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Do you think the world will end on 2012?

Now i ve seen alot of video about a planet called niburu and another comets and stuff are going to hit earth or cause massive earthquakes , floods and more ...

i know it sound crazy and hard to imagine .. and everyone ll tell me that only god knows when its gonna end ... but there are alot of symbols say that we are passing through a weird and critical phase ... there is even a monument in usa with something like the 10 commandments .. graved on it that there should be 1 government 1 language ... and population must be less than 500 million !!

and this monument is not the only example ...

since day 1 in 2011 , we did not had a single moment of peace ... earthquakes in japan .. hurricanes in america .. threats of economic collapse ... governments fall apart ..

what do you think ?


@ Rebel : i wont be afraid too .. actually i wish it happen ... i know it wont be for the humanity because i think it wont be natural disasters as they say ... i think it will be man made natural disasters .. i just wanted to know what people think ... and know .. because maybe the next few days or month or year could be our last so we should be living them wisely

@mostafa .. i think so too

@ EP : d7na hntnfkh nafkh .. yala yaksh tewla3 kolha :D

@ Hazem : i am afraid to tell you that i think it was all a masonic plan ... i know you hate me for thinking that i am racist or religion hater .. if i told you why i think its a masonic plan .. you will hate me even more :D

Update 2:

ok ,

ok .. enta tb3an 3aref en mo3zam el a7das el ra2isya ele 7slt fe 7yatna knet bshakl aw b2akahar modbara .. wa7da mnhom maslan el sawra el frensya .. mn mkaseb el sawra deh knet e3lan wasiket 72o2 el ensan ... we deh soret awl e3lan le 72o2 el ensan ( ) .... ele 3yz awd7o hna en el eslob ele kn mstkhdam sa3tha hwa nfs el eslob ele byostkhdm dlw2ty ... 7ads kber zahyran hwa lel kheir .. lkn el 7a2i2i eno bykon le hadf tani

tani hga .. leh hma msh farek m3ahom mobarak wla mwdo3 el tawris .. l2n kol wa7ed fe makano leh dor .. wel lma ykhlaso lazm yslam lel b3do ... mobarak msk el balad fe wa2t knet kawia b3d intsar october .. wel nas 7set be emtha ... el sadat kn khatar 3la khtethom .. fa eghtalo we edo mobark el solta mokabel eno yshlohom kol msla7hom fel balad ... msalhom knet 3obara 3n ed3af el balad fe kol etgah ... mohmto eno kn ykhli el sha3b ga3an we mareed we fa2er we gahel we feh tanakodat kter ....


Update 3:

we b3d kda ta7wel el solta mn 3askaria le denia ... l2n ashl hga t2dr t7kom beha nas gahla we fa2ira hwa el deen ... fnfs el wa2t tol el snen el fatet deh kno bykraho el 3alam fel islam wel moslmeen .. 3shn el moslimen kman ykraho el ghrb ... lma el el 2 ykraho b3d .. dh hykhli el sho3ob el gharbia twafi2 3la ay 7arb fe balad eslamia we le atfah sabab .. 7ta lw kn hga mlhash wogod aslan .. zy bin laden .. bin laden dh kn zy 7osan torwada kda ... momsel mwgod 3shn khater ykn3 el ghrb en el moslmen erhbyeen .. we mn b3d 11 9 .. ra7o bano kwa3d lehom feh afghnstan we pakistan we kol el dwal el 7wlihom b7get enhom by7mo amnhom el kawmi we mohmthom hya bin laden we bs .... we b3d kda el 3ra2 ... we tb3an mfish 7d by2olhom l2 3la ay hga l2nhom moktn3en en 7komthom bdwar 3la amnhom we by7arbo a3da2hom ...

fnfs el wa2t brdo hma 3yznha el sheiokh el motatrfa tmsk 7okm el balad ... l2n dol hma ele hy2dro ygro el sha3b we hwa mghamad 3eno lel 7arb ... we mknsh ynf3 ykhlo mobarak y2of dedhom .

Update 4:

l2n m7dsh hyktn3 we mmkn nas kter ta3trd ... lkn lma sheikh y2ol 7y 3la el gehad .. kolo hy2ol ameen ... el kalam dh m7slsh abl kda ymkn l2n isreal knet da3ifa .. we mknosh wslo lel mostwa el hma feh mn na7yet geshhom we tasli7o ...

dh ele kn matlob mn el sawra .. zy el sawra el frensya blzabt .. btn2l el nas mn 7ala le 7ala .. wel etnen zeft

fnfs el wa2t brdo .. america btmwl el so3dia fe mokabel el petrol we enhom ykhlihom fe korsi el 7okm .. mokbel en el so3dia tmawel el gama3t el motatrfa fel bedlad el 3rabaia ... mn na7ia tania america knet btmwl el noshta2 ele zy wael ghoneim we ghero 3shn ysoro 3la el 7okm .. we kn bydo el sha3b seka fe nfso wa7da wa7da lghyet lma nasek kolna enna hnla2i b3d .. zy mbtdo kda be wa2fat e7tgagaya baseta 3la el kornish we b3d kda sena sena b2et tzid we b3d kda mozhra we b3d kda 25 yanayer ...

tunis sawrtha amet 3shn tnga3 sawret masr

libya sawrtha amet 3shn td3f el dawla we akbar dalil 3la kda .. tkhayal awl hga 3mlha el magls el intkali

Update 5:

el gded eh ... ensha2 bank markzi gded ... fe kol el 7arab deh we ry7 y3ml bank markzi gded ... b3d kda 3rft en el bank el mrkazi el libi kn el wa7ed ele tabe3 lel dawla we mknsh bytb2 nzam el estdana zy ma fe mo3zam aw kol bonok el 3alam

el azma el ektsadia ele 7sla fe america dlw2ty hya bdayet e3lan isreal ka dawla 3ozma ... l2n m3 inhyar ektsad america bsbb fadhom lel ghta2 el nakdi ele floos ba2et mograd arkam 3la el shahat .. mfish dahab bydmnha ... we ht3gaz 3n enha tsd dyonha we bltali htnhar ektsden .. we wraha kol el dwal el 3ozma l2n el 3omla el rasmia fe kol tegarthom hwa el dollar ele s3ro hy2o3 we yb2a bela kema ... fe mokabel en isreal htkon m7afza 3la makhzona mn el dahb wel ta2sir 3leha hyb2a a2al mn ay dawla tania we htb2a hya america el gdeda ...

ana 7awlt awsl el fkra 3la ad m2dar .. el mwdo3 monzam aktar mn kda shwaia fe dmaghi bs msh ader awslo blzabt zy mashyfo ... fa yarab el kalam ykon wade7 ..

Update 6:

@ Hazem , ok .. no problem

19 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I feel like a big disaster will happen but it won't be the World's end.

  • 10 years ago

    No, just the end of these 2012 questions and the start of the next round of end of the world frauds.

    21 December 2012: The Boilerplate Answer

    We hear each day "two oh one two"

    The kids all ask if it is true.

    "Nibiru, the planet we must fear,

    Or planet X shall soon be here.

    The Mayan count runs to an end.

    I was told this by a friend.”

    Nibiru the hoax world of Sitchin

    Fit only for the garbage bin.

    Devoid of fact, reason or wit,

    Science laughs at all the talk of it.

    Of planet “X” Nan Lieder cries,

    And yet she won’t look at the skies,

    To come in fifteen months it’s true,

    The damn thing must be now in view!

    "Where is it?" Science asks with glee,

    "You said, ‘Beware two thousand three!’

    With Earth it didn’t make a tryst,

    We’re very sure it don’t exist!"

    Galactic lines are the next fright,

    And yet the angles are not right.

    “Six degrees off!” the scientists say,

    “It happens near each solstice day.”

    But it would no difference make,

    You can be sure the thing’s a fake.

    "Planets align!" or so some say

    "It will be on that very day."

    Yet naught of fact now can they quote,

    I’d like to take them by the throat

    And try to squeeze some truth right in,

    But murder now they say’s a sin.

    Failed prophets, fools, those full of fraud,

    Are people with whom we all are bored.

    Copyright (2008) to me and subject to revision.


  • kinzer
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    All those issues approximately 2012 is using the fact the Mayan calendar (extremely an overlapping gadget of three calendars) comprises an end at that element. on a similar time as the Maya have been very superior in many distinctive factors, i think of that in the event that they have been so adept at prediction they might in all threat have fared extra effective against the spanish.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago


    For the simple reason that such a generally spread belief is auto-suggestive.

    Just as the expression "between England and Germany it just has to come to a war" always brought WW1 a step closer.

    Take the situation in which all Arab countries would attack Israel...

    Religeous people will think "it was predicted"... and thus will do nothing to stop it, since they think it is in the hands of a god.

    Political people will think "we had it coming"... and thus will do not believe in their own strenght to stop it.

    Free thinking people will think "it is all because of those religions"... and thus will not believe they can do anything about it.

    The tiniest detail in this world is psychological and so is this situation.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 10 years ago

    2012,2012,2012......i'm sick of hearing fed up. listen i myself have optimistic thoughts about it.(im a little realistic though) you know once i've heard that 2012 is the year that the sun gives off a solar happens every 26 thousand years. you just can't imagine how powerful the next one would'll penetrate 1 mile into the one will survive,it'll kill any livin' organizm....but in my own point of view some people will move on and be transported to a different universe,and some will stay,mostly kind and innocent to have a fresh start,as THE BIBLE and HOLLY QURAN be frank, the world will not end in 2012 but will begin, our planet will countinue to sustain life for two more billion years.more untill the sun runs out of power.

    live your life today,if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow,you'll have no today to be thankful for.

    Have faith.

  • 10 years ago

    i think its a bunch of bullshit. and what are you talking about? we dealt with what you speak of all the time.

    besides that. if its going to happen what good would it be to think about it? no.. if it happens i'm going to get my chair and get some drinks and just enjoy my last moments. i'd most likely die by my families side. telling each other its alright. telling them i'll see them on the other side and telling each other one last time on earth how much we love each other. i won't be afraid.

    MEGAN... i'm a christian, its not very christian to laugh at those who do not believe. that's the reason why religion and our kind seem like a big bad joke because how a lot of christians say **** like that. stop hating on atheists. don't go starting whacking the bees nest. that isn't right.

    Source(s): christian. who defends others from other christians who seem harsh and acting all mean.
  • 10 years ago

    The WHOLE world will not end now but there is an expectation of a massive earthquake, the world will never end now but part of it might end who knows?

  • G. #2
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Nope, won't be before MINIMUM 30-40 years kaman.. according to stuff..

    Source(s): Allhu a3lam
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No only Allah knows and that's it end of story. A lot of the major signs haven't even happened yet. 2012 pisses me off..... Don't believe in this crap man.

  • Passio
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    No... I think God only knows when the world will end, as it is written in the Bible and Qor2an that God only knows.

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