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Do catholics reject sola scriptura to follow spiritualism?

Do catholics reject sola scriptura to follow spiritualism?

would catholics totaly abandon a bible in favor a koran or a bavagita if a spirit named Mary said to do this?

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    catholics reject studying the bible only so they can accept the lies of Satan. All of their doctrines of mary are not in the Bible, this is why they reject sola scriptura.

  • 10 years ago

    No. Catholics reject sola scriptura for several reasons including:

    * It's unbiblical: The Bible never says to follow only the Bible. In fact the Bible tells us that to "stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter." (2 Thess. 2:15).

    * It's too subjective: There are differenting interpretations of Scriptures that cannot be resolved by just appearling to other interpretations of Scripture. The appeal isn't actually to Scripture, but to someone's personal interpretatino of Scripture.

    * It's not historical: The Bible as we know it didn't exist until hundreds of years after Christ. The Early Christians could not have been 'sola scriptura' Christians. The whole idea didn't come up until the Reformation.

    * It's not theologically sound: No where in the Bible does it list which texts were to be included in the Bible. The idea of 'sola scriptura' puts the whole canon of Scripture into question.

    * It's impractical: It doesn't work in real life because the person does not appeal to Scripture as their authority, but ultimately set up themselves and their own opinions of what scripture says as their authority.

    No, Catholics would never abandon the Bible in favor of another text. The Catholic Church complied the Bible. They preseved it and passed it on. They understand it is the inerrant Word of God. If a spirit named Mary told Catholics to abandon the bible we would know that spirit was not from God and so she would be rejected by the Catholic Church.

  • 10 years ago

    Sola scripturists are always saying, "Show me in the bible, show me in the bible." I have yet to see one show me where in the bible sola scriptura is. I've been reminded many time of the verse, All scripture is inspired and good for instruction ...." I think it's Paul that says this. What I say to this is "all" does not mean "only." Sola Scriptura is contra scriptural.

    What's Mary got to do with the issue of sola scriptura?

  • 10 years ago

    Catholics reject sola scriptura because it is a false doctrine.

    Mary would not say to abandon the Bible.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I am always amazed at that people think that we, catholics, reject/.../hate the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is very important to every Catholic and to the Catholic faith. All of our teachings are based and are in accordance with the Bible.

    I suggest you search a bit about how tough it actually is to the Church to accept an appearance of Blessed Virgin Mary. Not every one who claims to have seen Blessed Virgin Mary, tells the truth and thus the message and the point of the appearance has to be verified through the Bible. So, no. If a person claims Blessed Virgin Mary to have delivered a message that is against the fundamentalists of the Bible and our Faith such as to "abandon" the Bible, wouldn't be accepted as a valid appearance nor as a valid message.

    Source(s): Catholic Christian
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    hahahahahahahaha. No. We reject sola scriptura to accept all the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles, for example the way the early Christians prayed. Especially the Eucharist.

    Mary was a human who had a very close personal relationship with Jesus. She was his mother. This in itself makes her special.

    We take to heart Jesus on the Cross presenting his disciple and Mary to each other when on the cross. We believe that this motherhood and sonship of Mary and John was symbolic of a motherhood of Mary and sonship of all disciples of Jesus until the last day.

  • 10 years ago

    No, No, NO! And Mary would never do that.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    hell yeah!

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