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Lv 7
moose asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 10 years ago

When are we going to smarten up and bring our troops home?

I just got the sad news that another young Airman (EOD tech) that is a close family friend (my son served with him) just got hit with an IED. How many times do we keep sending the same men and women over there to fight this stupid war? And if we have to keep sending the same people over 3 or 4 or 5 times, why don't we get some of these punks and gang bangers off the street and draft their butts. Send them over there and give our troops a damn break!!!


Miama- I apologize if you took it as in insult .I know damn well what it takes to be an EOD tech as my own son was one and works for the Defense Department now in that field. I meant no disrespect and am offended that you would answer so. I am just beyond sick and tired of losing friends to this war. My husband is a disabled Viet NAm Vet (MArines) I know the sacrifices we military families make and live with every day. If my grief caused you to react so badly, that's on you.

Update 2:

PSC SMitty- You don't even know me. How do you get off telling me I am goofy. I have cried countless tears(I am A Woman, a mother, don't let the name Moose fool you) when my son was EOD, when my nephews were deployed and messed up. I know about peace keeping. I am frustrated and sad to see another young life messed up because of this war. MAybe I didn't say it the way you all would want to hear it, but I live the f-ing military life. I KNOW the pain and suffering that goes with it. I KNOW the military deploys all the time. But being close to so many EOD personnel I see a lot of damage. And I am worn out from it.

7 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, I understand your grief and this is not an attack on you, but please vent somewhere else or instead of venting, do something about it. By that I mean, every member of the military and their family should by now understand the sacrifice of being in the military....regardless of what they do. Yes some will die, that is just a fact. If not this war, some other war, but it WILL happen. As long as there are people that do not like us and we have a military, it will happen. GET OVER IT! It's what we do!

    Instead, how about voting for people, not because they have pretty sound bites, but because they actually have some sense of what they will be responsible for when elected. By that I mean, people who either have been or have family members who have served or are serving in the military. I don't mean serving in some cushy JAG office either. I mean people who have actually suffered. Maybe then, they would make better decisions about where and when to put our folks in harms way and support them better when they do.

    If you haven't noticed, the fewer people we have in Congress with a military background, the more conflicts we seem to become involved in and have a hard time getting out....all the way back 1950. Since people were so "tired" of war then they decided not to elect folks who had served because the thought then was that those folks were warmongers. In truth, those folks who served were the ones least likely to get us involved or upset sensitivities around the world (since they had been there) to cause someone to attack us in the first place.

    So, something you CAN do is pay attention to who runs for ANY office, but not to their their past deeds and see if you really want them representing you. To be honest, the President is only as important as a figurative representation of the country. The true power is in Congress. So, while the President may get the blame, it is Congress that approves any action...from budget and spending...which controls how long we are policy such as DADT. So next time you go to the polls, don't worry about who is the President. Worry about who controls the President. Think about it. Just how many of those jokers have actually visited the troops in the war zone?

    Source(s): Too many friends and friends of friends to list that have been killed....was fortunate enough to retire with all my parts and proud to help keep the death toll down
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well damn, it's not like Obama doesn't have a good reason to keep a few soldiers there, training the Afghan military. Maybe it would be a good a idea to get everyone home right now tonight but we aren't just going to leave them basically defenseless. "OK we are done here, have fun with the Taliban!" Would you do that? (Don't take that personally) This is just my theory but, Pretend we leave... Afghans have maybe some kind of military, untrained, under equipped... then the terrorists come back and take some more innocent lives. Even more efficiently since the security was horrible. 'Genocide in the middle east' "well at least we weren't the ones dying!" Kinda selfish? I'm probably overly harsh here but hey, I wrote what I wrote. Our opinions are our own.

  • 10 years ago

    I'm sorry but I have to go with Miama's reaction. You are a military mom, have a husband injured from a previous war, have friends of your child that have seen the horrors... Well guess what... My ex-husband is a Captain in the Coast Guard, he has earned a Bronze Star for his work in Iraq for a year, he has worked his way up from E-1 to O-6 in a long, illustrious, sometimes dangerous career in the military. Our son is now in the Coast Guard. He has been to 11 foreign countries and has repatriated hundreds of foreigners back to their home countries, stopped drug runners to the tune of 7.5 TONS of cocaine with the threat of those drug runners firing on him and his shipmates. He has earned a couple of accommodations already in his short career time.

    I had his best friend call me at 4 in the morning from Kandahar just because he wanted to say hi to us. Do you know how fast my heart sank hearing his voice at that hour of the morning? Same friend, we got a call he was at 29 Palms recovering from an IED explosion, he didn't want to talk about it, he just wanted to say he loved us. This is a 22 year old kid that has Purple Hearts already. The 3rd friend in their little Musketeer group is a Corpsman in the Navy on a hospital ship. While he probably won't get injured, I know the horrors he sees.

    How dare you say put gang bangers and punks in those jobs to possibly cause more loss of life because they are too stupid, too arrogant or have reckless disregard for their own lives, nevermind that of their fellow service members. I want the best, the brightest, the most well trained men and women in the military protecting me and each other. Not some jerk that will knock over a 7-11 for a few bucks or just shoot aimlessly into a crowd because someone is wearing the wrong color shirt.

    I have cried, too. Don't make mothers shed more tears because you want someone unworthy of being a military member to step up. That is a foolish statement.

    Source(s): MIlitary family for 26 years and damn proud of their service and would never compromise any of their safety.
  • 10 years ago

    It would be beyond foolish to think gangbangers and "punks" would be able to do something as honorable as serving our military. I understand you are grieving, but through your grief you are advocating bad policy.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You are goofy even during peace time, we have peacekeeping missions, the military deploys all the time dude!

  • 10 years ago

    Well, surely that's in the works (?) as Obama promised to

    withdraw the troops and bring them home (and that was

    2 1/2 years ago). Another promise broken?

  • 10 years ago

    When corrupt politics and the media stop ruling this blind country!

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