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Is Obama's jobs bill just for unions?

It was just announced by the Labor Department that the "Davis Bacon" rules will apply to jobs created by Obama's jobs bill...these rules require companies receiving money from Obama's jobs bill WILL use unions or at least pay prevailing union wages to their employees. This will pretty much knock any small business' out of benefiting from this jobs bill. The same thing happened with the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill but few people knew this. Is this just another scam to pay unions back for their support?

In President Obama's joint session speech I heard he talk about small business be ing the backbone of this country so why will these jobs be going to big corporations?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When he says the bill will allow the hiring of more teachers and 1st responders it sure sounds like a union jobs bill to me. More money laundering from the taxpayers to democrat campaign funds via union dues.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The only thing good about that bill is it extends unemployment benefits. The temporary construction jobs were tried with the other 800 billion and only lined the pockets of the union masters. I hope the house stays strong and votes down this bullshit bill.

  • Wish he had gone with Bernie Sanders plan, it's much better.

    Sanders Statement on Obama Jobs Plan

    WASHINGTON, Sept. 8 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement tonight after President Barack Obama a package of tax cuts and new spending designed to jumpstart the economy and create jobs:

    “With real unemployment at 16 percent and 25 million Americans without a full-time job, it is imperative that Congress pass a strong jobs bill that puts our people back to work – and that we do it immediately. The president is right when he talks about rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, modernizing our schools, rehiring teachers and emergency responders who have been laid off, and making sure that veterans can find jobs when they return home from war. He is also right that the wealthiest people in this country and the largest corporations have got begin paying their fair share of taxes.

    “The question that I will be studying in the coming days is whether the president’s plan goes far enough to address the jobs crisis, and whether there is too much emphasis on tax breaks as opposed to direct investment. I also want to take a hard look at what the president means when he talks about “reforming” Medicare and Medicaid and what those “reforms” mean to senior citizens and working families.”

    As President Obama prepares for a Thursday address on jobs to a joint session of Congress, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday called for putting Americans back to work through a series of bold measures that include rebuilding the country's crumbling infrastructure. As part of a four-point plan to jumpstart the economy, Sanders also said the federal government should do more to help cash-strapped states and local governments that have been forced to furlough teachers, firefighters, police officers and other workers. He advocated transforming our energy system with job-creating investments in renewable and sustainable energy sources. And he called on Congress to reconsider so-called free-trade policies that have decimated manufacturing in the United States.

    "While everyone understands that we have got to reduce the deficit, the number one challenge America faces right now is a jobs crisis," Sanders said, noting that 25 million Americans, 16 percent of the workforce, are today either unemployed or underemployed. "Creating the millions of new jobs that we desperately need is not only vitally important to our economy but will be the means by which we reduce the deficit over the long term."

    The centerpiece of Sanders' plan for putting millions of Americans back to work is his call for infrastructure investment.

    "Everyone in Vermont and across the country understands that we can put millions of Americans back to work rebuilding the nation's bridges, roads, schools, dams, culverts, rail systems and public transportation, among other vital needs," Sanders said. "We also need to build new infrastructure: every community in the nation needs high speed Internet access, most need new water or sewage plants, and our antiquated electric grid needs to be redesigned and rebuilt."

    Other critical elements of a successful jobs plan would transform energy systems, reform trade policies and help states and local governments.

  • 10 years ago

    I want my bread and Roses Go Union

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Mis tips, it is going to help the two enormous and small organization besides. Small organization will benefit by using fact they are those that supply help and supply the bigger organization with many products that they desire

  • 10 years ago

    That's what it sounded like to me.

    The funny thing is this. If you break it down, they estimate it will create/save 1.9 million jobs (make it 2 mil. just to round it out), that is $225,000 per job saved/created. That seems like a bad investment to me. Spend $225,000 to save a $50,000 per year job (most of them union jobs...go figure).

  • 10 years ago

    Unions and Illegal immigrants and liberal politicians- and maybe some for his CAIR- Org buddies and Soros/ Anti-American orgs etc...

  • Sugar
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    No, It's for none union too.

  • 10 years ago

    And anyone SURPRISED at this? It's all about unions, nothing else!

  • 10 years ago

    na dude its for everyone bro

    like if ur lookin for a job it'll be there

    if it doesnt' get passed good luck bro have fun

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