can't know that the book is holy. Therefore, He speaks.... but how do we know it is Him?

Update 2:

Opps, I made a typing mistake: I meant to say "...HOW can you know the holy book is true" (not "who).

11 Answers

  • rac
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Prayer is the key. We must first desire to know, then ponder the message in our hearts and in our minds and then ask God, in the name of Christ, with real intent, in faith and humility, if it is true. You will then feel peace in your heart and mind letting you know that it is true. That is the Holy Ghost bringing comfort to you as Christ promised. That inner feeling of peace about the matter making you feel good about it is how you know it is of God and it is good.

    On the other hand, if you ask for something that is wrong, you will feel confusion, a sense of discomfort about the matter. That is the Holy Ghost telling you that it is wrong. If you feel ill at ease, that is a sign that you need to rethink the matter and ask again.

    Go to Doctrine and Covenants, Section 6, 8 and 9. They outline how to feel an answer from the Holy Ghost.

    I have tested this recipe for truth many times and have found it to be reliable and accurate.

    My answers are not foregone conclusions, self fulfilling prophesies. I have received negative answers and then turned them around and received positive responses that were contrary to what I had imagined the response to be.

    Source(s): my LDS experience
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Hi, Nice to see you back on YA. We should all raise from animal level life and try

    to seek our Lord through our efforts. Here is my personal experience of listening

    to God.

    Firstly it is all a favor from God and an act of Kindness. I did not earn it but it was

    bestowed upon me from Above. Rarely say once in a quarter God Almighty looks

    at me and I start to melt feeling His presence. If I have been negligent or have

    committed sins, I feel a melancholy, an utter sadness. But if I had been reasonable,

    I feel happy and content. Allah's messages are through mulhim, an angel who

    inserts His message in my brain. There is no voice or style, only a thought but

    it is clearly distinguished from my own thoughts. At times, Allah talks to me thru


    One day I was depressed as I had learned plan of a super power to disintegrate

    my country. I even could not go to nearby masjid for prayers. Then I rose and

    reached a far away masjid. And the prayer leader recited the verse: " They

    want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths but Allah will complete

    His light, though the non-believers are disgusted ! "

    I felt a contentment, an ulimited happiness in my mind.

    Muhammad Javed Iqbal

  • 10 years ago

    When I was little my life was hard. But sometimes when I prayed because I was afraid I was comforted by His presence, it felt like He was holding me in His hands or cradling me in His arms. Then when I started doing something I knew I shouldn't I was very aware of the presence of God in a different way, it made my heart race and I felt like throwing up because I was so aware of how good He is to how bad I was being. Then in 2nd grade I made a commitment to Jesus and started really trying to speak and be spoken to by Him. Mostly I have just known that still small presence in my spirit and heart that gives me the strength to do the right thing. But several times I have been given answers in my dreams when I have been praying and seeking, and verses that I'd memorized from the Bible or spiritual songs have suddenly shot into my mind. Other times I have thought God clearly is urging me to do certain things, make particular choices. The thing is that it is difficult sometimes to discern between His still small voice in my heart and other sources, so any kind of communication that I think I'm getting I know must be checked against the Living Word in the Bible. It is obvious when it is a prick of the conscience that I'm not doing the right thing, sometimes I still feel like throwing up when I realize how wrong I am or have been, but when it comes to any other kind of communication one must always look askance. Because we know that Lucifer means "light bearer" and that Satan can disguise himself to look like an angel (after all he is one, just a fallen one) so we must always be on guard against being deceived by him and his followers. In addition we have to watch out for our deceitful hearts, "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked" so we can never take for granted that any "communication" we receive in our hearts or spirits is from a heavenly source, but must always check and double-check it against the Word. Sometimes God speaks through me rather than to me, and that is pretty awesome, when I'm full of the Spirit and able to speak His Word in a powerful way to another one of His children. But again, I have to be careful that I don't mistake my own words for His. (Self-righteously quoting the Word as though I'm above someone else is not from God, but reaching out to someone with the right scripture at the right time in love can be amazing.) Finally though, when I am engaged in worship, true heartfelt worship of my Creator, I feel a bond with Him and the power of His presence in a mighty way. The Holy Spirit moves in me when I am singing and I gladly welcome the light and love that I feel pouring through me at those times, because I can be confident that Satan is not behind it, for I am worshiping the great and awesome I AM THAT I AM in Spirit and in truth. John 4:23-24

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i think God communicates with us each and all of the time and we are able to comunicate with Him if we are born back believers as for you doing somthing in lack of understanding nicely god is known with the intentions of your coronary heart in case you confess it as sin he will forgive you. i dont think of God might permit you recognize you're stupid by using fact He in straightforward terms needs to construct you up no longer placed you down so i might say something destructive like that isn't from him in case you pay attention to Him closley you will possibly probbably right here Him say which you're fearfuly and wonderfuly made and that He has a definite plan on your existence and that His love for you is unconditional and you will come to Him at any time and he will encorage you by no ability placed you down.

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  • 10 years ago

    Your heart always know what's right and wrong. Using your common sense rather than listen to others. There' asking and you'll receive and this is true. Believe. meditate, pray, ask, be better for other than you are for yourself, love other, disregard others faults, be yourself.

    Thanks and good luck.

  • 10 years ago

    GOD doesn't speak to any body that's why he gave us the holly book !!

    HOW can you know the holy book is true?

    well if the book contains errors then it is not true because GOD knows every thing and GOD makes no mistakes ..

  • 10 years ago

    Thru other people,thru the bible,thru a song,thru a situation,thru the Eucharist. There are many ways that God speaks to me.

    Catholic Christian †

  • Queen
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Voycess en moi edd.

  • Quinn
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    The voices in my head tell me to do things

  • mas1az
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    God communicates to those who are tuned to him. There are many avenues he takes, but few people open themselves up to him. When my heavenly Father comes upon me or verifies a thought that comes to me telling me it's true, it humbles me to my knees as tear of joy overwhelm me for in all these cases, I feel very very unworthy of such truths. Truths that cause one to leave the churches of man and follow the Father as Jesus did. When one gets a spirit that jumps with joy and sings and does all kind of joyous emotions, that is not the Father, but worldly spirits that try to mimic the Father's spirit. Jesus said, that the meek shall inherit the earth. Meek don't always jump with joy. The fruit that is bitter to the stomach, yet sweet to the taste, is truth. My Father is pure truth. Truths that are not tied to this world. Opposite of what men teach who are of this world. Humility is hard to swallow when a truth not in line with worldly teachings come upon many of us. Until mankind learns that this world is controlled, ruled by Satan, and they realize who they pray to, many will never hear their Father speaking to them, unless it's tied to this world where pleasure, and carnal experiences define who one follows. Example: this is a true spiritual experience that upon it happening and much praying I learned that blessing one with oil before giving a blessing does absolutely nothing. My step-mother who was 83 years of age, had a heart-attack and a stroke that left her immobile in the hospital. Before I took her off the breathing machine for her to either die, or breath on her, for that is what she wanted, I had set up with a partner from the church I was in at the time, to giver her a blessing before I had the machine turned off. I arrived two hours earlier and began reading scripture from the Bible and the Book of Mormon. I randomly opened them up and scripture popped up before me to read. I also spoke from my heart to her and told her how much I loved her and not to worry about how she raised me, for she did exactly as God wanted her to. I told her many things, and can't remember them all, but by the time my partner showed up I had said a lot to her. Well, my partner consecrated her with oil and put his hands upon her forehead and I put mine on his to give my step-mother a blessing. Not one word could I speak. Not one word came ot my mind. For two to three minutes it was silent as night. I pulled my hands off and we reversed it, by me consecrating her again with oil and my partner giving the blessing this time. I listen intently as he blessed her. Tears came to my eyes, and truth of why I couldn't speak a word come to me from my Father. I couldn't speak a word because before my partner arrived so we could give the blessing, I had already gave it ot her and didn't even know it. I cried and told my partner why I couldn't speak a word. He said nothing but did leave. We don't need the vain rituals of men to bless a loved one. We do it with truth from within that comes from our heart and the words placed their by God. This is only one of many spiritual experiences that have led me away from the Church's of man, for God is within his people. People who seek truth beyond the teachings of men. God bless.

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